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Love Contract novel Chapter 37

The next morning, William drove Mary to another house, far from the hustle and bustle of the city. He was going to pick up Lucas. When she looked around, she saw the area was full of villas.

"That's where I live," said William. He pointed at a villa and said, "Lucas and his family moved out of the country. He is currently living in my house."

"Oh, I see." Mary looked out of the window and followed his finger to the home he pointed at.

It had a red brown roof and white walls, surrounded by green trees. He had what looked like a swing on the porch. It was her husband's home, but she could only see it from a distance. Mary's heart hurt to think of it.

Lucas came out of the villa in high spirits and said to William, "You got here early."

"Cut the crap. Get in the car."

"You're not in a good mood. Got up on the wrong side of the bed?" Lucas teased. Seeing Mary sitting quietly in the back seat, he quickly smiled and said, "I want to sit with Mary."

"Sit up here."

"No," said Lucas. "And what I do is none of your business!" Lucas smiled defiantly and opened the back door.

Mary moved over to let him in.

Along the way, Lucas kept talking. He was a regular chatterbox.

"Hey Mary. Where'd you go to college?"

"Oh, Z University."

"Wow! One of the top universities. I'm jealous," Lucas said with a smile. "No wonder you're so graceful."

"Thank you." Mary smiled. She knew that Lucas was flattering her. He was in classes with William, and how could William's college be ordinary?

"William was quite the ladies' man in college." Lucas began to talk about their university life, "Or he would have been, if he hadn't turned down girls left and right."

Hearing that, Mary raised her eyebrows. She could almost imagine William refusing other girls, arms crossed, stony faced.

"You're one to talk. You'd have to keep a spreadsheet to keep track of all your romantic encounters," said William sarcastically.

"What romantic encounters?" Lucas said, "All the girls I hung out with were just friends. I'm pure and innocent." "Fuck off!" That was meant to shut Lucas up, but he wasn't done.

"Girls were afraid of him," Lucas ignored him and continued. "He's never been in love, ha ha!"

Mary could scarcely believe it. "Really?" she asked.

"It's sad, but true." Lucas covered his stomach and laughed. "Would I lie to you?"

William's face darkened. "Shut up!" he said with a hint of warning.

"You're not bad-looking. You must have had men lining up to date you. Am I right?" Lucas asked with a cunning smile. Hearing this, William was a little curious and could not help but prick up his ears.

"No... Not really." Mary felt a little embarrassed.

"You are very modest." Lucas smiled. "Have you ever been in love?"

Mary couldn't help but glance at William and said, "I had a boyfriend before, just one."

"Oh, I see." Lucas was a little embarrassed. Seeing the angry expression on William's face he quickly changed the subject. "When we were in college, William liked to clean everything."

Mary nodded, 'I know. He's a real neat freak.'

"But sometimes he was too lazy. He was like a young master. If he didn't want to clean, he just let me do it," Lucas said indignantly. "But I didn't want to clean, either, so we fought a lot."

Hearing that, Mary raised her eyebrows. 'How could William be so mercurial?'

"I didn't know until we fought," said Lucas with a disdainful look on his face, "that this man has a black belt in taekwondo! He beat me so bad I almost ended up in the hospital!"

Mary smiled and pictured Lucas getting his butt kicked by William.

"So!" Lucas said with high fighting spirit, "I really wanted to be a doctor back then!"

Sweat broke out on Mary's forehead. 'He wished he could be a doctor after being beaten. What is this? A case of physician, cure thyself?'

"Don't be ridiculous," said William. "Didn't your father force you to go into the medical field? You didn't want to learn medicine at all back then, but now you're all gung-ho about it?" Lucas became indignant.

"You! How could you betray me like this?" Lucas gave William a fierce glare.

Sitting next to him, Mary wanted to laugh, but after laughing, she felt sad.

When the car arrived at the hospital, the president, vice president and directors were there, which scared Mary. They all stood next to each other in a neat row.

The three of them got out of the car. Lucas greeted the president of the hospital in a familiar way. "Ah, Uncle Zhao, long time no see."

"Lucas, it's been too long. How's your father?"

"He's fine. Thank you for your concern."

"You're still the same nice boy." The president of the hospital asked with a smile, "Are these two friends of yours?"

"Yes, they are."

After Lucas introduced everyone, they entered the hospital.

Then Mary and William went to the intensive care unit first. Mary's mom looked good.

"Mom." Mary walked in with a smile.


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