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Love Contract novel Chapter 381

At around six o'clock in the morning, Aisha and Jazlynn stepped out into the morning sun and rushed back to the hotel.

When they got back to the room, the first thing Jazlyn did was get the medical aid kit, hurrying to apply medicine to Aisha's wound.

Aisha tore off her leather jacket and exposed her injured arm with no expression of pain or worry on her face. She was utterly blank.

"Boss," Jazlyn frowned with a cotton bud in her hand, "are you all right?"

"It's nothing," Aisha said shaking her head as she let Jazlyn wipe down the long wound for her.

"Corbett has found about us now. Also, we fought with them at the pier," Jazlyn started, her concern clear in her voice. "Will the headquarters order us to go back?"

"It wasn't that serious." Aisha smiled and said, "At most, I think they're just going to order us to write a report."

Jazlyn bit her lips and snorted, "Someone like Corbett should be wanted in Red Notice. Just a Green Notice is not enough. Why did they specifically ask us to just keep an eye on him. I can't bear it."

"Well, he is a powerful man and doesn't break the law himself," Aisha responded. "If he hadn't been trading illegal goods so blatantly and out in the open this time, we wouldn't have had anything to go off and we wouldn't have gotten into a tussle with him."

Jazlyn shook her head helplessly and clumsily wrapped Aisha's wound with gauze.

"It's so ugly. Last time you got injured, your bandage was perfect. I thought you were really good at bandaging! Why does it seem that your bandaging skills have regressed?"

Jazlyn blushed. "I was not the one who bandaged myself last time."

"Ah! I see!" Aisha nodded and smiled, "Got it. It must've been Lucas Murong who did it for you! He bandaged your wound and detoxified you. Yikes! Are you considering being with him?"

Jazlyn pulled a long face. "It was just an accident between us! There is nothing special between me and him."

"Isn't he good?"

"Not really!" Jazlyn scoffed, "He's so hateful! I wouldn't be with him even if he was the last man on earth!"

Aisha shrugged and stood up without saying anything more. It was none of her business to dig around her subordinate's private life.

"Boss, what about you?" Jazlyn asked, "What's going on between you and Archer?"

"No comment! Archer and I just met by chance." Aisha walked to the bedroom and said, "My body hurts. I'm going to bed now."

Jazlyn sighed imperceptibly.

Their jobs did not allow them to live freely.


Aisha's phone rang. She was on her way to her room to get some sleep when she grabbed the phone and answered, "Hello? What's the matter?"

"Paul was injured when we were laying cover fire. He's been hit in the chest, close to the heart. We can't take the bullet out ourselves." "We can't take him to the hospital right now either," another policeman said anxiously, "What should we do?"

Aisha's brows furrowed. She paused for a moment and continued, "Contact the local police and ask them to arrange a surgery for him at the hospital! It might be a little problematic but it's the best option we have."

Jazlyn heard the conversation and leapt off the sofa and ran to Aisha. "What's wrong?"

"Paul was shot and needs an operation," Aisha said quickly, turning back to the phone call. "Where are you now?"


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