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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 1257


“In that case, when do you plan to introduce me to Auntie and Uncle?” Gu Qingli asked back.

Mo Ziyan’s face suddenly turned red, unsure of how to respond. Although she had liked Gu Qingli for 4 years, she felt that everything happened too quickly and she hadn’t mentally prepared herself yet.

Gu Qingli appeared as though he had seen through her heart. With a gentle laugh, he said, “Don’t worry, I won’t make things difficult for you. When the time is right, I will go meet with Auntie and Uncle.”

“Are you bullying me?”

Mo Ziyan couldn’t help but glare at Gu Qingli, “It seems, I haven’t truly understood you yet.”

“Are you feeling regretful?”

Mo Ziyan shook her head, “My Brother Four is so charming.”

After they finished their candlelit dinner, the couple shared a dance in the restaurant. As a pleasant melody entered their ears, the couple danced perfectly in sync.

Mo Ziyan was deeply touched by that moment. In particular, when she leaned against Gu Qingli and felt the warmth of his body, it made her slightly giddy. It was like she was floating amongst the clouds…

This was the Gu Qingli that she liked; the most noble and charming Gu Qingli…

After dinner, the couple walked home hand-in-hand. But, on the way back to Mo Ziyan’s dormitory, Gu Qingli suddenly said, “My home actually has a lot of rooms, don’t you think?”

“Yes, you have a lot and they all feel very warm and inviting. I really like them,” Mo Ziyan did not pick up on the hidden meaning behind Gu Qingli’s words.

“What I’m trying to say is, even if another person moves in, it should still be quite spacious, don’t you think?”

“Do you have a guest visiting?”

After hearing this response, Gu Qingli couldn’t help but laugh. In fact, he laughed for quite some time, “I’m not sure if I’ll get any guests in the future, but when will you, the lady of the house, move in?”

At this moment, Mo Ziyan finally understood what Gu Qingli meant.

“Brother Four…can your words not be so cryptic?”

After Gu Qingli finished laughing, he patted Mo Ziyan on the head, “I wasn’t being cryptic at all. You’re simply too dopey.”

“Are you…serious?”

“Yes, take it into proper consideration,” Gu Qingli nodded and gently placed a kiss on Mo Ziyan’s forehead. “Good night.”

Because of this matter, Mo Ziyan struggled to think straight. Especially when she returned to her dormitory and lay in her bed, she found that her entire mind was filled with Gu Qingli’s words: “When was she, the lady of the house, moving in?”

How she wished that she could move in, but she didn’t think they were at that stage yet.

In the end, Mo Ziyan ended up disturbing her roommates.

“Ziyan, just because you can’t sleep, you don’t need to take your frustration out on the rest of us,” her roommate said frustratedly as she looked at Mo Ziyan with dark eye bags.

“Let me ask you girls, how long do you think it should take before a couple moves in together?”

“What fuss are you making in the middle of the night?” another roommate complained.

Mo Ziyan originally assumed her roommates would complain a little, flip over and fall back asleep. She never expected that a few minutes later, someone would reply, “Relationships aren’t determined by time. Did you really think that the longer the relationship is, the deeper the love? Those are all lies.”

“So, I believe that when a relationship has matured enough, then a couple can naturally move in together.”

“I think that when two people’s values are in line with each other, then moving in is a natural step to take. They don’t need to wait for their parents to set off firecrackers to celebrate and give them permission before they can move forward,” another roommate added.


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