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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 255

"Mr. Hernandez, Amanda is on her way home." Noah was on the phone with a hushed tone.

Kieran held the phone tightly, his brow furrowed. "Where is she?"

"I reckon she'll be at the airport in about twenty minutes." Noah glanced at the time and asked, "Should I pick her up, or would you rather..."

"No need, I'll go." Kieran said, ending the call and grabbing his car keys.

"What's up?" Julie asked, following Kieran.

"Amanda's coming home." Kieran replied.


Years ago, thanks to a scheme by Sansa , Kieran was drugged. The next morning, Julie and Kieran woke up together in a hotel. They were discovered by everyone, including Amanda.

Amanda only had one son, Morton Hernandez, who was also the father of Kieran and Lucian. The relationship between Amanda and Morton was reportedly rocky, largely because Morton wanted to marry Georgiana, which Amanda strongly disapproved of.

Their relationship further deteriorated when Morton insisted on marrying Georgiana, almost leading to a total estrangement.

As everyone knew, the Hernandez family went bankrupt because of Georgiana, who had a psychotic break, killed Morton, and would have killed Kieran too if Lucian hadn't returned home just in time.

Amanda always had a grudge against Georgiana, but Kieran and Lucian were still Morton's blood. So, after her only son's death, she had complicated feelings towards Kieran and Lucian.

Actually, Julie's marriage into the Hernandez family was largely due to Sansa's advance planning. Sansa threatened Amanda that if she didn't let Kieran marry Julie, she would ruin Kieran's reputation.

Eventually, Amanda agreed to let Julie marry Kieran. On the night of Julie and Kieran's wedding registration, Amanda flew to Canada. Later, news came that Amanda's husband had passed away in Canada, and since then, Amanda had been living there.

So, to be precise, Julie and Amanda had only met a handful of times.

The first time Julie met Amanda was at Morton and Georgiana's funeral. The second time was when she was found with Kieran. The third time was at the funeral of Amanda's husband. The last time was at Lucian's funeral after his plane crash.

So, they had met four times, three of which were at funerals.

Though Julie didn't know much about Amanda, she was very clear about one thing... Amanda didn't like her.

Kieran didn't seem to plan on having Julie accompany him to the airport, but he also didn't feel comfortable leaving her alone at home.

Just as he was about to turn around and ask Julien for help, Julie grabbed his hand and said, "Let's go together!"

"To the airport?" Kieran asked.

Julie nodded. "Isn't getting along with the elders a basic requirement to become Mrs. Hernandez?"

"The elders of our family... might not be easy to get along with." He said gently, stroking the soft skin of her palm.

She shrugged, smiling. "I'll try not to fight with Amanda."


Twenty minutes later, Whispering Pines International Airport.

Julie and Kieran stood in the VIP passage, tightly holding each other's hands.

A few minutes later, Basil emerged from the VIP passage, bowing respectfully towards Kieran and Julie. "Greetings, Mr. Hernandez, Mrs. Abraham."

Following Basil was Amanda.

Despite being in her seventies, Amanda looked very well preserved. Her hair was white, but she didn't dye it. Time didn't bring her vicissitudes, but elegance. Dressed in a black dress with a white shawl, she carried a deep blue handbag, and white pearl earrings simply decorated her.

Seeing Kieran and Julie holding hands outside, she handed her bag over. Kieran reached out to take it, but Amanda handed it to Julie.

Julie smiled and accepted.

"Miss me already?" Kieran moved forward to give Amanda a hug.

Julie smiled at Amanda and said, "Grandma."

"Call me Amanda." Amanda responded coldly.

Just as Julie was feeling awkward, Kieran put his arm around Julie and said to Amanda with a smile, "Amanda, our car is waiting outside. Let's go home and catch up?"

Using a slightly teasing tone, Kieran cleverly conveyed his stance towards Julie by calling Amanda by her first name.

"You're just like Morton!" Amanda responded coldly.

