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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 333

At ten o'clock, the courthouse was buzzing. Outside, reporters swarmed, eager for updates on the high-profile case involving Bartels Hospital's pharmaceutical branch in Banyan City. The trial, set to be broadcast live, had captured widespread attention.

Near the elevator, two groups collided. The Bartels Group's entourage was imposing, a parade of sharp lawyers, pivotal witnesses, and solid evidence. In stark contrast, Whitney arrived with only Kelvin by her side, starkly alone without a single witness to call her own.

Elaine couldn't help but smirk at the sight.

Zane, with a casual grin, glanced at Whitney before addressing the press. "I'm as baffled as anyone. Why would Ms. Valentine sue the Bartels Group with nothing but her accusations? I've never even met this Keegan fellow. Impulsive actions from a young lady, I understand, but without solid evidence, we'll have to consider defamation charges against Ms. Valentine."

Kelvin tightened his grip on his slim folder of court documents, wiping away sweat.

Elaine's confidence only grew, convinced Whitney was merely posturing until the trial commenced.

Catching sight of Ludwik approaching, Elaine's demeanor softened. "Ms. Valentine, I know you've got it out for me, but accusing my father and the Bartels Group because of our pharmaceutical operations in Banyan City? Reaching for the stars, aren't we? Regardless, the law is fair. If your uncle is a murderer, he must face the consequences. Trying to slander the Bartels family to exonerate him while targeting me is quite the scheme."

Whitney ignored Ludwik's arrival, her response icy. "Save it. If the Bartels family has blood on their hands, they'll pay. Slanderers will face justice. Today, the truth will out, and the guilty will be exposed and jailed."

Elaine faltered, sensing an undefined threat.

Delphine, Elaine's mother, sneered softly, "Relying on a public defender, Whitney? A minnow can't win against a shark. I'd love to see how you plan to pull this off without making a fool of yourself. We'll be watching."

Zane and Delphine entered the courtroom with pride.

Elaine, holding Ludwik's arm, looked worriedly at Whitney. "Ludwik, Ms. Valentine is delusional, thinking she can challenge the Bartels Group with no evidence. She went to extremes to reopen the case against Jaxon, leading him to his end. And now, she blames me for his suicide."

Ludwik remained silent, his gaze briefly meeting Whitney's weary eyes, showing signs of a sleepless night.

Lost in thought for a moment, he then returned his attention to Elaine. Today, he was there at Elaine's insistence, curious about the trial's outcome.

"Let's go," Ludwik finally said, as they made their way into the courtroom, leaving Whitney to gather her resolve.

Whitney's facade of strength crumbled. She had played her card, but Jaxon hadn't taken the bait. Without a witness, her situation seemed dire.

Tiana, her assistant, was panicking. "Whitney, what do we do now? It looks like Jaxon's giving up on his daughter. Do we even attend the trial? It'll be a farce."

Whitney, after a deep breath, decided to proceed. "We're going in. My uncle is waiting for me to save him. Tiana, we have one last move to make. Do exactly as I say..."

She explained her plan, leaving Tiana wide-eyed and doubtful.

Once in the courtroom, the gravity of the situation hit Whitney as she saw Keegan, her uncle, shackled and hopeful.

The presiding judge began, "In the case of Keegan's alleged murder of Lyle in prison, the plaintiff accuses Bartels Hospital of conspiring to drug Keegan, leading to violence and a wrongful murder charge. We seek evidence and witnesses against the Bartels Group."

Kelvin, nervous and fumbling with his documents, was the underdog against the corporate legal might of the Bartels Group.

Zane watched, amused, as Elaine smirked, certain of their victory.

The judge pressed for evidence. "Plaintiff's counsel?"

"We have...," Kelvin started, looking towards Whitney for reassurance, "a partial list of illegal drugs produced by Bartels Hospital and evidence of bribes to prison guards and inmates by Jaxon, to provide false testimony..."

"The relevance of these accusations to the case at hand is questionable," retorted the Bartels Group's lawyer. "There's no proof that the drugs found in Keegan came from our facilities. Jaxon's actions, may he rest in peace, were his own and not representative of the Bartels Group."

Kelvin was on edge, countering with a heated tone, "Jaxon works for the Bartels Group, right under the heiress. Why would he bribe a prison guard out of the blue? It's gotta be the Bartels pulling strings behind the curtain!"


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