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Love Contract novel Chapter 157

"Do you want to be with him?" asked Victor as he stared into Mary's eyes .

"I..." With a complicated look on her face, Mary wore a smile. "Let's not talk about that. Let's talk about the movie instead."

"Do I still have a chance?" asked Victor seriously, without moving an inch.

"Victor, I don't want to—"

"Mary!" All of a sudden, a voice came from afar. It was Ena, the female lead of the movie.

Ena ran to her, clutching a small bag on her back.

"Ena, you are here!" Mary said, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Yes, Mary." Ena nodded. When she turned her head, she saw Victor. Her face immediately turned red and she stammered, "Victor... Victor?"

"Wow! Where did you come from? You are so pretty!" said Victor with a playful smile.

"I... My name is Ena!"

"Ena?" Victor raised his eyebrows. "Yes!" Ena answered while nodding.

"I like your name," said Victor, still looking at Ena with a smile. "How old are you? What are you doing here?"

"Don't flirt with her anymore, okay? She is the heroine of my movie. You two will be partners," Mary said, shaking her head.

"Well, I see," said Victor. He nodded and stretched out his hand. "Nice to meet you, Ena!"

"Nice to meet you too!" Ena held out her hand excitedly and shook Victor's hand tightly.

In the meeting room, Victor was reading the script, while Ena glanced at him from time to time.

Mary saw what Ena was doing and giggled but said nothing.

The script reading lasted for half a day. When Victor had already finished reading, he suddenly said, "No. I cannot shoot this movie."

"Why?" Mary was shocked by his sudden refusal. "Is there anything wrong?"

"This script..." Victor frowned and turned to Ena. "Ena, could you go out for a minute?"

"I..." Looking at Victor and Mary, she nodded.

"This is your story! The heroine is you." Seeing that Ena had already gone, Victor continued, "In order to have money for her brother's treatment, she chooses to marry a man who buys marriage with money."

"I admit that I thought of myself when I was writing the story. However, that is just a source of inspiration, and this story is not adapted from my affairs," Mary answered in a stern tone.

"Mary, why can't you forget about him? It's been four years!" yelled Victor frustratingly.

"I..." Mary bit her lips, unable to answer his question. Why couldn't she forget him? Every day when she faced her two kids, she would think of William. Telling him that she had already forgotten about William would be a lie. Could she even forgive him? Forgive him for hurting her?

"Victor? Why are you refusing now?" Mary raised her head suddenly. "Because the role I asked you to play has something to do with William and you can't stand it, can you?"

"I am not..." Mary was in fact true. He had turned down everything that had something to do with William.

"I just think it's a pity for you to quit the entertainment circle," said Mary. "Many people like the story, and the first person I thought of to play the hero was you. I think, after four years, you should have already overcome the barrier in your heart, thinking that you'd be able to face it head on. I'm sorry I was too reckless and insensitive." Mary looked at Victor and forced a smile. "I'm self-righteous and I should've considered your feelings. If you don't want to act, it's okay. I will find someone else instead."

Mary stood up as if about to leave.

"Mary!" All of a sudden, Victor grabbed her arm and said, "I'll do it."


"You win." Victor shrugged. "I'll do whatever you say."

"Really?" Mary smiled again.

"Yes," said Victor while rubbing her hair. "It's your debut. How can I give away such a good opportunity? Besides, even an international superstar is given a small role in this movie. I want to experience the feeling of stepping on a giant's shoulders too, you know?"

"Humph!" Mary smiled warmly at him. "You are a giant, okay?"

Standing outside the door, Ena felt sad while looking through the glass window as she watched the two people inside.

"It turns out that those two have a very good relationship."

Things seemed to be heading in the right direction. The opening ceremony of "Be Together" went smoothly and according to plan. The news that Victor had returned to the entertainment circle quickly became a hot topic. The title of "New Pure Goddess Ena" attracted great attention as well.

Another hot topic was Archer Song. He was the supporting actor but he did not show up at the opening ceremony.

Archer was a half Chinese. His paternal grandfather was Chinese, and his paternal grandmother was Dutch. On the other hand, his maternal grandfather was American and his maternal grandmother was Korean. His mixed blood of four races did not only make him look handsome, but also made him an excellent actor with superb acting skills. In just a year, he had become a star in Hollywood with two blockbuster hits.

However, because of his hectic schedule, he turned down numerous films. Moreover, his acceptance of the supporting role for "Be Together" sparked media attention. Because of that, this movie gained huge expectations.

After the movie production started, Mary became very busy working in the company and film set.

The only thing that bothered her was the divorce with William.

It seemed that William did not agree to the divorce. He had called the company many times, asking to speak with Mary, but she refused every time. She did not want to have anything to do with William anymore.

One day, when Mary thought she could finally have a good rest, Barry and the two kids took Mary out for fun.

"I want to sleep at home. Dear, let me go please." Barry led her into the car while she protested sleepily. "You three can go there. I'm really tired," she said reluctantly.

"Mommy, you have never taken us out to play!" Elissa said unhappily.

"Yes, Mommy." Alick agreed. "This is Mommy's hometown but she has never taken us out. Elissa and I really want to play outside!"

"That's right," Barry echoed. "It's time to take them out for fun. Relax yourself. Don't work so hard. I'll take care of everything."

"Well, it's Mommy's fault," said Mary with a smile. "How about we go out and have a good time today?"


"That's great, Mommy!"

"Let's go!"

The four of them went to the amusement park for the whole morning. While on the rides, Mary screamed at the top of her lungs and her voice became hoarse. At noon, Barry drove them to a Chinese restaurant for lunch.


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