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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 23

The corners of Lin Wei's eyes were still teary. Wiping them away, she slowly stood up. She thought for a moment before responding to Tangning, "26th, next Wednesday."

"Are you still being told by Mo Yurou to reject all my jobs?" Tanging guessed.


"Note down every single one and keep every single email from every single client for evidence. Next Wednesday, I will use them," Tangning ordered calmly, "If you still have a sense of judgment, you will know, following me is more promising than following Mo Yurou. Just on the fact that she is a mistress alone, she will never get the chance to step onto the international stage."

After hearing these words, Lin Wei thought about why Mo Yurou had been getting into trouble so often lately, while Tangning's popularity was on the rise. She realized it was because all along, Mo Yurou had relied on acting weak and gaining sympathy. Meanwhile, Tangning...was using Mo Yurou as a stepping stone to make a comeback.

Lin Wei weighed the pros and cons and decided it would be best to follow Tangning, "I will help you prepare everything." Tangning nodded as she started to leave. But, just as she reached the doorway, she seemed to have remembered something as she turned to warn Lin Wei, "If you don't have the ability to manage a PR crisis, then don't do anything scandalous for me to clean up after you."

Put simply, if she couldn't avoid having photos taken of her, she shouldn't have gone around seducing someone she shouldn't have.

Lin Wei's face turned pale. It was the first time she had come across an artist who had planned so far ahead without anyone knowing. From the looks of it, apart from seducing men, Mo Yurou really didn't have anything else going for her; in fact, she was unknowingly waiting for Tangning to send Tianyi Entertainment packing.

Coming out of the building, the day was still young. Tangning returned to her car with a tired look on her face. Upon seeing her, Long Jie was extremely heartbroken, "Did you have an argument with Han Yufan?"

"Han Yufan asked to break up," Tangning replied calmly as she leaned her head back and slowly closed her eyes. She appeared to be trying to hide her emotions, "Long Jie, did you know? When Han Yufan spoke those words, it sounded like he was reading from a textbook."

"He even wants to freeze my jobs for 3 years."

"That jerk, how can he be so disgraceful? Isn't he afraid of being struck by lightning?!" Long Jie protested as she turned sideways. Seeing Tangning suffering, she reached out her hand to comfort her, patting her gently on the arm, "Do not allow a man like that to make you feel bad, especially since you are going to make that jerk pay everything back ten-fold."

"I'm not capable of controlling my emotions completely yet, take me home," Tangning requested in a gentle whisper.

"OK...have some rest."

Tangning knew, judging by Han Yufan's cold and careless attitude, he wasn't going to stop at making her attend rubbish events like this. All it would take, was one word from Mo Yurou, and he would be able to do something even worse. She had to find a way to destroy Mo Yurou's plans of standing in her way.

By the time Mo Ting arrived home, it was already 8pm at night. However today, he didn't smell the aroma of dinner being served - all he felt was a cold chill. At first, he thought Tangning hadn't arrived home yet, but as he entered the bedroom, he saw her lying quietly in bed. No need to explain, she must have been treated unfairly today.

Mo Ting walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. Upon sensing the familiar presence, Tangning immediately sat up and hugged him.

"If you want to cry, then cry. You will feel better," Mo Ting gently patted Tangning's shoulder.

Tangning had been holding it in all day, but after being comforted by Mo Ting, she immediately let go and burst out crying, "Sorry, I promised I wouldn't cry over unworthy things..."


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