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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 1258


“Professor Gu, you really don’t know how to have some fun,” Ji Meiyi said helplessly.

“You’re a student and I’m your professor. Please watch what you say,” Gu Qingli said before he packed his textbooks and said to the rest of the class, “Class dismissed.”

For some reason, Mo Ziyan could tell from Gu Qingli’s strict response towards Ji Meiyi that he was a bit cautious of her.

Afterwards, Ji Meiyi found her way to Gu Qingli’s office, but apparently, she did not see him there.

That afternoon, Mo Ziyan received a phone call from Gu Qingli. He was picking her up for dinner. Mo Ziyan took this opportunity to ask her about something she was curious about.

“I feel like you were extra strict towards Ji Meiyi. Is she someone you know from the past?”

Gu Qingli looked at Mo Ziyan in surprise and laughed, “It seems, you’ve learned to spot even these tiny changes in my emotions.”

“Don’t forget that I’ve watched you for 4 years,” Mo Ziyan replied.

Gu Qingli smiled and placed a kiss on Mo Ziyan’s forehead, he then replied, “If you were Ji Meiyi, would you waste your time studying a course that has absolutely nothing to do with your current career?”

Mo Ziyan shook her head, “I would be focused on making money, why would I waste this time?”

“Then, doesn’t that answer your question, dopey? I’m afraid that Ji Meiyi is here as a test from Auntie and Uncle.”

“Huh?” Mo Ziyan was a little surprised.

“What are you so surprised about? It’s normal for Auntie and Uncle to worry about their daughter and send a test for their potential son-in-law. It’s all within my expectations,” Gu Qingli laughed as he sat Mo Ziyan on his lap.

Mo Ziyan’s face flushed red as she nodded her head, “Your analysis makes sense. If it’s really a test from my parents, then you should handle it well.”

“Were you pleased with my performance today?”

“Do you really not think that Ji Meiyi is pretty?” Mo Ziyan asked. “A lot of men are completely infatuated in her.”

“For me, you are the only one in this world that is perfect for me. I don’t care about everyone else.”

With this response, Mo Ziyan came to a firm decision, “I’m going to move tonight. After all, my things are already packed.”

“Are you sure?”

“I couldn’t be surer. I trust in you,” Mo Ziyan said with certainty as she wrapped her arms around Gu Qingli’s neck.

No matter what her parents thought, this was the man she had liked for 4 years. It wasn’t a short amount of time. Plus, she wasn’t afraid of getting hurt. So, she didn’t need to ask for any more opinions. After all, didn’t her mother often say that no matter what decision she made – whether wrong or right – she simply needed the courage to accept the consequences?

Based on these words, what was she hesitating about?

Didn’t her parents have a flash marriage and weren’t they still in love until now?

With this thought, Mo Ziyan was set on her decision.

So, after dinner, she returned to her dormitory and grabbed her luggage.

When her roommates saw this, they were dumbfounded, “What are you doing this time?”

“I’m moving home!” Mo Ziyan replied.

“We’re not going to get involved. You’ve been a little strange lately,” one of her roommates shook her head as she looked helplessly at Mo Ziyan.

Mo Ziyan left behind some small gifts and carried her luggage out. At this time, Gu Qingli’s car was waiting downstairs. Afterwards, he drove Mo Ziyan back to his apartment and helped her carry her luggage into the bedroom.

“Go hang your clothes in the wardrobe, I’ve already cleared half the space for you.”


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