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Love Comes After Marriage novel Chapter 24

Mo Yurou had just stepped up a level from being a mistress and was still basking in the glory of things going her way, so Tangning thought she’d let her be happy for a few more days. After all, Tanging had yet to play the best card in her hand. However, Tangning didn’t only want to make it impossible for Mo Yurou to be a model anymore, she also wanted Mo Yurou to be too embarrassed to be alive.

Because her jobs were being frozen, after filming the commercial for hf, she once again had nothing to do. But, she wasn’t impatient or angry. Even though fans were scolding her for endorsing an unreliable product, she didn’t respond with a single word - sucking up the insults.

Lin Wei had studied Tangning and studied the way she handled things previously. She realized she was a lot more tolerant than most people and could endure loneliness well.

The entertainment headlines were still focused on Han Yufan and Mo Yurou’s video. The public put Mo Yurou through all kinds of pain and abuse. Whereas, Tangning’s reactions from the public consisted of 2 extremes. Some were extremely sympathetic as they assumed Tangning was being forced, leading to her having no choice in which company she was to endorse. Whereas younger fans questioned why, under these circumstances, she hadn’t left Tianyi.

It was amongst this complex debate...

...that an album of photos from Tangning’s recent shoot was leaked by a passerby. In an instant, the hottest person online had changed as everyone praised how stunning Tangning’s beauty and long legs were.

On top of everything, there were multiple magazines that pointed out, how even when posing randomly, every move that she made was more natural than any pose pulled by a professional model.

So, while the three were enveloped in scandals, Mo Yurou and Han Yufan’s responses were all negative, whereas, Tangning, on the basis of one album of photos...made everyone forget she had been a substitute for Mo Yurou and that she had apologized after admitting to creating hype. The only image in their minds of Tangning, were her gracefulness as she looked back at the camera with tears in her eyes.

While all this was going on, within the same day, Lin Wei received invites from no less than 5 magazines, requesting Tangning to appear on the front cover of their next season’s issue.

Compared to pitiful Mo Yurou who was getting one contract canceled after another, Lin Wei was suddenly impressed by Tangning. It was like she had some kind of magical ability that would always turn things around. Because Tangning’s path to a comeback, could no longer be blocked by Han Yufan, when faced with all the invites from the magazines, he started to question himself - should he really be freezing Tangning?

Lin Wei reported to Han Yufan with the invites from the magazines and analyzed which path Tangning should take. But, she was stopped by Mo Yurou who was sitting in Han Yufan’s office chair, "Didn’t we already agree that we would not be accepting any jobs for her? Are you ignoring my words?"

Her relationship with Han Yufan is still young, yet here she is, already acting like she is the president’s wife...

Lin Wei sneered on the inside.

"Let’s choose E-Style," Han Yufan selected one of the most influential magazines as he spoke directly to Lin Wei.

"Yufan, what did you promise me?"

"Babe, everything I do is for you. Think about it...the incident with the video has received enough criticism. All we need is for Tangning to make an appearance and clarify that we broke up a long time ago. Then the relationship between you and I would not be adulterous at all - just a normal couple. The netizens will realize they’ve been wrong and will feel guilty towards you - everything you do from then on would be more acceptable. I am laying a path for you," Han Yufan explained to Mo Yurou in a serious tone, "There’s not much time left until the Top Ten Model Awards. This is the fastest way to wipe your slate clean. By the time you make a comeback, do you think Tangning would still have a place to stand?"

After hearing this, Mo Yurou’s anger immediately dissipated, "Only you could think of something that covers all bases like this."

Han Yufan had no idea Lin Wei was already on Tangning's side - the scheming between the two, quickly reached Tangning’s ears.

"Those two want to use you to wipe their slates clean, what are you planning to do?" Lin Wei was curious how Tangning was going to stop herself from being used by Han Yufan.

"Help me reject the job. If Han Yufan asks, just say I’m not feeling well," Tangning replied.

Picking one out of five magazines and then having to immediately reject four, was already not quite right.


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