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Love Contract novel Chapter 311

They lived a leisurely and comfortable life during the recovery, which was inconceivable. William did not need to worry about the business in AJ Group or in the USA. He really enjoyed this kind of life very much.

Frankly, Mary's belly was fine, but William insisted on not letting her leave the hospital. He wanted her to stay with him all the time. Whenever she refuted him, he would lie on the bed, groaning and yammering. Then, he would complain about having either a headache or a gunshot pain. He did not want to listen to anyone at all.

Mary finally understood where Elissa inherited her cheekiness. No doubt it was from her father. From time to time, she would touch her round belly and say to the baby, 'Please follow my good traits!"

After half a month, the weather got colder every day. Within those days, William had fully recovered.

The most awaited day had come. Finally, it was time for William and Mary to leave the hospital. All the people who could make it came to celebrate for them. After putting on the suit that he had not worn for a long time, William gazed at himself in front of the mirror for a long time, careful not to miss any details.

"Mary, come here." All of a sudden, he called Mary, who was packing things beside the bed.

"Yes?" She straightened up right away.

"Come and help me tidy up my clothes," said William in a spoiled manner. "Check if my tie is crooked, could you?"

Mary shook her head with a smile. She walked towards him with her big belly, and tidied his collar with her slender fingers. "William, you look very handsome today. Your collar is not crooked, and your tie is well-matched. Why did you choose a red tie today, by the way?"

"For celebration, of course!" With a satisfied smile, William lowered his head and kissed on her cheek all of a sudden. Then, he picked up the bag beside him and handed it to Mary. "It's for you."

"What's this?" asked Mary with raised eyebrows.

"I bought you some clothes!" With an excited smile on his face, William pushed Mary to sit on the edge of the bed. "Come on! Put it on. You must look gorgeous in it! Today is a big day for us."

"Yes, we have been discharged from the hospital, " said Mary with a smile. "Everyone is waiting for us outside. Let's hurry up. I can put this on tomorrow."

"No! Please, put it on now! I'm sure they can wait," William urged. "This is my gift for you. If you don't put it on... I will do it for you myself!" He suddenly threw himself at Mary, but also making sure that her belly was safe at the same time.

"Aw!" Mary screamed. "All right, all right. I'll put it on. Just stop, okay! Stop it!"

Hearing that, William shrugged. Reluctant to take his hands back, he said, "Okay, I'll let you put it on by yourself then. Be careful on your belly. I'll pack up first. Call me if you can't do it alone."

"Fine. Just go ahead." Mary took out the clothes from the bag. To her surprise, it was a red maternity dress. Although the belly part was a bit oversized for her, the upper part of the dress was still exquisite. It looked very classy and expensive, as observed with the delicate sewing. Judging from the quality and workmanship, it was surely a tailored dress. 'Since when did William become so considerate?' she wondered.

She had put on the dress, while William was waiting outside. William's eyes lit up when he saw her coming out.

"You are still so beautiful." He walked towards her and offered his arm. "You look really great!" he said with a look of admiration.

"Humph! Sweet talker!" Mary shook her head in disagreement, but she was laughing. She had been pregnant for almost six months, and her belly continued to get bigger every day. How could he still give her such a compliment?

"I'm telling the truth." William smiled and suddenly raised his hand to touch her scrunchie and added, "But you would look more beautiful if your hair is scattered."

As soon as he finished speaking, he pulled down her scrunchie and Mary's black, shiny, and beautiful hair fell down her shoulders.

"Ah!" exclaimed Mary in a low voice. "Why did you do that? It's troublesome if my hair is scattered! Give it back to me!"

Hiding the scrunchie behind his back, William shook his head stubbornly. "Endure it just for today, Mary. Please? I want to let the people outside see my beautiful Mary. You are such a beautiful mother!"

Before Mary could say anything,

Ray rushed to them with Elissa, followed by Alick.

"Dad and Mommy, you are so slow!" Elissa threw herself to Mary and asked, "Haven't you finished yet?"


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