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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 395

"Hmm, sir?" The young girl looked bewildered, her eyes wide with innocence. "I'm sorry, I don't know you."

The man's gaze softened as he realized his mistake. Perhaps it was just a case of mistaken identity?

Ludwik nodded slightly and turned to leave.

Clutching her handkerchief tightly, the girl's doe-like eyes deepened with an intense fervor as she watched his retreating figure.

"Ms. Sheldon..."

Soon after, Myra had the chauffeur pull up the car and came over with an umbrella, silently dabbing the young lady's face with a kerchief, a slight smile on her lips. "He's gone now."

"Do you think he'll remember me?" the girl mused, her gaze downcast. "He looked at me a few times, but not really."

Myra spoke with a hint of mystery, "Even if he doesn't remember, you'll see him again soon enough."

The girl's eyes softened with a hint of hope.


In the hospital office, Ludwik knocked and entered.

Dr. Ford stood up to greet him, holding a thick file of medical records, clearly uneasy in Ludwik's imposing presence.

"What exactly is going on with my mother that requires your constant reassessment?"

"Mr. Lippert, please prepare yourself," Dr. Ford cautioned, handing over the file with a heavy sigh. "Natalie's blood tests, after a thorough consultation, confirm she has a malignant hematological disorder related to spinal cord regeneration. Simply put, it's a form of leukemia—sudden and aggressive. Her collapse this morning was a symptom. The blood tests from this morning helped us diagnose her with this lethal condition..."

Ludwik stepped back, incredulous. "Impossible. You've done organ tests after she woke up! You said it was just exhaustion and old age, that she would recover slowly. How could she suddenly have this disease?"

"Leukemia requires blood analysis, which is why it wasn't apparent in earlier tests..."

"Why does she have leukemia? My mother has been ill for years, but this is impossible."

Ludwik was in disbelief, grappling with the suddenness of it all.

"I'm also analyzing the reasons, and coincidentally, along with the blood test results, we've also analyzed the composition of two pills prescribed by Ms. Valentine. Natalie has been bedridden for three years, under routine care. The family doctor's prescriptions have been safe. The only variable could be Ms. Valentine's medication, which is quite potent."

Ludwik's expression darkened, parsing Dr. Ford's implications. "And the analysis of these pill components?"

"Let me show you the lab results. These medications contain about three hundred components. Ms. Valentine's prescription was complex."

Chapter 395 1

Chapter 395 2

Chapter 395 3


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