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Love Contract novel Chapter 8

Mary had the night shift in her part-time job at a convenience store. It was not a large store, but it was a busy one, since it was located in a bustling road near the most luxurious Love Bar in the city. There was always a steady stream of business every night.

She arrived at half past eight that evening.

"I'm sorry!" she called immediately as she entered. "I know I'm late, it won't happen again," she added, as she rushed towards the counter.

Peter, the son of the store manager, waved a hand. "Don't worry about it, Mary. It's not that late."

"Thank you for your understanding. I promise, this is a one-time thing," Mary assured him. She patted down her hair, hoping it looked neat.

"Okay, good," said Peter, smiling. Mary went into the back room to change her clothes.

She emerged wearing her uniform and went to stand beside him. "By the way, where's your father? Will he be coming in today?"

"He had something important to take care of, so he won't be here. Why? Do you need to talk to him?" Peter asked curiously. Mary hesitated, then nodded. "Well... yes, sort of, " she admitted.

"You can tell me," said Peter. "I'll make sure to inform my father as soon as I see him."

Mary considered it. "Sure," she agreed. He looked expectantly at her, waiting.

She took a deep breath and said apologetically, "Peter, I'm afraid I'm planning to resign soon. I'll probably be able to stay until the end of the month, then I won't be working here any longer." "What? Why?" exclaimed Peter, looking startled. There was a trace of disappointment in his eyes as he asked, "Don't you like working here?"

"Of course I do!" Mary said hastily, eager to reassure him. "You and your father have been very kind to me. It's because... Well, because I got married." Seeing his eyes widen, she added, "Also, I need to take care of my mother. She has not been in good health, and she needs a companion."

But Peter barely heard the last part. He was focused on her astonishing news. "Mary, you got married?" he said, unable to hide his disbelief. "I've never heard you mention anything about an engagement, much less a wedding."

Mary flushed. "Well, it all happened very fast. I wasn't really planning it, but you know how these things go. I was so busy with everything that I didn't have time to inform everybody."

Peter sighed. "Ah, I see. Mary, I have to admit, I'm upset to hear about your marriage. I was hoping you'd wait for me to grow up, then the two of us could get married."

Mary giggled. She said lightly, "Oh, Peter, you're in high school. You don't want someone as old as me. You're a kid, and I'm ten years older than you."

"Age is not a problem!" Peter said, sounding offended. He puffed out his chest, and Mary couldn't help herself. She laughed again.

"Mary, can I still call you even after you leave?" Peter asked worriedly.

"Of course!" Mary replied, smiling. "Anytime you want to talk, just let me know."

"Won't your husband be jealous?" Peter asked in a serious voice.

Mary was surprised, then she pressed her lips together, trying to keep a straight face. "Don't worry about that. I'm sure he won't," she told Peter. 'William is not the jealous type, and even if he were, why would he be jealous of a high school boy?' Mary thought to herself, suppressing her smile.

Peter nodded. "Oh, I see. That's good, then."

Around half an hour later, Peter left. When he had gone, Mary was left alone in the

convenience store. During the midnight shift, there was still a trickle of customers that came in, maybe two or three every hour. In the past, when there were no customers in the convenience store, she had used the time to catch up on her work for her day job. Now that she was married to the company CEO, and the handover was almost completed, she had no tasks to complete. She felt restless without any work to do.

The bell chimed as the door opened. Mary was absently straightening up the counter when a customer walked in.

"Hello, welcome!" she said brightly, turning to greet the customer. But the smile died on her lips when she saw who had entered.

It was Victor. What was he doing here?

The shock on her face was mirrored in Victor's expression. Was that Mary? What was the wife of the CEO doing, working in a convenience store like this? For a moment he just stood there. Then he recovered, grinning wickedly, and walked up to the counter. He pulled off his sunglasses and met her eyes.

"Why, it's the CEO's wife!" he said. He gave her a dazzling smile. "This afternoon you left in such a hurry with your husband that I didn't even have time to say goodbye."

Although they were separated from each other by the counter, Mary could smell the alcohol on his breath and clothes. It seemed as though he'd just been heavily drinking at some bar.

"Why would you bother saying goodbye? We're not that close," Mary said coolly. She made a show out of checking her watch. "Well, it's three a.m., and the store is about to close. If you're going to buy anything, please make it quick and then you can leave."

"Certainly," said Victor, sounding amused. He glanced at the nearby merchandise and picked up a pack of mint-flavored chewing gum. "Here, I'll take this. I've been drinking all night, I could use this for my breath."

Mary sneered and took the gum from him. 'Why drink so much if you know it makes you smell bad, ' she thought, mentally rolling her eyes.


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