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Love Contract novel Chapter 285

"You were also beautiful when you got married," Mary smiled. Then, glancing at Jane's swollen belly, she asked, "Is the baby okay?"

"Yeah, all good and healthy!" Jane waved her hand happily, but she leaned over as soon as she finished speaking and began to retch. "Aww..."

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Mary asked after noticing how her face winced in slight pain. An assistant hurried to assist Jane and suggested, "Go over there and have a seat."


Mary wanted to comfort Jane, but when she heard her retching, her stomach began to churn almost as if she was about to puke as well.

"Eww..." So, to refrain herself from making a mess, Mary pressed her chest firmly, but her stomach was really on a roll this time.

"What's wrong, Mary?" This time, it was Ena who approached her.

"No, nothing." Mary smiled at her, obviously trying to reassure the woman that everything was alright. After all, it was her wedding day, and she didn't want to freak out everyone. However, she knew she had been suffering from stomachache recently.

"Are you too nervous?" Jazlyn, who was wearing the bridesmaid's dress, asked in an evidently worried tone.

"A little." Mary smiled to assure them that she was alright. "How are things going with Alick and Elissa?" she asked as she elongated her neck, trying to search for her kids.

"They couldn't be better. They are with Barry. Don't worry," Jazlyn replied with a warm and reassuring smile, hoping that it would lessen the bride's worry.

"What about Aisha?"

"She went around to inspect the wedding. She said that she would check it in person and wouldn't let anything ruin this important event. Particularly, she would never let Will..." Jazlyn trailed in her last sentence, knowing that the atmosphere would turn sour if she were to continue. They hadn't told the bride to be that William was still in a coma.

Did Jazlyn mean to say William?

'Perhaps he has forgotten me. I'm going to get married, and yet he has not shown up yet,' she thought, smiling bitterly at that thought. Well, it was better that way anyway. At least she wouldn 't have to deal with a very awkward situation if William was to show himself here. Meanwhile, in the groom's dressing room, Victor, Lucas, and Archer all accompanied Barry.

The two kids were also well-dressed, ready to walk the aisle before their mother.

"Bad news! Bad news!" Cooper rushed inside the dressing room, panting while his face was painted with so much alarm.

"What's wrong? Calm down!" Archer asked, raising his eyebrows as he almost rose from his seat.

"There’s a piece of news... " Gasping for breath, Cooper showed the morning newspaper to everyone. "Look at this!"

"Let me see!" Lucas snatched it away, and the crowd gathered around him to have a look. Everyone was evidently curious as to what the report was.

"The CEO of GM, Barry Gu, abandoned his own son to get married. Today's wedding is ridiculous."

Under the massive headline was a detailed report on Barry's entire life, including the story between him and Selah, as well as their illegitimate child.

"Barry Gu!" Victor's voice suddenly thundered. "You are such an asshole! Tell me! Is the report true?" he asked while grabbing the groom forcibly by his collar.

However, much to Victor's surprise, Barry didn't even flinch at his sudden outburst. Instead, the latter merely flashed him a grin and replied, "It's true."

"You bastard!"

With a bang, Victor punched Barry in the face. It was so forceful that one could tell Victor loaded all his fury in one jab. "If I had known that you were such a jerk, I would never have let go of Mary!"

"Hey, guys! Calm down!" Archer stepped in the middle of those two, stopping Victor from another attempt to land a punch on the groom.

"Damn it! I really want to curse!" Lucas threw the newspaper on the ground and stared at Barry. "What should we do now?"

"Cooper," Barry uttered and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. "Please contact the newspaper agency first. Make sure to suppress any release or further publication of that article. Also, send more people to guard outside the church. Don't let the reporters in."

"Alright, got it." Cooper nodded before turning around to leave.

"I'm going to see Mary," said Barry in a firm and gloomy tone.

"How dare you go to see her? You bastard!" Victor's voice roared in the entire room. Apart from his blaring voice, his sharp eyes and tightly knitted brows showcased how mad he was at Barry.

"Calm down!" Archer held Victor's arm tightly, trying to pacify the latter. "Maybe he is going to confess!"

"I don't mind proposing to Mary right now!" Victor glared at Barry angrily, his nostrils flared while the veins on his neck almost popped.


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