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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 397

Ludwik paused before striding over with determination.

Parker's eyes were bloodshot from exhaustion. "After tirelessly scouring through footage from several surveillance points around the forest, I spotted an unlicensed black car. It entered the night Sammy was kidnapped and left before dawn. Its tinted windows caught my attention!

I've been on its trail and discovered it left Banyan City, crossed state lines, and headed towards Crown City."

"Crown City?" Ludwik's voice was ice-cold.

Parker continued, "Assuming Sammy was in that car, and given the Bartels family's influence in Crown City, it wouldn't be far-fetched for Elaine to hide him there."

Sammy's disappearance was a mystery, akin to finding a needle in a haystack.

But Ludwik couldn't afford to overlook any lead.

It seemed, whether to return to the Lippert family or to search for his son, diving into the depths of Crown City was inevitable.

He pondered deeply.


That evening, at the European-style Garden Hotel.

Myra ended a call and stepped onto the balcony. With a cold glint in her eye, she relayed, "Ms. Sheldon, Mrs. Sheldon called. Apparently, at the company meeting today, he directly allocated 10% of Sheldon Group's shares as a gift for meeting his illegitimate daughter!

Mrs. Sheldon is furious and anxious, urging you to return to Crown City to secure an alliance with the Lippert family's eldest son.

Seeing how generously he's treating his illegitimate daughter, if you don't marry the most prestigious man, the Sheldon Group might very well be torn apart."

The young girl, with a subtle smile, played with her cup, "And how did you respond to mother?"

Myra smirked, "I told her, 'Madam, Ms. Sheldon is as sharp as they come, surely you're aware. She's already making moves. Who knows, she might bring home the perfect suitor tomorrow.'"

The girl shyly lowered her eyes, her gaze cooling, "That child..."

Myra's expression darkened, lowering her voice, "Drew has taken care of it. The boy has been taken to Crown City, and the unlicensed car destroyed."

The girl fell silent.

Myra's lips curled up, "With this move, you've hit three birds with one stone. The Bartels are down, Mr. Lippert and that Whitney can't make amends. With the boy gone, Mr. Lippert is back on the market, setting the stage for you to rightfully step in..."


Three days later.

Ludwik, at his company, received an excited call from Dr. Ford. "Mr. Lippert, after contacting blood banks around the world, it's clear that Rh-negative blood is scarce, and a spinal cord match even more so.

But guess what? I stumbled upon a patient in Banyan City who's had a blood test, and her HLA typing matches your mother's!"

Ludwik stood up, barely concealing his excitement, "Can we get in touch with this patient?"

"Fortunately, she was diagnosed here, and I've managed to get her contact. We'll bring her in under pretense.

The rest is up to a private discussion among family members."

Ludwik motioned for Felix to write a check for five hundred million and rushed to the hospital.

Dr. Ford had the woman waiting in an office.

Ludwik, composed yet quick-paced, knocked politely, "Hello, may I ask you..."

He saw a girl turn around, her face revealing surprise.

The girl's eyes widened in shock, then she coughed softly, "You're the gentleman? What a coincidence...

Do you need something from me?"

She stood up, curious and elegant, innocently gazing at Ludwik.

Ludwik frowned, turning to Dr. Ford, who hadn't explained?

Chapter 397 1


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