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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 243

Chapter 243 

Whitney was only worried about one thing Sammy. She bent down, kissing her son with the utmost care, hoping not to reveal the secret that she was about to skip town. Her heart ached as she stood up, hastily packing her clothes

Sammy’s as sharp as a tack, too clever by half. I can’t take him back with me; he’ll be in your care for now, Yael.” 

You’re afraidthat man will find out and snatch him away, aren’t you?” 

Whitney remained silent; that was indeed her greatest fear

Yael sighed. Sammy was a chip off the old block, smart as his biological father

To Whitney, he was as sweet as apple pie, but turn your back, and he was sly as a fox, a real handful. I can’t promise I’ll be able to handle the little terror, but if anything comes up, I’ll give you a buzz.” 

Just keep an eye on his asthma. It generally doesn’t flare up, but be cautious all the same.” 

Yeah, your boyfriend booked your flight.” 

Whitney’s mouth twitched in annoyance, correcting her once more, Don’t call him that.” 

Sooner or later, it’ll be true. You need someone to rely on.Yael did not know what Whitney used to be like, but these past three years, she’d become too cold and heartless

Whitney, grabbed her suitcase, gave a casual wave, and thought to herself, Why would I need anyone to rely on? I won’t drag any good people down with me again.” 

Being heartless was her best weapon. Let the past drift away; let the villains seek their happiness? Sorry, but no. She was back

Two days later, at the airport, Whitney stepped out in high heels

The woman, hidden behind sunglasses, with her flawless skin and stunning figure, still caught the gaze of countless men

A mature and graceful figure immediately approached her. Whitney!” 

Bryce’s eyes held a concealed wonder; she was even more enchanting than she had been three years ago, her figure as youthful as a maiden’s

His gaze lingered on her legs beneath her trench coat, and a twinge of pain crossed his face

Are your legs okay? Aren’t you wearing too little?he asked, a note of longing in his voice

Whitney embraced him casually, nonchalantly replying, It’s nothing.” 

Let’s get in the car.” 



Chapter 243 

She smoothed her skirt and sat down quietly, an air of detached indifference surrounding her

Only Bryce could see through the glossy surface to the weariness hidden beneath

He changed the subject. Whitney, I’ve looked into the matter you asked about. Natalie is still alive.” 

Whitney pressed her lips. Natalie had been in a vegetative state for three years. She had told Taryn that after three years, she would change the medication. That was one of the reasons for her return

Also, I’m on the lookout for that child psychologist from Emperor City you wanted to find for Sammy. His condition isn’t serious, is it?” 

Whitney gave a wry smile. It was not exactly serious, but Sammy had some issues with his personality dissociative identity disorder. When it struck, his personality would change completely

Doctors abroad suggested it might be related to genetics and a lack of fatherly love. Warmhearted normally, cold and detached when the disorder hit. His personality was unstable

The little guy never asked about his father, and she lied, telling him the man was dead long ago. Deep down, though, she knew Sammy held onto some wild fantasies; he was always full of ideas

She sighed softly. It’s fine, Bryce. There’s no rush on this.” 

So, what brings you back this time?” 

Orion roped me into a challenging case. He said it could be the breakthrough I needed to save my uncle. I’m going to test the waters first. You know I can’t refuse him.” 

Bryce, of course, knew why she could not refuse Orion

But at the mention of Orion, he glanced at the rearview mirror, his brows furrowing as he said

Orion’s a tricky one,ney. I know you have a lot on your plate, but I don’t want you getting 

entangled with him. If it’s revenge you’re after, you can count on me. I’ll help you.” 

Whitney met his gaze and said nothing, only reaching down to pull out a box of pills. These will keep your father Hunter’s heart condition stable. Keep giving them to him.” 

Bryce stiffened slightly. She was reminding him that she still felt guilty for their engagement party three years ago

Whitneymy father’s heart attack was an accident, and we owe it to your medicine that he’s still stable.” 

It’s the least I can do.Whitney leaned back into her seat

Bryce wanted to say more, but the car radio suddenly switched to breaking news. Skyfaith Electronic Tech’s Mr. Lippert has spent a whopping 800 million dollars on a villa for his 

Chapter 243 

fiancée, Elaine Bartels. It’s taken three years to complete, and Mr. Lippert’s affection for Elaine is the talk of Banyan City. It seems their big day is just around the corner” 

Bryce quickly changed the station, then hesitated before saying, It’s true. They’ve set a date for the wedding. It’s said to be even grander than the engagement party.” 

Is that so? Good for them.Whitney’s voice was calm, her body showing no sign of agitation

Her heart had died the night she threw herself into the sea, filled now only with hatred. Perhaps that was not such a bad shell to inhabit

She smirked. Quite surprising, dragging it on until now.” 

Bryce quickly added, They’ve been living together anyway, and rumor has it they’ve got a kid. Someone spotted them going to register the birth. Ludwik’s been off the rails these last few years; no one’s seen the child nor dared to ask. Who knows if it’s true.” 

Whitney gazed out the window, her gaze momentarily faltering

All the effort to keep Sammy away, and then they had another? Laughable

The hatred simmered, lurking in the depths

Bryce, I’m a bit tired. Wake me when we get to the apartment,she said, closing her eyes lazily. Bryce could not help but notice the abrupt end to the conversation. She seemed not to care, as if she were above it all

Was she really

She had changed a lot. Her beautiful, hopeful eyes had once been cute and soft; now, they were bewitching and detached as if she were heartless

Was this change for better or worse

Bryce pursed his lips, certain of one thing: her cold yet alluring demeanor only deepened his fascination

The apartment was the same one Whitney had bought three years ago, though Bryce had made some changes


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