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Love Contract novel Chapter 27

"You're injured," said Mary anxiously. "Maybe we should put off the photo shoot... It won't make a difference if we delay taking photos by a few days."

William pulled out his phone and tapped on the camera icon. He made a show out of taking a picture of himself, then showed the screen to Mary.

"See that? Nothing to worry about. I'm still perfectly handsome." Mary rolled her eyes. "Fine. If you insist, we'll have the pictures taken tomorrow."

"Good," he replied. He studied the photo on his phone, then looked up, frowning. He touched the gauze on his forehead lightly.

"The way you put it on... it looks very ugly, doesn't it?" For a moment, Mary was

speechless. Then she said, affronted, "Okay, I'll make sure to practice how to dress a wound more attractively. Next time, do you want the gauze tied in a bow around your head?"

William raised an eyebrow. "Do you hope me to get injured again?"

"Of course not," said Mary, deadpan. "Dear William, no one would ever dare to do so. You are handsome even when you get hurt and you will always be handsome no matter what. Even when we're old you'll still be handsome."

"That sounds right," said William smugly. "While you, on the other hand, will probably age badly and turn into an ugly old woman."

"Sure," said Mary, waving a hand airily. "I'll forgive you if you don't want to be seen with me when we're old. You can hook up with as many beautiful women as you like, and I — "

She stopped mid-sentence, realizing what she was saying, and blushed. "I'm sorry," she said awkwardly. "I was just teasing, it didn't mean anything."

William's face was unreadable. "It doesn't matter." He stood up and began walking towards the door. "I'll call the photo studio to make an appointment for tomorrow."

Mary nodded. Without another word, William left.

He closed the bedroom door behind him, then leaned against it with a sigh. He stayed there for several minutes before finally shoving his hands into his pockets and walking away.

Mary sat on the bed, feeling somewhat dejected. She thought, 'We won't be together when we're old. This is strictly a contract, and the contract will be terminated by the end of the year. There's no future for us. There's no point in expecting anything more... William is too different. In ordinary circumstances he would never even have noticed me.

When William reentered the room, he found Mary making a bed for herself on the floor.

"Are you planning to sleep there?" he said incredulously. He shook his head. Feigning nonchalance, he said, "You're quite smart."

"Yes, I am," said Mary without looking up. He couldn't see her expression as she went on, "You're the boss, and I'm just an employee. I must be responsible and professional about all this."

William sighed. 'Why are you acting like this? What's wrong with you?' he thought to himself, staring hard at his wife. Then, annoyed by his own thoughts, he marched to the bed and flung himself down on the pillows. 'Fine, ' he told himself. 'I don't care what she does or where she sleeps.'

Mary didn't say anything more. When she was done preparing her bed, she stood to turn off the lights, then lay down on the floor.

'I have to draw a firm line, ' she thought, although her heart was aching. 'I can't afford to lose sight of what this really is. I must not start having unrealistic expectations.'

But how could she be blamed for starting to imagine things? Since they had gotten married, although William was often angry and spoke harshly to her, he also often treated her with warmth and concern. He was handsome, rich —and much kinder than she could have expected. Mary was afraid that she was beginning to feel emotions for William. Emotions that would be better stamped out before they developed further.

'Don't be a silly, weak girl, Mary, ' she scolded herself, shifting in her makeshift bed. The floor was hard beneath her hips. It was a long time before she drifted off to sleep.

Early the next morning, Mary was awoken by the sounds of William getting dressed. She kept her eyes closed, wanting to avoid any conversation with him.

William did not linger in the room. He left as soon as he was dressed.

When the door closed behind him, Mary opened her eyes. She began neatly folding the bed sheets she had slept in, then went to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

When she was dressed, she left the bedroom and went down to the dining room. William sat alone at the table.

"Where is Father?" she asked. "Shouldn't he be up by now?"

William shrugged. "Maybe he went outside to take a walk, get some exercise. Come and eat. We'll leave soon to have our wedding pictures taken."

Mary nodded. She took a seat far away from him and began eating the food on the table. William did not try to speak to her, and while eating, she stole a glance at his handsome, stern profile. She immediately noticed that the gauze covering his wound had been replaced with band-aid.

The only sound in the dining room was the clatter of utensils on plates. Neither of them said a word to each other, seemingly focused entirely on finishing their food.

After breakfast, the two of them went to the garage. William got into the driver's seat. To his astonishment, Mary settled herself in the back seat of the car.

The look on William's face right then was murderous. 'She's crazy!' he thought, speechless at her nerve.

"Let's go," said Mary flatly. She refused to look at the rearview mirror, knowing she would see William glaring at her.

William opened his mouth, then closed it. He began driving the car, his expression still livid. As he drove, he kept glancing at the rearview mirror to check on Mary. Several times he was tempted to ask what her problem was, but something held him back. He said nothing even when they arrived at their destination.

Inside the photo studio, the staff members were waiting enthusiastically to greet the wealthy couple, not seeming to notice that they were barely speaking to each other. "Mr. and Mrs. Lan?"

William nodded brusquely. The shop ladies welcomed them in and bid them good morning, offering tea or other drinks.

Meanwhile, one of the staff members stepped forward, smiling. "Mr. and Mrs. Lan, please follow me into the next room!"

"Thank you," said Mary, trying to sound cheerful. She smiled wanly at the woman and followed her through a doorway.

She could feel everyone staring at her and William.

"He's so handsome!"

"Yes, and he's also fabulously wealthy..."

"Pity he's already taken!"

"What a shame that such an eligible bachelor is off the market," a young lady sighed, giggling.

"Mrs. Lan is so lucky! She must be so happy."

Listening to the whispers around her, realizing that any of these women would jump at the chance to be in her shoes, Mary felt another wave of sadness wash over her. Little did they know, this was only a temporary arrangement.

William was walking ahead of her, and she studied his broad back, stifling a sigh. He was her husband, but he would never be hers. "What style are you two interested in?" asked the beaming shop assistant who had accompanied them. She picked up a set of leaflets and said to William and Mary, "We have a lovely mountain -themed package, or maybe you'd like a seaside one? We also have other themes: the pastoral back-to-nature setup, the glamorous European style, the delicate Korean style, the traditional Chinese theme... whatever you want, I'm sure we have it! Please take a look at all the options.


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