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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 209

Chapter 209 

Whitney took a deep breath, Felix, when is Yael getting out?” 

Felix pulled out a note, Contact the number here tonight, and you’ll find out where Yael is. Actually, Mr. Lippert has always been quite nice to her.” 

Whitney stiffened, the reality hitting her hard. He had only used her cousin as leverage, getting close to her on a couple of occasions

Now, he must feel as sick as someone who had swallowed a fly

With a mocking turn of her head, Whitney took one last look, her gaze freezing in place

In the upstairs master bedroom window, Elaine stood in a bathrobe, the collar hanging wide open, revealing several love bites, brazenly 

assaulting Whitney’s eyes

No matter how much she tried to hide it, those marks choked Whitney with a silent pain

Elaine couldn’t be more smug, her sneering smile as if to declare her 


Today, indeed, she had won

But Whitney was determined to expose the truths. She walked out with her fists clenched tightly


Tiana and Valerie had both come, shocked at her withered and swollen 


Without a word, Valerie immediately helped her into the car

As they drove down the mountain, the atmosphere in the car was heavy. Tiana kept glancing in the rearview mirror, her worried gaze 

repeatedly meeting Whitney’s

Whitney’s smile was uglier than tears as she spoke of the heaviest matters with an eerie calm, I left him, I know you both were worried about me. I had signed the divorce papers this time.” 

Valerie was slightly shocked, realizing in just a few days, Whitney had moved from stubbornly staying to helplessly leaving

One could only imagine what Ludwik had done to her

Leaving him is for the best. Look at you, tortured beyond recognition. If love is lost, let it go. You and your child’s safety are the priorities. Why staying there to be tormented by him and Elaine?Tiana was furious

Whitney touched her belly, remembering Bryce’s words about considering her child’s future

That’s why she had made this decision today

She forced a bitter smile, I know it’s time to let go. Today he was intimate with Elaine, that’s the bottom line of my tolerance. He will surely marry her, and I can’t leave my child without protection or let it fall into the hands of a stepmother like Elaine.” 

What? That scumbag couple!” 

Tiana clenched the steering wheel, glancing at her phone where the trending news had just updated, No wonder half an hour ago Ludwik falsified your divorce date, and Skyfaith Electronic Tech announced his engagement to Elaine with much fanfare. Did he push you to move up the divorce date so Elaine wouldn’t be slighted?” 

Yeah,” Whitney forced a smile

Damn, as soon as Skyfaith Electronic Tech’s announcement went out, Ludwik was off the hook! The comments below are bizarre, all the firepower is directed at you and Bryce. Now Skye Gem Ltd. and the Lutz Group are getting trashed! 



Chapter 209 

People are sympathizing with Ludwik, congratulating Elaine, but they’re calling you an adulteress and Bryce a homewrecker. I’d get it if they targeted Bryce, but you’re clearly the victim. Who leaked that video?” 

Whitney fell into thought, then her phone rang

It was Bryce, sounding anxious, You finally answered the phone, Whitney. Did you see that video? I’m sorry, did Ludwik misunderstand you? I can explain it to him.” 

Whitney’s brow furrowed, Mr. Lutz, you said you would destroy all the cameras that morning. How could such a video still be leaked?” 

I did destroy them.” 

Bryce sounded frustrated, “It might have been livesynced to someone else’s hands. I’ve checked, Elaine had sent someone to that hotel recently, trying to dig something up. Could it be her?” 

If Whitney had harbored any doubts against Bryce before, his tone now 

swept them away

As she had suspected, it was Elaine who had got the video and leaked it, with the clear aim of attacking her and driving her away

Besides, why would Bryce stage such a thing that also implicated the Lutz Group in a public relations fiasco

Whitney, such a video can seriously damage a woman’s reputation. I’m truly sorry. How can I make it up to you? I’m right outside Skye Gem Ltd. Your company is also in big trouble.” 

As he spoke, Nyx’s call came through

My manager called me, Mr. Lutz, I might need to go to the company right away.” 

I’ll wait for you. Whatever I can do for you, I won’t hesitate.” Bryce’s soothing voice cut off

Tiana and Valerie looked over



Preoccupied, Whitney immediately answered Nyx’s call

An anxious voice came through, Ms. Valentine, can you come to the company now? Your video is everywhere, and the company is being bombarded with calls from the media, just receiving insults. The shareholders are furious and want you to take actions.” 

I’ll be right there.Whitney’s face turned pale

Tiana hit the gas, speeding up

They soon arrived at the Skye Gem Ltd. building, driving into the underground garage. Whitney got out and saw Bryce waiting

She nodded slightly. Without further ado, she went straight to the CEO’s office

Inside the office, the PR department was overwhelmed with calls from 

the media

Several shareholders were staring at the nowgreen stocks. Seeing Whitney arrive, their anger was palpable, Ms. Valentine, this scandal is a fatal blow to Skye Gem Ltd. We were already suffering from economic sanctions, and now our employees are panicking. The internet is full of people criticizing you for indecency, and your image is directly affecting the the company. If you can’t save the company, we might as well sell off our shares right now!” 

Whitney’s brow was tightly knotted, Please calm down. There’s been a misunderstanding with that video. Mr. Lutz and I haven’t done anything, and Mr. Lutz is here too, we can explain everything openly.” 

Bryce walked in with a suave grace, Ms. Valentine is right.

The PR manager of Skye Gem Ltd. shook her head, Ms. Valentine, explaining to us isn’t going to cut it. The online crowd isn’t buying it. Right now, they’re rallying behind Ludwik and Elaine, and there’s a bunch of trolls fueling the fire!” 


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