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Love Contract novel Chapter 379

"Nah. Let's go." Archer shook his head and smiled. "I also want to give it a try. I heard that Victor often took Mary to this kind of place. I didn't expect you're also interested. You really are twin sisters!"

Aisha did not smile at his remark. "Archer, there are some things that you can't force yourself to do. You've never eaten barbeque from a barbecue booth before, but now you're saying you want to try it. Just admit that you don't get along with this kind of place at all, or else you'll regret it later." She turned around and was about to open the door, but Archer suddenly grabbed her hand.

"Are you implying something?" His eyes were serious. At the same time, there seemed to be magic in his blue eyes, as if he wanted to suck her in. "What do you mean, Aisha? You can tell me directly."

"I'm not on the same road with you," she answered with a sad smile. She unlocked the door and shook off Archer's hand. Then, she got off the car without waiting for his response.

Frowning, Archer opened the door to get off. With an unruly smile, he chased after her. "We are all living on Earth. I can change my road for you—it's no big deal."

Creak! As the two got off the car, Lucas and Jazlyn caught up with them.

"What do you think? I didn't lie, did I? I'm awesome!" Lucas proudly opened the door and got off the car first.

Jazlyn raised her eyebrows, but she did not disagree.

"Hey! You two are so annoying! I told you to have fun on your own!" Aisha walked up to Jazlyn and Lucas, and put her hands on her hips. Putting aside the strange atmosphere between her and Archer earlier, she smiled, "You two are already adults. Can't you do something fun on your own?"

"No way!"

"No way!"

Lucas and Jazlyn answered in unison. Realizing what had just happened, they stared at each other and turned their heads away with a snort.

"You can follow us," said Archer as he put his arm around Aisha's shoulder. "But don't destroy our good plan."

"Humph!" Aisha shook off Archer’s hand and said, "Our good plan? You'll pay for the bill later!"

"No problem!" Archer smiled generously.

The four walked to the barbecue booth. Since they all were good-looking, they attracted other diners' attention. The two tall men, Archer and Lucas, sat on small stools so they looked funny.

"Boss, what do you have here? We want to try one of each on your menu. If any is good, we'll order more. Also, give us beer. All good beers. Bring them all here!" Lucas ordered with a smile.


"Come on, don't be so polite. Enjoy your meal," Lucas said to the other three people with a sly smile. "Anyway, someone will pay the bill so you all should eat a lot!"

"Why are you acting as if you are the one who's going to pay the bill?" Archer said with a smile, but he was frowning imperceptibly. As he felt cramped, he took off his suit jacket. He was not accustomed to dining in a place like this.

The dishes were served soon. As the food arrived one after another, Jazlyn and Aisha began to eat without hesitation.

"Why do I feel that we are four men having dinner together?" Lucas asked as he took a gulp of beer.

"Stop talking. Just eat!" Glaring at him, Jazlyn shouted with a mouthful of food.

"When are you going to stop fighting?" Aisha raised her eyebrows and smirked. "By the way, Dr. Murong, could you tell us how you detoxified Jazlyn that night?"

"Well, that night, Jazlyn—"

"Don't you dare tell them! Lucas Murong, shut up!" He was about to tell everything that had happened when Jazlyn punched him as a warning.

"Ha ha!" Lucas gave a wry smile and stood up. "I'm going to the restroom. Enjoy your meal. I'll be back soon."

"Me too." Archer also stood up and stretched out his arms. "This stool is too small for me."

The two men left with their hands on each other's shoulders, leaving only Jazlyn and Aisha at the table. Meanwhile, several bulky men at the opposite table watched the two men leave. They exchanged glances with each other and stood up with beer glasses in their hands. Slowly, they walked towards Aisha and Jazlyn's table.

"Wow! Pretty ladies, where are you from? I've never seen you before!"

"Why are you two having dinner here alone? Aren't you bored?" "Yes, come and have a drink with us! We promise we'll make this night memorable for you! It's fate for us to meet!"

Several men surrounded the two women in an attempt to flirt with them. Jazlyn and Aisha looked at each other and smiled disdainfully.

"Jazlyn, I'm not happy today."

"Boss, neither am I. In fact, I'm full of anger. What do you think we should do?"

In the restroom, Lucas wolf-whistled and stood side by side with Archer. Suddenly, his eyes lit up as a thought popped in his mind. "Do you know what Aisha is doing for living?"

"Do you know now?" Archer asked back in an overjoyed manner.

"I don't know either. That's why I'm asking you," said Lucas as he zipped up his pants.

"Anyway, we both know that they are not reporters."

"I have a good idea." All of a sudden, Lucas put his arm around Archer's shoulder and said, "We'll get them drunk when we get back later. As the saying goes, 'In wine there is truth'. When they're already drunk, let's ask them, okay?"

"Good idea!" Archer nodded in agreement, but he frowned afterwards. "Can you really drink?"

"Don't look down on me!" Lucas patted his chest and said, "I'm not bragging. I can drink as much as you three altogether."

"Okay then, I'll do as you plan." Archer patted him on the shoulder and asked, "What will you do after they've told the truth? Are you going to take her to a hotel room?"


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