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Love Contract novel Chapter 283

In a wedding studio.

Aisha and Jazlyn accompanied the bride and groom to try on their wedding attire. Although Mary and Barry were the ones who were to get married, Aisha and Jazlyn seemed more excited. The two women's enthusiastic chats filled the shop, making it livelier.

"It's too late to order a tailored wedding gown, so you have to wear ready-made one." Standing aside, Barry held Mary's hand with an apologetic look on his face. "If you're not satisfied, we could make another set particularly for you in the future."

"It doesn't matter." Mary smiled at him reassuringly and added, "I don't really mind."

"Mary! Mary!" While they were talking, Jazlyn ran to them with a gown in her hand. "This wedding gown is very beautiful!" she exclaimed while blinking her eyes.

Mary looked at it. It was a gown with a strapless top and long trailing tail. She nodded in agreement. "It's indeed beautiful."

"This one is beautiful too!" Aisha also came over holding a wedding gown. "Look! This one is better!" Mary looked at the one in Aisha's hands. The gauze and ball gown looked like a princess's gown. "This one is also very good."

"So which one do you want to wear?" Aisha and Jazlyn asked in unison while staring at Mary expectantly.

"Well..." Mary looked at Barry for help. "What do you think?"

"I'm sure you'll look beautiful no matter which one you wear," Barry answered with a look of adoration in his eyes.

At this time, the shop assistant approached them and politely said to Mary, "Excuse me, Ma'am. You can go to the fitting room to try them on, so you would know which one suits you better."

"Yes, she's right. It's useless to just look and compare, Mary!" Aisha nodded and pushed Mary towards the fitting room.

Barry was led into the fitting room as well.

In a nanny van outside the wedding shop, Alick and Elissa were sitting in the car, both seemed unhappy and nonchalant.

"Is Mommy really going to marry Daddy Barry?" Elissa asked with a pout.

"Yes." Alick nodded and continued, "Mommy is trying on her wedding gown. She is going to get married soon." "Is Mommy beautiful in a wedding gown?"

"She is." Alick nodded again. "We've seen Mommy's photos in a wedding gown, haven't we? She was really beautiful!"

"Yes, we have," said Elissa while biting her fingertips. "I've seen it before. She was beautiful. But this time, I don't want to go in. Mommy doesn't like Dad anymore. Why will she marry Daddy Barry?"

"Why hasn't Dad come yet?" Feeling bored, Alick leaned against the window. Suddenly, his eyes lit up when he saw a familiar figure outside. "It's Uncle Victor!"

"Victor? Where is he?" Upon hearing this, Elissa jumped up from her seat, and opened the door. She then looked around to find Victor. When she found him, she waved her arm excitedly and shouted, "Victor! Hey, Victor! I'm here!"

Victor had just come from the hospital. As he was about to enter the studio, he heard someone call his name. He turned around and smiled upon seeing Elissa. Slowly, he walked to her and greeted, "Hey, Elissa!"

"Hold me! Hold me!" shouted Elissa with her arms outstretched.

Victor burst into laughter, but obliged when she asked to be held. He kissed her on the cheek and asked, "Why are you here? Don't you want to go in?" "Are you going in?" Elissa asked excitedly, overjoyed from receiving a kiss from Victor.

"Yes, I'm going in there," Victor answered while nodding.

"Then I want to go in too!"

"Okay." Victor looked at Alick and asked, "How about you, Alick? Shall we go inside together? Mommy and Daddy Barry are both in there."

After contemplating for a while, Alick eventually agreed.

Holding the two kids in his arms, Victor walked towards the wedding studio.

"Uncle Victor, can you call my dad?" Alick suddenly said as he lay in Victor's arms. He felt sad that his mom chose to marry someone else rather than his father. "I want Dad to take Mommy away."

"You're a good boy, Alick," said Victor with a sigh. "But your father... He can't come over now."

"Is it because Dad has abandoned Mommy, so Mommy decided to marry Daddy Barry?" Alick asked again.

"Well..." Victor was stunned. He did not know what to answer to such a smart kid. "It's very complicated."

"Adults' lives are always complicated," Alick observed in a deep thought.

As soon as the three entered the studio, Aisha saw them at once. With a smile, she walked over and happily greeted them.

"Where are Mary and Barry?" Victor asked when he realized that the two were nowhere in sight. He was now accustomed to Aisha and Mary that he already could tell them apart at a glance. Now, he chuckled every time he would remember the time when he had mistaken Aisha for Mary in the park.

"They went inside to try on the clothes," Aisha answered as she stood in front of the three.

"Are you Mommy or Auntie Aisha?" asked Elissa.

"Take a guess." Aisha laughed and pinched her chubby face.

"You are my aunt," answered Elissa while pouting. "Mommy would only kiss me. She never pinches my face."

"Ha ha!" Aisha smiled complacently and opened her arms to the two kids. "Give me a hug, Alick and Elissa!"

Alick hugged Aisha back, but Elissa wrapped her arms around Victor's neck. "I don't want to."

"Geez!" Aisha rolled her eyes and said, "You little flirt!"

"Elissa is indeed a flirt!" Alick commented on Elissa's behavior directly. "She says she's going to marry Uncle Victor in the future."

"Ha ha! Ha ha ha!" Jazlyn could not help but burst into laughter. When her laughter had finally subsided, she joked, "Little beauty, do you want to try on a wedding gown and get married together with your mother at the same time? Mommy will marry your Daddy Barry, and you will marry Victor. What do you think?"

"Really? Can I?" Although Jazlyn was joking, Elissa took it seriously. She hugged Victor tighter and said, "May I marry Victor?"

"Elissa..." Victor just smiled helplessly. Should he feel happy that even a kid fell for his charm?

"What are you laughing at?" Suddenly, a voice came from the direction of the fitting room. Barry pushed the door open and walked out in his suit. He smiled and said excitedly, "Finally! Alick and Elissa, you finally came in!"

"Daddy Barry is so handsome!" said Elissa sincerely.

"Thank you, Elissa!" Barry walked over wearing a decent and dazzling suit.


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