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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 210

Not long after Kieran hung up the phone, Tina pulled up in front of Julie in her car. She got out and courteously opened the passenger door, saying respectfully, "Hop in, Mrs. Hernandez."

Julie got in the car, then laughed, saying to Tina, who was driving, "Just call me by my name."

"Mrs. Hernandez, you're really a good person," Tina praised.

"Why's that?"

"You are not arrogant at all, but very close to the people, and also very kind. You and Mr. Hernandez are a great match," Tina said with a grin.

Julie could tell that Tina was sincere.

Julie responded with a smile, "You're the exception on the company forum."

"Do you also read the company's forums?" Tina asked, a little embarrassed, as she scratched her chin. "Simpo Co. has an official forum where everyone posts under their real names, mainly discussing work. But there's also a gossip forum where everyone posts anonymously. Which one do you usually to read?"

Of course, Julie was on the anonymous one.

"There was a time when I showed up in Kieran's office with Annalise. I heard about the company's anonymous gossip forum, so I logged in and checked it out. I found out that 98% of the people were rooting for Kieran and Annalise. People even voted, K&A Couple versus K&J Couple, right?"

"Mrs. Hernandez, you sure know what's up..." Tina thought, relieved that she hadn't badmouthed Julie on the forum.

At that time, the overwhelming majority supported the K&A Couple, and only a few people supported the K&J Couple. Julie remembered a post firmly supporting the K&J Couple. She looked at Tina and asked, "The person with the username 'iN' who posted on the forum supporting the K&J Couple, that's you, right?"

That user had posted a tirade supporting her and Kieran. Julie's first thought was, this person must be Tina.

However, Tina denied it, saying, "No, my username is..."

At this, Tina fell silent, a little bashful.

"You're not iN?" Julie looked at Tina, puzzled, and asked, "Doesn't iN mean the middle two letters in Tina? From the tone and content of that post, it seemed like the poster knew Kieran well..."

Tina shook her head awkwardly, "Um... my username is 'KickYourDick'."

Julie went silent.

Now that's... quite imaginative.

Then who is this iN who seemed to know Kieran so well?

Tina dropped Julie off at the entrance of Feliz Gastro House. The person who opened the door for Julie was... Karl!

He was still dressed in his waiter uniform.

Julie was surprised to see Karl standing before her. He managed to pull off a butler's air with his vest and bow tie. She couldn't help but approach Karl and ask, "Karl, can Simpo Co. employees moonlight?"

Karl was speechless.

"Mrs. Hernandez, please come in."

"Are you role-playing?" Julie continued to ask.

Karl's face turned even redder. Before it was just Mr. Hernandez messing with him, and now there was Mrs. Hernandez...

"If you're really role-playing, you should wear a waitress uniform. That would be more appealing," Julie seriously suggested to Karl.

At this moment, Karl just wanted to hand Mrs. Hernandez off to Mr. Hernandez as quickly as possible. But Mrs. Hernandez stopped suddenly after walking a few steps, then turned around and looked at him seriously.

Karl stepped back in fright. He put his hands to his chest, saying earnestly, "Mrs. Hernandez, I swear I won't cross-dress. Please spare me..."

"I don't want you to cross-dress. I just want to ask you a question," Julie said.

Relieved, Karl quickly dropped his hands and regained his professional demeanor, "What's the question?"

"Do you visit the Simpo Co. gossip forum?"

Karl nodded, then hurriedly explained, "Mrs. Hernandez, I swear I only go on the forum after work. I never chat online during work hours."

"I didn't ask you that. What's your username?" Julie asked.

Karl found the question a bit odd.

"Is your username iN?"

Karl shook his head.

"What is your username?" She asked again.

Just as Karl was considering whether to answer, Julie suddenly said, "Karl, do you really want to cross-dress?"

"My username is hot secretary!" To refuse the cross-dressing, Karl answered Julie's question almost without thinking.

It took Julie a moment to recover after hearing Karl's answer. She gave Karl a meaningful look and said, "I see, hot secretary..."


Mrs. Hernandez made that name sound a bit provocative.


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