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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 197

"Ever heard of the Fitzgerald family?"

Even if Julie was the last person to catch up with the latest gossip, she had heard of this well-known family. She nodded, but was clueless about the connection between the Fitzgerald family and Sansa's donation.

"The first heir of the Fitzgerald family is Simon, does he ring a bell?"

"Isn't he a super mysterious gal? There are no pictures of his in the newspapers. I've heard her name, but never met her," Julie replied.

Kieran gazed at her thoughtfully, "Simon set up a fund to aid special global cases, targeting challenging diseases and specific cancer patients. The donation Sansa received came from the Fitzgerald family."

"I heard from Dr. Brice that it was a donation from a charity organization, and the donor requested anonymity. How could it possibly be related to the Fitzgerald family?" Julie was puzzled. She tried to retrieve all the information related to the family from her memory, but couldn't find a reasonable answer.

"After learning about the untraceable funds, I had Karl investigate the charity organization and track it down. The final conclusion was that the donation was related to Simon from the Fitzgerald family. Think hard, do you have any info about this person?"

Despite Julie's careful recollection, her mind was still a blank slate.

"My understanding of this family mainly comes from newspapers, websites, and mentions by Daphne. The name Simon is also unfamiliar to me, I've only heard it once or twice," Julie stated.

Kieran mused, and Julie thought carefully for a while before speaking, "Sansa's condition isn't unique, it’s not a typical challenging disease. Although I believe Karl's investigation, Simon wouldn't just donate money to a common patient, right?"

Sansa was in a vegetative state. Doctors said she could potentially wake up, but the odds were slim. The reason Julie was unwilling to pull the plug was because she always thought Sansa was the only person in the world related to her by blood. It was Sansa who orchestrated Julie and Kieran getting together. Though what she did was despicable, Julie, as the victim, could not hate her. Sansa was the only one who knew the Abraham family was going bankrupt yet still cared about Julie wholeheartedly.

After pondering for a long time, Julie finally said to Kieran, "If helping Sansa was Simon's idea, could it possibly be because Simon and Sansa knew each other? Otherwise, theoretically, an heir busy handling family affairs wouldn't single out a vegetative patient for support, especially when she isn't a special case."

"Maybe!" Kieran had no obligation to tell Julie this, but he did anyway.

Julie was grateful for Kieran's honesty and sharing, just that the sudden mention of Sansa made the topic heavier.

She leaned on the desk, hesitated for a while, and finally looked at Kieran, "I actually have something to confess to you as well."

As Julie stuttered, Kieran knew she had something to say that made her feel guilty. So he comforted her by patting her shoulder, silently giving her the courage to speak.

Finally, Julie looked at Kieran and revealed something she lacked the courage to say many years ago, "On your birthday that year, you were drugged at the Starlight Haven Hotel. The person who drugged you…”

"Was Sansa, I know." He stood in front of Julie, gently moved his hand from her shoulder and placed it on the desk behind her, bent over slightly, and trapped her in his arms.

At the moment Kieran said the answer, Julie was shocked. Years ago, she thought about telling Kieran the truth, but it was all Sansa's careful design, and the result of the design was just to give herself a good ending. She couldn't imagine what would happen after Kieran knew the truth, so she started hiding it, gradually turned into self-deception and didn't dare to speak up. Until now, when she finally mustered the courage to confess, he suddenly told her that he knew from the beginning.

At this moment, Julie didn't know how to react.

But he just said to her from less than ten centimeters away, "How could I not check someone who drugged me right under my nose? And if I checked, how could I not find out?"

So, he knew from the beginning that everything was Sansa's careful design, knew from the start that the two of them being caught in bed at the hotel was a setup.

"Why would you willingly jump into a trap knowing it was a trap?" He could have chosen not to marry her and not take responsibility, because all this was just a play directed by the Abraham family.

If Kieran had made the truth public back then, it wouldn't have affected the Hernandez family's reputation at all, but it would surely have pushed the Abraham family into an irreparable situation.

But he didn't expose Sansa's lie, instead, he brought Julie home. During the first two years of their marriage, she and Kieran were really happy, whether it was because she was easily satisfied or because Kieran was indeed good to her, his small gestures made her feel happy and satisfied.

When Julie asked Kieran why he willingly jumped into the trap, Kieran simply said, "Because of love."

A plain and straightforward answer, simple yet it warmed her heart.

Julie was silent. Kieran reached out and gently touched her forehead, asking her indulgently, "What's on your mind?"

"I was wondering if I had been a bit more reserved that night at Starlight Haven Hotel, would you have had some fun with that sexy long-haired woman, especially when her dress was already down to her waist."

"That woman was called by Annalise Hansen," Kieran explained, he himself found it hard to imagine what he would have done if Julie hadn't shown up that night.

Julie suddenly laughed, "Your aunt really cares about you, blocking your admirers when you were little, and even helping you pick girlfriends when you grew up. She's amazing!"

"Even she couldn't block you," he gently pinched her face.


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