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Love Contract novel Chapter 149

Lucas placed the glass aside. Gazing into her eyes, he drew a deep breath. When he spoke, his voice was low but intense. "Mary, don't you know who I like?"


Mary faltered and wiped the sweat that had formed on her forehead.

She had always doubted this. However, listening to it from his mouth made her blush. If he didn't like her, why would he care so deeply about her children? Even though he had indirectly confessed, there were some questions brewing in her mind. He grew up with William. Wouldn't it be too awkward?

"Mary!" She was in a deep reverie but Lucas's call snapped her out of it.

There was a palpable tension in the air. Wanting to placate her, he put behind his feelings and forced a smile. Soon enough, his playful smile was back on his face.

"All right," Lucas stood up and said, "I have just returned. Jet lag has made my body sore. I don't think I have the energy to be discussing serious topics. I am curious to know what we will be having for dinner." "Ah... Okay." Thankful for the change of topic, she smiled at him and said, "I think I should go to the kitchen and start cooking. You should take a nap."

"Okay." He nodded his head and she walked towards the kitchen. Once she was out of sight, he let out a sigh.

After dinner, Elissa refused to leave Lucas. She insisted on sleeping with him.

"Elissa!" Mary tried to take her out of Lucas' room, but she wouldn't come. Sighing, she explained, "Daddy Lucas just got back and is very tired. I am sure he wants to sleep well today. You can sleep with him tomorrow, okay?"

"No!" Holding her doll, Elissa pouted and shook her head. "I want to sleep with him today! I will be a good girl and won't make any noise."

"Yes, Mary," Lucas said as he came out of the bathroom, drying his hair with the towel. He carried Elissa who seemed to be on the verge of tears. "Don't be sad, my baby girl. I'm not tired. You can sleep with me."

"Daddy Lucas..." Elissa threw herself into his arms as if he was her savior.

"That's my girl," he said as he patted on her head. "Don't listen to your Mommy," he added and flashed Mary a mischievous smile.

"Well, you win!" Mary admitted and threw up her hands in defeat. "Alick, do you want to sleep with Daddy Lucas as well?" Mary asked, rolling her eyes.

But to her relief, he shook his head.

Just when she was about to embrace him, he said, "It will be fun sleeping with Daddy Lucas. But If I leave, Mommy will be pitifully alone and miserable." His words stopped her dead in her tracks.

"Haha!" Lucas laughed. Mary gave him a death glare. "Well, I have a solution. How about all the four of us sleep together?" he suggested.

"Go to hell!" Mary spat angrily and went back to her room.

Since Elissa was with Lucas, Alick insisted his mother tell him a story. "Later, the piggy's father, the piggy's mother and the two piggy babies lived happily ever after," she finished and a yawn escaped her mouth. She had been reading to him since half an hour ago.

Closing the book, she glanced at Alick who seemed to be sleeping.

"What about my father?"

Alick asked, opening his eyes and looking at his mother for an answer.

"Well..." Mary smiled awkwardly. "How about I answer your question tomorrow. You seem sleepy," she said, hoping he would let it go. "No, I'm not sleepy." Alick shook his head. "The piggy babies found their father. When will Elissa and I find our father?"

"Well..." Mary paused. Mustering up some courage, she continued, "Your father is far away from us. He will never come back. However, you have Daddy Barry and Daddy Lucas. They make you happy, right?"

"But Mommy, you don't sleep with either of them." Alick sat up at once and went on, "All the children in our class said that their mommy and daddy slept together."

Hearing his words, Mary became anxious. "That's because... Because... "

"Because you are not married yet, right?" Alick said, interrupting her. Not knowing what else to say, she simply nodded her head.

"Yes. That's the reason."

"I see," said Alick. "Since both Daddy Lucas and Daddy Barry are good to us, how will you pick one? She pretended to consider his question.

"Hmmm, you are right," said Mary, wiping the cold sweat off her forehead.

"You'd better choose Daddy Barry," he whispered in her ear.

"If I marry Daddy Barry, will you stop asking for your father?" "Yes." Alick nodded his head and yawned.

Mary held him in her arms and touched his head. "Go to sleep, Alick. You can interrogate me tomorrow."

"Yes, I will sleep. But promise me you will choose Daddy Barry," said Alick, not willing to go to sleep before he got her assurance.

"Okay, I promise," Mary said with an understandable touch of reluctance. However, it went unnoticed by Alick who went back to sleep.


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