As Basil accompanied Amanda out of the airport, Julie whispered to Kieran, "What did Amanda mean by that?"

"Morton cut ties with Amanda over Georgiana." Kieran said, though he was smiling as he tapped her nose and led her outside.

Just as expected, Amanda didn't ride with Kieran and Julie, but took a cab back to Noblewood Retreat.

Julie, who had been quiet the whole time, suddenly turned to Kieran when they were almost home and said seriously, "I won't let you break ties with Amanda because of me!"

Kieran just chuckled.

They arrived home before Amanda.

When the cab reached Noblewood Retreat, Amanda got out of the car with Basil's help. Shannon came out to greet them. The house was warm, and Amanda took off her shawl.

Shannon reached out to take it, but Amanda handed it to Julie instead, saying graciously, "Thanks for your help."

Julie smiled and said, "No problem."

"Julie, go get the phone from Noah." Kieran sent Julie off and she complied, going off to find Noah.

Shannon got them the drink, and Amanda sat down on the sofa.

Amanda held her cup, her movements elegant and gentle.

"Julie is my wife, the mother of my adorable Ivan, and the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with."

"Do I not know who Julie is? Do you need to introduce her to me?" Amanda took a sip of her tea, then turned to Shannon, "Shannon, your tea skill seems to be lacking lately."

Shannon laughed awkwardly but didn't say anything. She knew the old lady was just making small talk.

In order to talk to Amanda, Kieran knelt in front of her, looking her in the eye, "Grandma..."

"You don't need to defend her to me. As long as she does what she's supposed to do, I won't give her a hard time. I didn't travel all this way to cause trouble. I came to see Ivan."

Julie came back with the phone from Noah, which was sealed in a plastic bag. When she walked into the living room, she saw Kieran kneeling in front of Amanda, apparently discussing something.

Just as Julie was hesitating whether to go over, Amanda asked her, "What's wrong with the phone?"

"It got wet." Kieran answered, taking the phone from Julie and casually putting it in his pocket.

Amanda put her cup down on the small table and said, "Shannon, the fruit tea you made isn’t at its best. Can Joyce make tea?"

"She can't." Kieran took the cup and raised an eyebrow at Amanda, "I'll make you some."

"I..." Julie reached out to stop Kieran, but he gave her a reassuring look.

Kieran didn't want Amanda to make things difficult for Julie. Just as Julie was about to let go, she heard Amanda say, "Let him go, let's see what kind of tea he can make."

Amanda patted the seat next to her, "Joyce, come sit."

Amanda was being really friendly!

Julie sat down next to Amanda nervously. Her intuition told her that all this might be a strategy of being nice before being harsh.

Sure enough, as soon as she sat down, Amanda asked, "Can you peel an apple please?"

Julie reached out to grab the fruit knife, but Shannon had already picked up the knife and the apple, laughing, "It seems Ivan also likes apples. He even said he wanted to send a box of apples to Amanda in Canada. I heard the apples there are delicious..."

"Shannon, go check on the tea Kieran is making." Amanda interrupted Shannon.

Shannon had no choice but to obey Amanda's command, looking a little worried at Julie. Julie smiled and nodded at Shannon, and Shannon finally left for the kitchen, planning to ask Kieran to come out.

Amanda laughed, "I heard from Lucian before that you're very good at pleasing people. It seems he was right."

Julie managed a smile and reached for the fruit knife, ready to peel the apple. But Amanda suddenly told Julie, "I suddenly don't want to eat it anymore. I've become picky now that I'm old."

Julie didn't get angry, just putting the knife down on the table.

Then she turned around, looking seriously at Amanda and said, "Amanda, I actually had a very happy childhood, but the way my parents died shocked me. My sister is now bedridden, in a vegetative state. My mom told me that my grandma passed away before I was born. Although we haven't met many times, from the moment I married Kieran, I knew you were my family. I also understand that I might not be the perfect granddaughter-in-law you envisioned..."


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