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Love Contract novel Chapter 269

"Mary! Mary Lu! I know you're up there! Come down! I need to talk to you!"

It was rush hour in the morning. Standing in front of the GM Building, William Lan used a loud-speaker to let his voice spread.

"Mary! I want to apologize to you for what happened last night! Mary, come downstairs!"

His wild behavior attracted the attention of the employees and passers-by. They whispered and pointed at him, stopping to watch.

"Mr. Lan, Manager Lu really isn't here!" Mary's assistant, Jill, appeared in front of the security guards who were blocking William's way. "Please stop shouting!"

"Ask Mary to come down," shouted William with bloodshot eyes, "or else I'll break into your company!"

"Mr. Lan, I'm telling you it would be useless! Manager Lu is not here at all!"

"Who said that? I know she's upstairs! It's Mary who won't allow me to go up, right? Ask her to come down!" William said, his face contorted with panic. He stared coldly at one of the security guards in front of him and, without warning, kicked him down. "Get out of my way!" he growled.

"Help! Help!"

Mary sat in her office upstairs. There was a faint cry coming from below. She strained her ears, trying to understand the commotion. Her office door swung open, and Jill stood there, panting. She sped towards the desk. "Mr. Lan... Downstairs...The guards... A fight broke out... He's fighting with them!"

"What? He's fighting against our guards?"

Startled, Mary sprang up from her chair and ran downstairs.

When she arrived downstairs, punches were flying between William and the company's security guards.

"Stop it! Please, stop it!" Mary wanted to step forward but couldn't bring herself to get closer to the fight. She stood to the side, shouting. "Stop! All of you! Stop it!"

As soon as he heard her voice, William stopped what he was doing and turned to look at her.

He saw her small figure standing not far away. Mary was wearing slippers, and her face was still a bit swollen. Worry was etched all over her face.

How did he have the heart to slap this cute little woman yesterday?

"Mary..." William called out hoarsely. He stumbled towards Mary, his eyes an unnerving combination of infatuation and regret.

Mary didn't move from her spot. Who did he want to show this expression to?

"Mary!" William stretched out his arms, trying to envelop her into his arms.

Mary turned her head away and stepped back to avoid his embrace.

"I..." William's arms dropped awkwardly to his sides at her cold response. "Mary, I am so sorry... How's your face?"

"What's wrong with my face?" Mary touched her cheek with a resentful smile.


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