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Love Contract novel Chapter 96

At Maple Mountain, Tokyo, Japan.

Since he just woke up, Frank was in a daze. His blurry eyes looked around and saw the white ceiling and crystal chandelier above him.

"Are you finally awake? How are you feeling?" Suddenly, laughter reverberated beside Frank.

With a frown, Frank sat up and immediately felt a mild pain at the back of his head.

"Hey, don't be so eager to get up! You're still weak and unstable. It will only worsen your dizziness."

With a vexed expression, Frank turned his head to where the voice originated. When he saw who was talking, Frank said with hatred, "What are you doing here?"

"Huh? What do you think?" said the man with a strange smile. He was the 'young lord' who detained Frank.

"Where am I?" asked Frank as he stood up and looked around with a frown.

"Well, you're in Japan."

"Of course, I am!"

"We're at my house." "Your house?!" Suddenly, a cautious look flashed across Frank's face as he looked at the man. "Who are you? What do you want from me?"

"Frank, calm down. I have no ulterior motive." The man raised his hands and tried to calm Frank.

"What the--! How do you know my name?" Startled, Frank widened his eyes.

"In this day and age, such information is rather easy to find," boasted the man, still smiling.

"Okay, fine! Then who the hell are you?" Frank impatiently asked.

"Well, my name is Corbett."

"Corbett? Hmm..." For a moment, Frank simmered in his thoughts. Suddenly, a memory came to mind. In a surprised tone, he asked, "Are you from Shadow Organization? Oh, goodness! The young lord of the organization?"

"Ha ha!" Corbett revealed a delighted expression. "Yes, I am. It's nice to meet you, Frank."

Then, Corbett reached out his hand while maintaining his smile.

"I don't want to be your acquaintance." A displeased expression painted Frank's face as he turned his head away. Frank had no intention of affiliating himself with gangsters!

"Unfortunately, I can't accept that." Frowning, Corbett slowly shook his head. "After all, I still have several business dealings with your family."

"Okay, fine! What else do you want? Let me go already!"

"Frank, just relax. I think there's some sort of misunderstanding between us." Corbett smiled again as he leaned forward. "I just want to be friends with you! Don't worry. Your father already knows about this."

After Corbett revealed that, Frank suddenly remembered that people from the Liang Family visited them last night. Corbett must have driven them away!

Even though his family was influential and powerful, Frank's father couldn't afford to offend the gangsters.

"Hey, why are you so silent? What are you thinking?"

When Frank finally snapped out of his reminiscing, he saw Corbett leaning towards him with a deep stare. Their faces were so close together that Frank found it uncomfortable.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?" With a disgusted expression, Frank pushed Corbett away. "Don't get too close to me!"

"Oh, do you hate that?" Corbett asked while faking innocence.

"You little..." Already at the limit of his patience, Frank clenched his fists. Irritated, he asked, "What the hell do you want? Just give me a quick death already!"

"Shut up! If I want to kill you, you won't be talking right now. Your lifeless body would already be somewhere no one could find." Suddenly, Corbett's calm expression turned cold. Then, he stood straight as the atmosphere grew heavier. Finally, Corbett turned around and walked towards the door with his hands in his pockets. After a few steps, he paused, and callously said, "You can stay here for a few days, my friend."

"Bastard! Just let me go already!" However, Frank was helpless. All he could do was watch Corbett leave. When the gangster was finally gone, Frank punched the bed hard to vent his anger.

Meanwhile, in the villa district in R Town of A City, a woman was aimlessly walking. She was looking down as if the universe had punished her.

"Hey, Mary!" Suddenly, a man's voice reverberated from behind her. Mary was so startled that the call made her come back to her senses. With a surprised expression, she hurriedly turned around and looked at the man.

"Lucas?" It was only then that Mary realized who called her. Mary was still unhappy, and tears were falling down her cheeks.

Lucas was standing next to a brand new car. When Mary turned around, he noticed her disheveled appearance. With furrowed eyebrows, Lucas rushed towards her and gently asked, "Why are you crying? Are you okay? Why are you not with William? Where is he?"

"William... He left!"

"What do you mean? He left?" Anger mixed with concern immediately filled Lucas's eyes. With a disappointed sigh, he put his hands on his waist. Then, he clicked his tongue and asked in an angry tone, "Where did he go? What's going on? Why did he leave you here alone?"

"He went to find Frank."

"That idiot, I knew it!" Stressed, Lucas rubbed his forehead. In exasperation, he yelled, "Has he gone mad?"

Lucas was so frustrated that he didn't notice that Mary was in tears again. When he came to his senses, he panicked at the sight of her reddened eyes.

"Mary. Please don't cry anymore," said Lucas as he searched his pockets for a handkerchief. Unfortunately, he didn't bring one with him. "Damn."

On the other hand, Mary was trying her best to hold back her tears. However, her efforts were in vain. The longer she cried, the heavier her breathing became.

"Hush now and wipe your tears. Don't worry. I'll take you away." Suddenly, Lucas reached his right arm closer to Mary's face. "Calm down, Mary. Stop crying."

As she raised her head, Mary's eyes were bloodshot from her tears. However, she looked at Lucas as if his words terrified her.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Don't be scared. I'm not a monster!" Lucas raised an eyebrow. Then, he wiped Mary's cheeks with his right sleeve. After a few seconds, there were no more tears nor snot in her pretty face.

After realizing what just happened, Mary became embarrassed and dodgy.

"Hey, stay still. What are you hiding from?" asked Lucas in an arrogant tone.


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