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Love Contract novel Chapter 171

"Mary, what's wrong?" he asked, perturbed by her indifference. Taking a step ahead, he held her hand. "Mary, why didn't you tell me earlier? I would have--"

"Enough of this nonsense, William Lan!" She then pulled away from him, almost in horror. "Thank you for saving my son's life. But I wish you wouldn't tell them you are their father! This will remain a secret."

"But why? I don't understand!" William couldn't figure out why she was acting like this. Just when life was giving him another chance, she had to spoil it!

"I have nothing to do with you! And the same applies to my children." Her face was bereft of emotions. William stared at her, unnerved by her coldness. After a pause, she continued, "I never planned on letting you know about them. The accident which happened today compelled me to do it. I would be glad if you could stay away from them. However, if you insist, you can occasionally show up as a kind-hearted uncle. But that's it!"

"No way!" William refused to oblige. "They are my children! Damnit! They are William Lan's children! Why shouldn't they know this? Why are you keeping me from meeting my children? This is wrong, Mary." It all sounded so unfair to him!

"No, William! They are just my children!" Do you remember what you said four years ago? Or do you want me to remind you?" she asked.

"What?" He seemed confused.

"Alright then! William, you asked me to have an abortion if I was pregnant. You wanted them dead!" Mary gritted her teeth, reminding him of his atrocities. She went on, "If it weren't for Lucas's help, they wouldn't be here! Tell me William, does this ring a bell?"

"I..." Hearing that, William was stunned. But the truth was, he wasn't the same man he was before. He was willing to make amends for his mistakes.

Taking advantage of his embarrassment, Mary said, "I take it you have nothing to say. Shall I leave?"

"No, Mary. Please don't leave me," he said.

But Mary was unsympathetic to him. "William, we have divorced! I beg you to leave us alone!"

"How can I? They are my children! How can I leave them alone!"

Taking a deep breath, Mary said, "If you are so fond of kids, I bet there will be a large group of women, waiting in line to give birth to your child. But I only have these two. Please don't snatch them away from me!" "Mary, you are talking rubbish! Don't talk about other women. They are different from you."

"Different?" Mary repeated, letting out a hollow laugh. "William, it looks like your memory is quite weak. But I will remember it till my last breath! Let me remind you, I too was like them four years ago! I was used as a shield to guard your privacy. You were good to me when your mood was good. And then, when you didn't want me, you would discard me like a piece of trash."

He was taken aback momentarily, but he recovered soon. In a low voice, he asked "Mary, is that how you... Is that how you look at me and our relationship? Has it given you nothing but misery?" He looked incredibly sad, but Mary wasn't buying any of it.

Looking away, she said, "Your sympathy is of no use anymore. My kids and I have lived a life without you. A reunion is not possible."

"If you didn't want them to meet me, why did you bring them back here? Weren't you away these four years? Why did you decide to show up all of a sudden? Why? Tell me why! Couldn't you have done a better job at hiding? If I hadn't seen them, none of this would have happened. You are partly to blame here!" Torrent of words spilled from his mouth.

After a short pause, Mary said firmly, "I see. My children and I will go away and I promise we will never appear in front of you again. Is that enough for you?" "Mary Lu!" Fury flooded him, and he caught hold of her arm and his fierce gaze bore into her. "How dare you talk about leaving? Mary, you will stay here! And if you attempt to leave, I will find you!"

"Let go of me! I hate how you think you can control everyone!" Shaking her shoulders, William asked, "Control? You are the one controlling me! Damnit! When you left, you took away my peace of mind. My whole life was a mess. And here you are, pretending like nothing has happened. Do you think I will let you go again? Never!"

"Then what do you want? Cut to the chase and tell me!" Mary challenged him.

Staring at her beautiful face, William was overcome by an urge to kiss. Cupping her face in his hands, he placed a passionate kiss on her lips. She struggled to be released, but he wouldn't let her go. These four years had made him crave for her lips. After his hunger was satiated, he let her go. Catching her breath, she hollered, "Just a while ago, you kissed another woman. And now, you have the audacity to force me into a kiss. What a wonderful man!" She clapped her hands mockingly. "I haven't seen a man as disgusting as you, William Lan!"

Then she frantically wiped her lips with the back of her hand.

"I didn't kiss anyone!" He clenched his fist, anger oozing out of him. Mary was accusing him of things he hadn't done! "How would you explain that lipstick stain on your collar? Also, what about the fact a woman picked up when I called you?"

"It isn't-"

"Stop! I am not interested in your private life. I just want you to stay the hell away from me." After making it clear she had no interest in him, Mary turned around and sprinted out of the garden.

William could do nothing but watch her receding figure. From the way she behaved today, it seemed obvious she was determined to keep him away from her life. But he was William Lan! He wouldn't let her go at any cost.

'Mary, no matter what happens, I won't let you disappear this time. We have children for god's sake! Even God can't bear to see us apart!' William thought to himself.

The corridor was full of bodyguards. When they saw Mary, they bowed their heads in greeting. "Madam!"

For a second, Mary was startled. She couldn't understand why they were here. Soon, it struck her it had to be Barry's doing. Her heart, which had been hardened by William, softened in an instant.

"Mary, you are back." At this moment, Victor and Archer happened to come out of the ward.

"Yes." Mary forced a smile and prayed they wouldn't notice the difference in her face. "Are you going back to the filming set?" she asked.

"Yes, we are."

"Okay, then. Go ahead and hurry up. When you reach there, please inform Director Jamie that he will be fully responsible for the shooting. I don't even know when I can join work."

"Don't worry about that," Victor said understandingly, "we will take care of it. You only have to think about Alick."

"Yes, I know. Thank you, guys!"

"Mary, you are welcome! Also, remember to take care of yourself as well. You don't look too well. " Archer patted her on the head lovingly.

"Yes, I will. Thanks." Mary nodded.

"In that case, we're leaving now. But as soon as we are done with work, we will be here to visit Alick."


The two men gradually disappeared from her sight.

Mary went to the ward but was stunned to see Elissa was nowhere around. "Where is Elissa?" she asked Barry, starting to get worried.

"When she saw Lucas, she went out with him," replied Barry. "Isn't it too early for her to be playing? I thought she needed rest."


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