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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 210

Chapter 210 

Whitney clenched her fists at the dire state of her company. Exhaustion etched across her face, but she still shook her head. Trends on social media are fleeting. They’ll die down soon. I’ll hold a press conference to clear the air then. I don’t agree with your approach.” 

The PR manager of Lutz Group glanced towards Bryce, whose gaze darkened, signaling the end of the discussion

The shareholders of Skye Gem were infuriated by Whitney’s stubbornness. What can you possibly clarify? The video is clear evidence! You’re refusing to take the high road, and you’ll run your grandfather’s legacy into the ground sooner or later. Don’t blame us for being heartless when that happens!” 

Please give me some time,Whitney pleaded, taking a deep breath. Skye Gem is a jewelry brand. While my image is important, it’s the products that are our real strength. I’m confident the company will 

bounce back.” 

Free from her entanglement with Ludwik, Whitney now had the time to 

focus on her own company’s issues

Back at her desk, she calmed herself and tweeted from the company 


[Half a month ago, Ms. Valentine received a call for help from her friend, Mr. Lutz, who was drugged. Her visit to the hotel was to administer acupuncture to Mr. Lutz, not to engage in any inappropriate behavior. Please don’t jump to conclusions just over a blurry video.

Almost instantly, Bryce retweeted the post, adding: [I was in a dire state and Ms. Valentine saved me with her timely acupuncture treatment. The fault is mine for harboring feelings for her, but she’s a kind and loyal woman who didn’t succumb to pressure even in a precarious situation. Please do not misjudge her!



The online community was taken aback, with comments flooding in

Among the criticisms, different voices emerged

Am I sensing a love story here?” 

Bryce has feelings for Whitney, calls her after taking his medicine, and tries to coerce her? Is that what I’m getting?” 

Doesn’t Whitney seem a bit innocent in all this?” 

In the office, Whitney rubbed her temples, puzzled by Bryce’s protective stance. Now the internet was ablaze with criticism of him and the Lutz 

Group only

She dialed his number. Mr. Lutz, this obfuscation isn’t good for your 

reputation or your company.” 

I care about you and only want to protect you. Don’t worry about my company, Whitney,” Bryce replied before promptly hanging up

Whitney sighed, feeling a mix of helplessness and warmth. Bryce really was a gentle soul

She was about to tackle the backlog of paperwork when Valerie and Tiana came over, urging her to take a break. Since you’ve issued the clarification, let’s see how it plays out. You’re still feverish, and Felix texted me that you’re injured. Come on, let’s get you to the hospital nearby.” 

Recalling her injury, Whitney’s cheeks burned, but then she thought of the man who caused it, and her empty ring finger chilled her to the 


Ludwik woke up at noon

He descended the stairs to the empty living room, devoid of the woman who had once fallen there. The polished floor reflected a distorted image of his face


Chapter 210 

Confusion flickered across his face

Felix approached cautiously, holding two divorce agreements and a simple yet exquisite engagement ring

Ms. Valentine has left. She returned the engagement ring you gave 


Ludwik stared at the ring in silence

Memories flashed through his mind he had presented it on New Year’s Eve in an attempt to mend their relationship

He had designed the ring himself

She had never removed it, even when he forced her to sign the divorce papers a week ago

But now, with all the ugliness exposed and her supposed infidelity with Bryce, she couldn’t pretend any longer and took it off

Ludwik chuckled mirthlessly, picking up the delicate ring, noting the faint bloodstain on the inside a result of removing it too forcefully

His eyes darkened, then quickly reverted to scorn. She couldn’t possibly care, he thought. she must have been eager to be free

Blood seeped from his palm as he clenched the diamond, the sharp edges cutting into his skin

He threw the ring into the fireplace and began to smash everything on the table, the noise startling the maids

But Ludwik’s face remained eerily calm

Felix stood by, waiting for Mr. Ludwik’s rage to subside

Finally, exhausted from the destruction, Ludwik sank into the sofa, massaging his temples. Bring me my phone. What’s the situation with Skyfaith?” 

Felix reported promptly, The stock has rebounded, and the public 




reaction is cautiously optimistic. Everyone’s looking forward to your engagement announcement with Elaine.” 

And?Ludwik’s lips curled in irony

Felix hesitated, aware of what Ludwik really wanted to ask but diverted to another topic. I’ve traced the video’s origin a careful release from an overseas domain.” 


Standing just outside the living room, Elaine smirked inwardly. She had hired a cautious overseas hacker

But the video itself wouldn’t have caused such a stir without someone 

pushing it. It seems to be linked to Bryce.” 

Ludwik’s sarcasm was palpable. Who else would want to blow this out of proportion but him?” 


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