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Love Contract novel Chapter 30

Mary didn't sleep very deeply. She felt buoyant, like a small boat floating in the sea. The swells moved her body up and down, and there was a lovely sun warming her. Eyes closed, she tried to hold on to that warm place, feeling extremely comfortable.

"Wake up, Mary." It was William's voice. She really didn't want to be up.

"Get up! If you don't get up, I might decide not to pay you," William said in a very strict voice.

Pay me? Oh no!

Although Mary's mind was still on, she suddenly stood up and howled, "Don't do that! I need that to live on."

"Ha ha." Standing in front of the bed, William smiled. He knew how to push her buttons. "If you eat the noodles I made, then I might not withhold the money."

"Hmm?" It was not until she rubbed her eyes that she saw everything clearly.

William was wearing an apron, but how could he smile like that? Bitch! She looked beyond him, and saw that it was already morning! "Oh my God! What time is it now?" Mary stood up and asked, the words tumbling out of her mouth at light speed.

"It's seven o'clock already."

"Seven o'clock in the morning?" Mary asked with her eyes wide open. William nodded. "Why...why didn't you wake me up last night?"

"You looked so peaceful," William said, mockingly. Mary grabbed her hair, trying to recall what happened last night. "I remember I was in the car. Then..."

"Cut the crap. Go brush your teeth and get some breakfast." Then William walked out in slippers.

"You... You're wearing the apron? Tell me what happened," Mary asked as she was chasing after him.

"Nuh uh. Breakfast first!" William glared at her and walked into the kitchen.

Pursing her lips, Mary dashed into the bathroom and noticed that she was still wearing the clothes she wore yesterday.

Oh my God... So William carried her upstairs? Mary frowned as the memory came to her, brushing her teeth and washing her face in a hurry. Then she ran down to the living room as fast as she could.

In the living room, William placed a bowl of noodles on the table. When he heard the sound of Mary coming in, he turned and gave a fresh, clean smile to her. It was like the spring wind.

He looked like a good husband dutifully waiting for his wife.

Unfortunately, that was not who he was at all.

"You... Did you carry me upstairs yesterday?" She didn't like the idea, but she had to ask.


"Thank you anyway." Mary wasn't sure whether she should be shy or upset. She chose the latter.

"Come and have some noodles."

"You made this?" Mary sat down with a frown. Those noodles didn't look appetizing at all.

"Yeah. Happy birthday, Mary," William sat down and said.

All of a sudden, Mary raised her head and stared at him. She was surprised he would remember her birthday and cook noodles for her. She felt a little bit sour in her nose and tears welled up in her eyes. Mary wanted to cry.

"How...How did you know?"

"Easy, I'm smart. I know everything." A smile appeared at the corners of William's mouth. Although he was talking nonsense, he looked so childish. "Eat quickly. You'll live a long time if you eat it."

"Wi..." Mary choked with sobs and suppressed the emotions surging through her heart. "Thank you, boss... But you don't have to do this kind of thing for me."

"It's what I owe you."

"Seriously, you don't have to do this. Everything I do is what I should do. I should be paying you back."

"Cut the crap!" William was a little impatient. Why was she acting so weird? Shouldn't she be moved to tears when she saw he was so good to her?


"Stop calling me that!" All of a sudden, William threw his chopsticks, which startled Mary. "What's wrong with you, Mary? It's too early to piss me off, and you've done a great job of it!"

"I..." Biting her lips, Mary stood and said, "It's getting late. I need to go to work."

Then she pulled out the chair in a hurry and was about to run out.

"Stop!" William shouted at her, but Mary didn't listen to him at all. She just wanted to go out.

"Mary!" William was so angry that he stood up in a hurry and grabbed Mary's arm. "What's the matter?" "No... Nothing..." Mary lowered her head and said in a quiet voice.

"Really? Really?" William laughed and said angrily, "You've been too full of yourself recently! Why were you avoiding me? Why?"

"I wasn't..." She struggled for an answer, but it didn't work.

"You don't want to get in my car. You don't want to be too close to me. And you don't want to talk to me! You won't even taste the noodles I cooked for you!" William clenched Mary's slender arm more tightly and said, "Say it! What the hell do you want?"

"I... Nothing," said Mary, shaking her head. "I don't want anything."

"Is it another guy?" William was shouting. Like he usually did when he was upset. He felt like thousands of cat's claws were scratching the walls of his heart. "Am I right? You're having an affair. I got up early this morning to make noodles for you and celebrate your birthday. You know I'm busy, right?"


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