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Love Contract novel Chapter 47

Destiny and fate were sometimes truly amazing. Just as Mary raised her head, she saw from the corner of her eye, two people staggering out the bar.

She squinted a bit to see the two people better. It was William and Lucas.

It seemed that William had made a phone call to someone. Soon after he called, another person arrived at the bar.

Mary's eyes widened. It looked to be a well-dressed young man who had large muscles. 'Could it be his bodyguard?' she thought to herself. The man politely opened the yellow car door for them and assisted them inside. Once they were inside, the man got in the driver seat and drove off.

It turned out William had bodyguards, so why did Lucas have to call her?

Mary felt humiliated once more. Her pride that had risen because she refused to pick William up was shattered again.

"Hello, Miss? How much do I have to pay?"

"What? Oh! Okay..." Mary shook her head and came to her senses. "I'm sorry, sir. Your total bill is one hundred and ninety." After Mary had received the money, she looked back up. The strange yellow car was gone.

When she glanced out the window, the neon lights illuminated the streets and the night had become more fascinating.

"Sir, where are you going?" A yellow Lamborghini sped down the road.

"Kylin International." William rubbed his temples as he sat in the back seat of the car.

"Aren't you afraid of being beaten and driven out?" Lucas teased.

"Hmm... I remember you lecturing me to never to give up."

Lucas grinned. He then closed his eyes to rest. "Sir, we're here."

"Okay." William nodded and gestured to the guard. "Send Mr. Murong to the seaside villa. He has the key."

"Yes, sir."

As William was stepping out of his car, he looked up and gazed at the building. It was in the middle of everything. The warm yellow lights that came from the house made him feel like he was home.

'How would Mary react if she saw me? Will she be shocked? Or will she ignore me? Should I apologize? What should I first say to her?'

His thoughts were racing with every step he took.

"Swoosh..." William stood outside the door. 'It's alright... I can do this, ' he thought to himself. He took a few deep breaths and clenched the door handle with his slender fingers.

'Click! Click'

'It didn't open?'

William frowned and tried again. Sure enough, the door wouldn't open. 'Hmm...No one's home? Mary should be home but... why isn't she answering the door?'

'Ding Dong!'

All of a sudden, the elevator opened. William's immediate response was to turn around. It was the elderly couple that lived next door.

"Hello." Since they had just greeted him, he had to say hello.

"Hello." The woman replied, "Young man, long time no see."

"Yes, long time no see." William nodded.

"Mary hasn't come back yet?" The man asked.

"Not yet." William raised his eyebrows. He was a bit shocked. It seemed as if while William was away, Mary decided to befriend their neighbors.

"Doesn't she have part-time work tonight?" the woman said. "You forgot it again, honey."

"Yes, you're right. Mary has a part-time job. I keep forgetting that, sorry."

Part-time job? When William heard that, he frowned. Was Mary working at the convenience store? He shook his head slightly. Before this happened, William felt that he knew Mary like the back of his hand. But now, everything had changed. She was a stranger.

"We'll be heading off now, young man." The couple smiled and waved goodbye. They turned around and walked off.

"Okay." William nodded. He then lowered his head and sighed. All his efforts and questions were now in vain because she wasn't home.

He decided to just open the door with his keys. But as he reached inside his pocket and felt around. Something wasn't right. He frantically emptied his pockets. "I remember I had the key in here somewhere... Damn it!"

William fumbled the insides of his back pockets. "It's not here either..."

'What should I do? Should I call Mary?

No, No. Even if I call her and she answers, she wouldn't come back. Maybe...Maybe she doesn't want me to come back...' After sulking for a few minutes, William took off his tailored suit jacket from Paris angrily and threw it on the ground. "Ugh!" He then sat on it.

Since there was nobody around that night, William decided to lay back and relax. "No one's going to judge me anyway," he said as he sat on his coat in front of the door.

William took out his phone and scrolled through his apps. To his dismay, he had no games on his phone to help pass the time. 'Well, I guess Mary was right. I have a boring life.'

The thought of Mary popped up in his head. William tapped on the photo album of his phone. There was only one photo.

A photo of him and Mary.

They took the photo while they were in William's car. Mary was taking a selfie at the time. She made a cute face and snapped the photo while he suddenly leaned close to her. William laughed when he saw his expression.

It captured that moment of them together. William then zoomed in on Mary's face. His fingers tracing around her head.

The corners of his mouth slowly turned upwards.

He didn't know why he kept the photo. He just felt like he had to. Maybe it was because Mary's face was too cute?

With the phone in his hand, William curled up his legs and leaned his head against the ground. His eyes started to close.

His eyelids became heavier and heavier. Perhaps it was because William had drunk too much wine. He then slowly drifted to sleep.


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