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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 332

Whitney's face went ashen with worry as she came out, "Tiana, if we can't find Jaxon, not only will we not be able to save your uncle, but you might also get dragged into this mess!

You're suing the Bartels Medical Center, and it's clearly a fight to the death between you two. If you can't expose the Bartels, and they win the lawsuit, they'll definitely pin you down with a defamation charge and quickly have you thrown in jail!

Damn it, this Jaxon, you saved him, and he's playing you dirty!"

"Tiana, haven't you received any blackmail from Jaxon?" Bryce suddenly asked.

Whitney shook her head, "Not yet. He's playing mind games, trying to find my Achilles' heel."

"Besides, even if he blackmails me for millions, after I pay up, he's not going to show up to testify for me. It's very likely that on the day of the trial, he'll threaten the Bartels again. Eventually, he'll just take the money and disappear."

"What a jerk."

When dealing with sneaky people, you've got to grab them by the throat.

Jaxon's Achilles' heel: His parents were already sent abroad, Whitney couldn't find them in time, a distant water can't save a nearby fire.

What else could be his weakness?

Whitney thought all night, her throat dry, when suddenly a thought crossed her mind in her semi-conscious state.

She remembered something she had overlooked!

"Tiana, can you help me," Whitney got up to call Tiana, "The day Jaxon was brought back from the brink of death, he was dreaming and kept calling out 'daughter'... At the time, I didn't pay much attention, just found it odd that a young, unmarried man would have a daughter.

Now I think, he might have had a daughter with some woman out of wedlock. If his daughter is in Banyan City, living under a pseudonym, Jaxon would definitely not disturb the child in a crisis. He would stay far away, but if I could find this daughter, I could force him to show up!"

This was indeed a ray of light in the darkness.

But the problem was, Tiana wondered, "The trial is tomorrow, and you want me now to verify a message that might have been just a dream? Whitney, are you sure you're focusing on the right thing?"

Whitney clenched her eyes shut, "It's a gamble! Otherwise, I'm just going to show up in court empty-handed. Jaxon's expression at that time was tense, I'd rather believe it's true."

Hearing her talk about going to court empty-handed, Tiana's eyes reddened, and she sighed, immediately starting to hack into the computer.

But chasing after a shadowy message was like searching for a needle in a haystack.

Hours later, Tiana said helplessly, "Whitney, I'm really sorry, I could only find records of Jaxon's three ex-girlfriends, none of them have pregnancy records. As for one-night stands, that's a clue that requires a more skilled detective."

"Do you know any detectives in Banyan City?" Whitney asked.

Tiana paused for a while, her voice slightly pale, "Detectives are all about connections. Banyan City's largest network is controlled by the Parker family. They have their fingers in some dark pies, as you know. Maybe, you should try contacting them?"

Whitney hung up without hesitating for more than a few minutes, calling Felix to get Parker's contact information.

She quickly arranged a meeting with Parker, and surprisingly, he agreed to see her.

But he didn't commit to anything on the spot. Whitney knew it was difficult for him because of the connection with Ludwik.

Ludwik was on Elaine's side. This time, she was appealing against the Bartels Medical Center, and Ludwik was Elaine's future father-in-law…

Whitney returned home disheartened, to find Kelvin organizing documents for tomorrow's court appearance, asking her one last time for evidence. Her palms were sweaty with cold sweat.


That night, at the Royal One Club, Ludwik arrived in the private room where Parker was the only one sitting leisurely.

"What's so important that you called me here for?"

Parker's playful eyes flickered, "Ludwik, the Bartels are facing Whitney's appeal tomorrow in court over Keegan's case, you and Elaine are going, right?"

"Get to the point." Ludwik stood with his hands in his pockets, not taking a seat.

Parker clicked his tongue, looking at his stern profile, "Whitney came to me today, asking for the top detective. She wants to find Jaxon's illegitimate daughter. Didn't Jaxon die a few days ago?

Keegan's case's only link is Jaxon, not sure what she's planning, but she looked pretty desperate and worn out."


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