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Love Contract novel Chapter 56

There was a sudden warmth pressed against her mouth. When her eyes fluttered open, she saw Victor's delicate face and could smell his fragrant perfume between her breaths. A wave of uneasiness washed over her.

"What are you doing? !" Realizing what had happened, she pushed him away. Her face was wet with tears.

Victor stumbled back, caught off guard by her reaction. He looked up at her.

"I'm sorry," he said. His eyes were full of pain.

"I..." Mary started, her voice shaky. "I am his wife. This is my obligation until the contract ends..."

"What about after the contract?" Victor asked, frowning.

"After?" Mary blinked at Victor in confusion. Yes, what would happen to her once the contract expired?

"After the contract ends, Mary," said Victor, clenching his fists, "you won't be his wife anymore."

"No...I don't suppose I will be," Mary agreed. She hung her head sadly.

"What about me? Will I have a chance then?" Victor heard himself asking.

It dawned on him that he wasn't scared of revealing his true feelings. What actually scared him was the possibility of rejection.

"Victor, you're this big star. You're always in the spotlight. I never thought that..." Mary trailed off.

"So what?" Victor said, anxiously. "It's all superficial glory. Mary...you know me. The skeletons in my closet, all my dirty secrets — "

"Stop it!" Mary interrupted. She couldn't take it. She hated it when he brought that up. It broke her heart, being reminded of his troubled past.

"I need time." Mary couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze. "We both need time, Victor. Do you really love me for who I am? Or am I just someone suffering the same misery? We're both 'victims' of William. You need someone who understands your pain."

A bitter smile pulled at Victor's face. "I can understand love."

His statement hung heavy in the air. Neither of them spoke. The sweet smell that had swirled around them became somewhat suffocating.

"Du, du..." Victor's phone was the first to break the silence. Mary let out a quiet sigh of relief.

"Hello?" Victor answered, turning away slightly.

"Victor! Where are you right now?! Where did you go? Are you with Mary again? !" Jorge yelled. Victor held the phone away from his ear for a few seconds. "Don't you know what's at stake here? Don't you have any sense of responsibility? Come back this instant! Do you hear me? !" He boomed through the phone.

Mary frowned at the agent's rough tone.

Sensing her worry, Victor shot her an apologetic glance. "I had to deal with something urgent. Why are you rushing me?" he spoke into his phone.

"Something urgent?! Why didn't you tell me about it? Why run off by yourself? Come back here now! Do you hear me? !" Jorge gritted his teeth, stubbornly staying on the line. A part of him knew Victor had gone to Mary.

"You can go. You shouldn't make him wait too long," Mary mouthed gently.

Victor closed his eyes and massaged the area between his brows. "I'll be right back," he sighed and hung up.

Smiling ruefully, Victor explained, "That's just how Jorge is. As an agent, he's always afraid something bad will happen to his artist." "I know." Mary nodded.

"I should get going." Victor looked at the large trees in the distance. "I made you cry so sadly. I didn't even help you pick enough flowers." His words were burdened with guilt.

"It doesn't matter. I can do it myself."

"Mary," said Victor. He had put on his sunglasses to hide the pained expression on his face. "I care about you enough to be like this. I want to be the one you rely on, but you've turned me down. It hurts my self-esteem."


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