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Love Contract novel Chapter 14

Mary finally let herself relax as soon as she got into William's car.

"I did a pretty good job there, didn't I?" Mary wiggled her eyebrows, a smug smile on her face.

William nodded as the car started up. "That was good. Keep it up."

Mary beamed with pride. Then she suddenly remembered the red envelope her father-in-law gave her.

Mary glanced at William, who was keeping his eyes on the road. Certain he wasn't looking, she took the envelope out and opened it discreetly.

'It doesn't feel like money. I wonder what it is, ' Mary thought, her heart beating with anticipation.

When she saw what was inside, her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open in shock.

It was a black credit card.

"Oh, my God!" Mary gasped, whipping out the card and holding it up to the light. "Is this for real?" William looked over to see what the fuss was all about. His eyes landed on the black card. "Yeah. It's all yours," he said nonchalantly, turning his attention back on the road.

"This is too much. I can't accept this!" Mary scrambled to stuff the card back in the envelope.

"Take it. The old man has nothing but money. Besides, if you give it back now, you'll just seem ungrateful. If it makes you feel so guilty, just stow it away somewhere and return it in a year's time," William said dismissively.

Mary paused to give it some thought. That made sense. She nodded and put the card away.

As William continued to drive eastward, Timothy's car followed close behind.

Mary looked out the window and realized she wasn't familiar with the route they were taking. "Where are we going? This is almost the suburbs, " Mary pointed out, confused.

"Back to the old family home in the suburbs," William said.

"Old family home? Sounds interesting. What do I need to do there?" Mary asked innocently.

William raised an eyebrow at that. He had the sudden urge to tease Mary. "Sleep in the same bed with me," he deadpanned.

Mary's face went blank. Then it sunk in. "WHAT?" she yelled. William was so startled the car skidded sideways for a bit.

Mary started sputtering. "I...I can't sleep in the same bed as you! That's...NO!"

William felt a little insulted at how Mary seemed so put off by the idea. "It would be nothing. It's not like I'm interested in you," he said, sounding bored.

Mary was screaming inside her head. 'I'm worried I can't control myself around you! I'm the one who'd corrupt you!'

But out loud, she just kept refusing. "No. Just never. That's crazy! If we have to share a room, then I'll just sleep on the floor!" she said firmly.

William shrugged and smirked. "Suit yourself. I was going to let you take the bed, but since you volunteered, who am I to refuse your generosity?"

Mary stared at him. She scoffed incredulously and shook her head. "Unbelievable.

Such a gentleman."

She rolled her eyes in exasperation, threw herself back on the seat with her arms crossed, and stared grumpily out the window.

In the car behind them, Timothy was craning his neck, trying to see what was going on with William and Mary.

"How's the investigation going, Dean?" he asked his companion, keeping his eyes on the car in front of them.

"Almost done," Dean replied. "It would seem William and Mary have no prior relationship with each other. Their marriage came out of nowhere and caught everyone at the company by surprise.

Timothy frowned. He was really hoping his suspicions were wrong.

Mary seemed like such a nice girl, too. He was really hoping she wasn't just colluding with William to trick him.

They finally arrived at their destination after an hour.

Mary got out of the car with her mouth agape, staring at the grand manor before her. She was itching to take a selfie with it.


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