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Love You No More novel Chapter 1

The next day, the first thing Li Xiuying did was call her personal assistant and close friend, Hou Chen. With the Li family's intention to remove Mu Jianyu from the board of directors and from his executive position, Li Xiuying had to step up and assume her previous post in Li Corporation soon.

Not only that, she also had to find a way to retrieve the money her husband embezzled from the company. Knowing that she wouldn't be able to produce any artworks and paintings anytime soon, Li Xiuying had to give up her passion.

After she finished her meeting with a curator for her final exhibit at one of the high class hotels in the capital, Li Xiuying decided to return to the Li Mansion. After all, the apartment she was sharing with her husband was under Mu Jianyu's name and she didn't feel like staying in a place that would remind her of how miserable her life was.

However, before she could step out of the hotel, her eyes spotted a familiar woman being forcibly dragged to the main lobby by a man. This woman was none other than Lan Jinyao, the lead actress of the upcoming film 'To You With Love' where Lin Meirong was also casted as the second female lead.

Lan Jinyao was begging for help, resisting from the tight hold the man had on her arm. With tears streaming down her cheeks, she felt helpless. None of the spectators wanted to help her and would refuse to meet her gaze as her eyes pleaded for them to help her.

Li Xiuying crossed her arms over her chest and cupped her chin as she stood several meters away from the commotion. This wasn't the first time she'd seen Lan Jinyao but Li Xiuying bet that this woman had no idea who she was. A thought crossed her mind and she wondered if Lan Jinyao would like to cooperate with her.

"Let me go, Director Yao! You're already drunk. Please, let me go. I don't even know what you are talking about!" She cried out. Lan Jinyao was afraid that people would start talking about her and believe the nonsense their director was spouting.

"Why are you resisting now?" The man sneered at Lan Jinyao's face. "Didn't you sleep with the producer to secure the role for the film? Lan Jinyao, the lead role was supposed to be for Lin Meirong but a bitch like you took her chance."

At those words, Li Xiuying froze, her blood started to boil with rage upon hearing Lin Meirong's name. She watched as Lan Jinyao staggered on her feet with her face flushed,Li Xiuying wondered if she was drugged or something. There was clearly something wrong with Lan Jinyao but she couldn't pinpoint what it was.

"Su Ling," Li Xiuying called the name of one of her bodyguards and a man stepped forward beside her at once.

Of course, the issue about actresses sleeping with notable people to get roles in films wasn't new to her. This was one of the unspoken truths within the show business but Li Xiuying won't believe that Lan Jinyao had done what the man was accusing her of.

Lan Jinyao's wide expressive eyes revealed her fears and confusion. She looked like a prey that was trapped in the corner watching as the predator staked its claim on her.

"Miss Ying," He gave her a slight nod in respect. It was rare for his miss to ask something from him.

Most of the time, Su Ling and the other lady bodyguard named Song Zexi, only needed to follow her and watch her from a safe distance. Of course, as her personal bodyguards for the past ten years, Su Ling and Song Zexi were also aware of Mu Jianyu's betrayal

"That woman," using her eyes, Li Xiuying pointed towards Lan Jinyao. "Bring her to me." She told Su Ling before turning her head to her other bodyguard. "Song Zexi, please book a hotel room under my name."

Volume 1 Chapter 9 Lan Jinyao 1


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