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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 226

Hiding out in the bathroom, Julie was shook to the core after watching the video recorded last night. She couldn't believe the wild things she did. Finally, she emerged from the bathroom, face flushed with embarrassment.

The guy in last night's video was clearly pooped. She sneakily researched about booze-induced sexual behavior. Studies show that men can still perform sexually after drinking, but usually, they suck at it. After a certain level of alcohol, though, they might last longer. Judging from the video...

Julie didn’t dare to reminisce that scene. After sprucing up her room a bit, she did another shocker and then... took off.

Ivan was already off to school. When Julie went downstairs, Shannon approached her, "Mrs. Hernandez, you're up? Let me get you some lemon tea!"

Shannon could tell Julie was walking a bit stiff. Julie awkwardly told Shannon, "No need... I have to run an errand. If Kieran wakes up..."

She paused, then said, "Just tell him you have no idea where I went."

With that, she took off with her virus-infected phone from last night.

Watching Julie's retreating figure, Shannon hurried to Noah, "Honey, something has happened!"

"Why are you freaking out? What happened?" Noah frowned.

Shannon glanced at the direction Julie left in, then at Kieran's master bedroom upstairs, and said to Noah, "Do you think Mr. Hernandez has been holding back for so long that he's impotent? Mrs. Hernandez was fine when they went to the room last night, so why is she denying it this morning?"

"These things take time. Your panic won't help," Noah quickly advised Shannon, "Mr. Hernandez might wake up soon. You better prepare some lemon water."

Julie found a phone repair shop, handed her phone to the clerk and asked, "Sir, my phone's been infected by a virus. Can you check it out?"

Borrowing the clerk's phone, she called Daphne. It took a while for Daphne to pick up. Julie quickly asked, "Daphne, are you okay? I got hammered last night."

"I'm good." Daphne replied with a carefree tone, "You're so concerned about me, wouldn't Kieran mind?"

"He..." The thought of Kieran's expression when he woke up was too much for Julie. She didn't know how to explain to Daphne, so she took the easy way out, "Daphne, I have work to do. I gotta go!"

Just as she hung up, she heard the clerk say, "Miss, I've never seen this virus before and your phone is an old model. I can't fix it. Your phone is outdated, how about getting a new one?"

This phone meant a lot to Julie and she couldn't just toss it.

So, she thanked the clerk and took her phone to leave.

The clerk added, "If you know any hackers, perhaps they could help."

Hearing this, Julie shot the clerk a grateful look, "Thanks!"

Julie hopped in a cab to Payne's house.

She rang the doorbell a few times. The same nanny as last time opened the door. The nanny recognized her from the last time Julie came with Kieran, and let her in.

Julie thought Payne would be resting since he drank a lot last night. But he was already sitting at the computer, fingers flying over the keyboard.

"I thought you'd be sleeping in!" Julie said, looking at Payne's back.

Payne would've lost his temper at anyone barging in, but it was Julie so he calmed down instantly. He turned to Julie, his face lighting up like he just struck gold, "Julie, what brings you here?"

Payne's enthusiasm was suspiciously exaggerated.

"I need your help," Julie said, pulling out her phone.

But before she could say her next sentence, Payne cut her off, "Great! I need your help too."

Julie couldn't think of how she could help Payne, so she just blurted out her problem and handed him her phone.

Payne took the phone, had a look, and said confidently, "Leave it to me! I promise I'll fix it."

With that, he put Julie's phone aside, looked at her excitedly, and said, "Now you help me with something, okay?"

"That depends on what it is," Julie was level-headed.

Payne nodded, certain, "You can! It's a small thing. Do you know where Julien lives? Or her phone number would do. Even her email would work."

Julie looked at Payne apologetically, "I'm really sorry, but I can't help with that."


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