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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 263

"What's going on?" Dylan, who was accompanying Julie, had initially come out of curiosity but found that everyone had already left upon his arrival. He had also heard that something had happened to Annalise.

After all, it was he who had informed Annalise about the situation which led her to curiously come to see Adeline's date. In all honesty, it was his momentary negligence that had led to this outcome.

He decided to accompany Julie to visit Ms. Annalise at the Tranquil Care Hospital.

Julie immediately rolled down the car window, turning her head to look at the vehicle behind. The moment the car started, she saw a familiar figure.

The person in the neighboring car was Lucian. Even though she had only seen his side profile, she was certain that it was Lucian.

However, when Bolt, the driver, stopped the car and she looked back again, the car had disappeared. Everything that had just transpired, the sight of Lucian, seemed like a hallucination.

Not hearing Julie's response, Dylan looked at her, half leaning out of the window, with concern. "Julie?"

"Lucian! I saw Lucian!" Julie exclaimed in surprise, clutching Dylan's arm.

Dylan shook his head, "Impossible! Where did you see him?"

"While we were waiting at the red light, his car was next to ours. When Bolt started the car, I saw him! He was in the lane next to us!!"

Dylan shook his head again, "Impossible. If it were really Lucian, he wouldn't be using transparent car windows, nor would he roll them down. You must have been hallucinating. It couldn't have been him. If he lacked even this basic sense of security, how could he have been hiding for so many years?"

Bolt, the driver, frowned and looked at the approaching police car. "Mrs. Abraham, we can't park here."

Despite not believing that what she had just seen was a hallucination, Julie glanced at the motorcycle police approaching, frowned, and finally withdrew her gaze. She then told Bolt, "Never mind, let's go. Head to Tranquil Care Hospital."

When Julie arrived at Tranquil Care Hospital, Annalise's ankle had already been bandaged.

As soon as she arrived, Julie asked Annalise what had happened. Annalise explained, "I was in a hurry to see Adeline and Elliot and accidentally bumped into a con artist."

"A con artist?"

"Not exactly… it was just a minor accident… I got upset and wanted to call the police, but he brought me to the hospital. I only found out then that he was actually a doctor at the hospital. I know he didn't take advantage of me on purpose, and it was my fault for breaking his phone, but for some reason, I just can't get along with him!"

Listening to Annalise's complaints, Dylan couldn't help but laugh. "I really want to meet the person who managed to annoy Ms. Annalise to this extent."

Dylan was the type who enjoyed a bit of drama.

"I really can't stand such people. If I ever meet someone like that again, I'll do everything I can to avoid them!" declared Annalise.

Julie handed Annalise a bottle of water. "Here, have a drink."

Just as Julie finished speaking, Dr. Brice appeared at the door, carrying a bag.

Julie was surprised to see Dr. Brice in this room as it was a single room, and Dr. Brice normally wouldn't be responsible for patients with minor injuries. His presence surprised her. "Dr. Brice, what brings you here?"

"I'm the 'bad guy' Ms. Annalise has been trying so hard to avoid."

Annalise was speechless.

"Is this your friend?" Dr. Brice asked Julie.

"Don't you see? I am the third wheel," Annalise told Dr. Brice, her mood souring as she recalled the message he had written in her presence.

Dr. Brice placed the medicine on Annalise's bedside table. "You interfering in Julie's love life, I can believe."

Dr. Brice, usually a gentleman, seemed unusually harsh in his words towards Annalise.

Julie, pointing to Annalise, laughed and explained, "To be precise… Annalise is Kieran's aunt, so she's also my aunt…"

"Aunt?" Annalise and Kieran looked to be around the same age, so it was hard to believe her senior status.

Annalise nodded. "So if you're friends with Julie, you should be calling me aunt according to seniority!"

"I don't have such unreasonable relatives."

It was as though Julie had suddenly remembered something. She said to Annalise and Dr. Brice, "Didn't you two meet at The Velvet Vine Dining before? Kieran was there too."

"The Velvet Vine Dining…" Annalise immediately recalled the incident, "You're the man who was with Julie at The Velvet Vine Dining that time?"

"The owner of The Velvet Vine Dining? No wonder you looked familiar." Dr. Brice replied calmly, now recalling that Julie had once promised to treat him to a meal, and he had chosen The Velvet Vine Dining, where he had run into Kieran and another woman, who was now revealed to be Annalise.

Dylan laughed, "You two are ridiculous, meeting face to face and still not recognizing each other."

"He wasn't dressed as meticulously as he is now that day." Annalise muttered, but Dylan still heard her.


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