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Love Contract novel Chapter 314

Lucas wanted to kick William's ass. Seeing that Barry had already gone to drive the car, he quickly ordered William, "Take Mary to the hospital as soon as possible! Why are you still standing there?"

"Yes, send her to the hospital!" William then started looking around for the car in a hurry.

"Calm down! Stop panicking! You'll drop Mary!" Aisha shouted to remind him.

"Come here!" At this time, Barry drove his car out of the garage and said to William, "Don't panic!"

With an anxious expression, William put Mary into the car. Although he was holding her hand comfortingly, he was trembling all over.

"I'm fine," said Mary, while squeezing out a smile and comforting William. "Don't be afraid. Everything's going to be okay."

"Yes, fine. You are fine." William nodded and shouted at Barry, "Hurry up!"

The car sped in the highway at the top speed. When they reached the hospital, doctors were already waiting for them. Fortunately, someone had phoned the hospital while they were on the way.

Holding Mary in his arms, William sent her to the door of the delivery room and put her on the bed. He wanted to follow inside, but was stopped immediately.

"Mr. Lan, you can't go in!" The head nurse stopped him in the tracks.

"My wife is inside!" William roared in panic. "I want to go in and keep her company!"

"The doctor will take care of her! Please wait outside."

"No, I need to go in! Get out of my way!"

"Calm down, William!" Barry put his hands on William's shoulders and reassured him. "It's okay. She's just going to give birth to your baby. Don't let her worry about you."

"Yes, she must be very worried if she hears you shouting outside," Lucas echoed. "Maybe it will affect the speed of her delivery! Trust me. I'm a doctor!"

Despite being extremely anxious and frightened, he shut up immediately. However, he could not calm down. He paced back and forth in the corridor of the hospital with his hands on his waist.

After a short while, Timothy and Amy rushed to the hospital after being informed. Others in the villa also came to the hospital all at once. ''Ah!'1

A painful scream came from the delivery room.

Hearing that, William was shocked and he frowned deeply. "It's Mary. What should we do?"

"Don't worry. It's normal."

"Yes, it's okay."

With a buzzing in his head, William could not know who was comforting him. He only heard the screams in the delivery room.

It turned out that giving birth to a baby was so painful. How many hardships had his Mary suffered? 'No! I won't let her give birth again! I don't want any more babies!' William thought to himself.

After a long time, a baby's cry suddenly came from the operating room.

"Oh. The baby is born!" Amy stood up from the seat with excitement.

"Is the baby born? Thank God!" With a loud shout, William rushed to the door of the delivery room, reaching it in three long strides, just in time when the door opened.

The doctor took the newborn baby out with a smile. When he was about to give the baby to the father, William rushed into the operating room without even glancing at the baby. Seeing Mary lying on the delivery bed, William panicked and rushed over in a hurry. With sweat on her face, she felt exhausted. She was so tired that she could not even utter a single word.

"Mary, Mary!" While calling her name, William wiped the sweat on her forehead with his big palm and asked in a choked voice, "Are you okay? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Mary shook her head weakly. Slowly, her eyes closed and she fell into deep sleep quickly. The moment before she fainted, William's heart wrenching roar echoed in her ears as if she were dying. 'This idiot...'

"Mary! Mary!" Clutching Mary's hand and watching her faint, William was so scared that he stood up all of a sudden and grabbed the doctor's collar. "What's wrong? What's wrong with my wife? She fainted!"

"Mrs. Lan consumed too much energy during the delivery, so she fell asleep. Mr. Lan, please calm down," the doctor explained hurriedly.

"When will she wake up?" he asked again. His Adam's apple rolled as he swallowed hard.

"She'll be fine after a few hours of rest."

"That's good, that's good." He nodded with relief and followed the nurse, who pushed Mary out of the delivery room.

"Waa! Waa! Waa!" In the corridor, the group of people surrounded the newborn baby, who had just come to this world. Looking around, the baby cried even louder.

"How adorable!" Selah exclaimed with a motherly smile.

"It's so tinyl!" Jazlyn stared at the baby curiously.

"Grandma, let me have a look!" Elissa squeezed through the crowd and asked, "Is this Mommy's baby?"

"Yes." Amy bent down with a smile so Elissa could see the baby. "Elissa, have a look."

Alick also came over. The moment the two children saw the newborn baby, their facial expressions changed.

Elissa pouted as if she was ready to burst into tears. "Is this Mommy's baby? Why is the baby so ugly?"

"Why is the baby's face wrinkled like an old man?" Alick asked seriously. "Is it a boy or a girl?"

"It's a girl," answered Amy.

"Why is it so ugly?" Alick murmured. 'It doesn't look like me or Elissa at all!'

It was not until he came out of the delivery room that William remembered his own baby. As everyone was talking, he hurried to the crowd.

"Dad! Dad!" cried Elissa. She threw herself into William's arms and said, "My younger sister is so ugly. What should we do?"

It turned out to be a daughter!


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