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Love Contract novel Chapter 92

Although it was dark out at night, a lot of people were coming and going at the airport of Japan. The roar of the plane landing resounded throughout the sky.

A helicopter quietly hovered over the exclusive track as the speed of its propellers gradually decreased.

"Young master, we're here. You can now get off the plane," the bodyguard said courteously as he hopped off the plane.

Suddenly, the young man opened his eyes, his brown pupils emitting a new light. He got off the aircraft without saying a word and walked casually forward.

A few bodyguards followed behind him.

This man was Frank, who had been forced to come to Japan by his father.

"Young master, the car is just on the opposite side." The bodyguard pointed to a silver sports car parked outside as they were leaving the airport.

"Okay." Frank nodded, but his brows were furrowed. He calmly looked around, as if he was looking for something.

"Young master, this way please," the leading bodyguard urged.

"There is no need to hurry," Frank smiled. "I suddenly want to have a cigarette. Do you have cigarette?"

"Well..." The bodyguards looked at each other. "Young master, we..."

"Well," Frank chuckled. "I forgot that my father doesn't smoke and neither does he allow the guards to smoke. You certainly don't have cigarettes. I completely forgot. But I really want to smoke. What should I do?"

"Please hold on for a second, young master!"

"Why?" Frank's stared at him sharply. "When I get back to my father's place, he won't allow me to smoke. Why don't you stay here and wait for me to finish smoking?" He pointed to the smoking room nearby and said, "It won't take long, just a few minutes."


"Stop!" Frank raised his hand to stop the bodyguards behind him. "I don't have anything with me. Do you really have to follow me around? I won't run away."

"Then please come back as soon as possible, young master." The leading bodyguard took a step back.

"Okay." Frank walked to the smoking room and left them outside.

As soon as he was out of the bodyguards' sight, Frank rushed to the smoking room.

It was a shame that it was quite late and there was only one person sitting in the corner of the smoking room. Frank walked towards the person who sat in the corner and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Buddy," Frank said in fluent Japanese. "Can I borrow your phone?"

The man turned around and there was a long scar on his face. Frank gasped, but kept his composure.

"I'll trade you this for the phone, I forgot to bring money." Frank took off his watch and handed it over. "I want to make a call using your phone."

The scarred man frowned and put his hand in his pocket.

Frank let out a sigh of relief. When he was about to say thanks, he felt that there was something wrong. It seemed that someone was watching him from behind.

"Don't move!" At this moment, the scarred man took out a weapon from his back pocket and pointed it at Frank's head.

Several people quietly rushed out from nowhere and surrounded Frank from behind. Frank cursed underneath his breath, secretly annoyed at his own carelessness. He helplessly raised his hands above his head.

"Take him away!" The scarred man didn't say anything more. After giving the order, several people swarmed up and escorted him through the back door with a gun secretly placed on his back.

This group of people were well-trained and their movements were quite consistent. Who on earth were they? Could they be his father's enemies in the business world? Or was it someone else who had a grudge against him?

Frank frowned, but couldn't think of anyone else who could've orchestrated this.

"Get in!" Walking out of the airport, they stopped in front of a black van. The scarred man pushed Frank. Frank turned around and glared at him. He then got inside the van against his will.

A long time had passed, the bodyguards waited by the door but didn't see Frank come out. It made them anxious.

"Why hasn't young master come out yet? Head inside and take a look!" the leader commanded.

"Yes, sir." A man beside him went inside the smoking room. Not a minute passed and he ran out heaving. "Oh, no, young master is missing!"

"What? Oh shit!" The leader bit his lip. He rushed into the smoking room first and looked for Frank. After he had searched every corner, he couldn't find a single trace of him.

"Did young master run away by himself?"

"That's impossible! It wouldn't be wise to run away, and young master knew that."

"Let's search the area first," the leader instructed. "If we can't find him in half an hour, inform master immediately."

"Yes, sir."

The last glimmer of light in the sky of A City gradually disappeared. Mary and William were sitting in the car on their way back.

"Mary, you seem to be very tired. How about you rest for a while?" Aunt Amy said as she glanced at the back seat.

"I'm fine," said Mary, waving her hand dismissively. "I'm not tired."

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure." Mary smiled. She felt fatigued because her period was approaching.

"Don't push yourself." William glanced at her.

"Humph! Are you looking down on me?" Mary pouted.

It turned out that Mary was really trying to stay awake. Twenty minutes later, she closed her eyes. Her body shook slowly with the car and her head hit the glass from time to time, but she still didn't wake up.

"Stupid woman." William frowned and glanced at her in disgust.


Mary's head hit the window again. With her eyes closed and mouth slightly open, she seemed to be in deep sleep!

"Hah!" With a blank expression, William stretched out his hand and placed Mary's head on his shoulder.

"Uh..." Mary made some small noises. She then shuffled closer to William.

'This is the last time I'm doing this, Mary!'


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