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Love Contract novel Chapter 169

"No, I didn't." Pouting, Elissa lifted her foot, about to walk forward.

Standing on the high ladder, a staff was trying to take the chandelier off when his hands lost grip. The huge chandelier fell straight to the ground.

Under the chandelier stood the two kids.

"Watch out!"

The staff, who was in-charge of the chandelier, shouted from above. His expression was panicky and his tone was horrified.

All of a sudden, Alick pulled Elissa into his arms. He held her head with his both hands, and protected his younger sister by his small body.


Only a loud noise of shattering glass lights was heard. Everyone's eyes widened as they watched the horrific scene.

Everything happened so suddenly. Mary was just about to ask what had happened when she saw the huge chandelier fall down, knocking Alick's body to the ground. And with that, the chandelier shattered into tiny million pieces.


With a scream, Mary ran madly in the direction of Alick.

"Alick? Alick!" Barry had just finished his phone call and was about to come over when he happened to see the scene. He quickly pushed away the crowd in front of him and rushed forward as fast as he could.

"Alick!" Mary rushed to the scene of the accident, only to see two little bodies embracing each other. A pool of blood slowly flowed out from them.

"Mommy!" Alick gave a weak cry, but passed out immediately.

"Wooa..." Hiding in his arms, Elissa could do nothing but cry.

"Alick, Elissa." With her trembling hands, Mary moved the debris on top of the two little bodies. The warmth of the blood almost burned her skin. She muttered under her breath, "Don't be afraid. Be strong."

"Alick!" Barry rushed quickly to their aid and picked up Alick in a hurry.

Alick's face was covered with blood. It turned out that the pool of blood on the floor belonged to him. Victor rushed to the scene as well. He picked up Elissa and asked, "Are you okay, Elissa?"

"Take them to the hospital!" Archer stopped being cheeky like he used to be. "Hurry up!" he said coldly. "I'll take them there!"


They rushed out all at once.

"Me too. I'll go with you!" With red eyes, Mary stumbled out of the filming set and followed them.

Several people got into the car. With a squeak, the car sped away like an arrow from the bow.

"Alick! Alick!" On the way to the hospital, Mary was trembling. Looking at the blood all over Alick's body, Mary did not dare touch him so she just called him out to help him regain consciousness.

"Mommy. Wooa..." Elissa cried out loud.

Startled, Mary held her in her arms and asked, "Elissa, are you okay?"

"Mommy." Elissa's face was pale with a few bloodstains on it. She was so scared she could only call her mother.

"Elissa is fine," said Victor, "I just checked it and found that the blood belonged to Alick."

"Alick!" Barry held his small body and he kept talking to him regardless of his state. "We'll arrive at the hospital soon! Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid!"


The car sped up on the highway, ignoring the red lights on the way. Within ten minutes, they were able to arrive at the hospital nearest to them.

"Doctor! We need a doctor! Help!" Barry rushed into the hospital. With red eyes, he shouted, "Where is the doctor?!"

The nurse on duty saw them and quickly led Barry. "Please follow me to the emergency room immediately."

Another young nurse called the doctor hurriedly. The group of people rushed to the emergency room all at once.

Meanwhile, Victor and Archer took Elissa to the next ward for checkup.

"Please leave for the time being!" one of the nurses said. "Please go to the corridor outside and wait patiently!"

"No!" Struggling to get close to the operating table, Mary looked at Alick's unconscious body. At the sight of his son's state, she choked with sobs. "I won't go! No! Alick!"

"Mary!" Barry hugged and comforted her. "Don't worry. Everything will be fine! Let the doctors do their job. Let's go out first. It's okay!"

"No!" Mary desperately tried to get out of Barry's arms. "Let go of me! Let go of me!"

"Mary!" Frowning, Barry suddenly picked up Mary on his shoulders and carried her out.


Mary watched the door of the emergency room slowly close.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Barry and Mary had just arrived at the corridor when they saw Lucas rush over after he had received the bad news.

As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw both Mary and Barry drenched in blood.

"Alick is in the operating room," Barry said in a low voice.

"Alick." Squatting in the corner, Mary covered her head with her hands and burst into tears.

Her whole body was trembling. Everything happened so fast that she almost had no time to react. She only saw that Alick was covered with blood.

"Don't worry, Mary. Everything's gonna be okay," Lucas comforted her. "I'm a doctor. I believe that he'll be fine. Trust me, Mary."

"He will be fine. He will be fine," Mary murmured to herself repeatedly.


The door of the operating room suddenly opened. A nurse with a mask walked out and asked, "Who is the child's family?"

"I am! I am his mother!" Mary suddenly stood up and ran to the nurse at once.


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