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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 265

Not far off, on the verdant golf course, a man in a crisp white polo was taking his swings. His tall and lean silhouette made a striking figure as he held the golf club, with a caddy by his side. His pristine white golf shoes stood out against the green.

That familiar height and figure made Kieran, who usually maintained his composure, furrow his brow.

After sinking the putt, the man, Zenith, handed his club to the caddy. His gaze unintentionally swept across the few people standing in the distance. He frowned slightly and turned to Jesse, his assistant, "Seems like you don't understand the meaning of a private booking."

Jesse followed Zenith's gaze to Kieran and Julie. He made a quick, apologetic bow to Zenith before briskly walking toward them.

Zenith's caddy handed him another club as Jesse moved toward Kieran and Julie. However, before Jesse could reach them, Kieran strode past him, heading straight for Zenith.

Jesse twisted around to chase after Kieran, and Julie quickened her pace to follow them.

The man on the green, it was Lucian Hernandez. The likeness to Kieran was uncanny, from the shape of his eyes to his height. It was Lucian, exactly as Julie remembered him.

Zenith was going to take another swing, but Kieran stopped him.

Zenith lowered his club and looked at Kieran, then at Jesse who was apologizing once again, "I'm sorry, Mr. Moore..."

The aura this man radiated was just too overwhelming. Jesse had to admit, he was completely overpowered.

Zenith waved off Jesse, handing him the club and coldly said, "Leave."

Jesse quickly scurried away, taking the club and caddy with him.

As she took a closer look, Julie became even more convinced that this man was Lucian. But how was he standing? The last photo Julien had shown her, Lucian was wheelchair-bound.

In disbelief, Julie's pupils dilated, "Lucian?"

Tears swelled in her eyes.

Kieran and Zenith stood face to face on the green, neither of them uttering a word. They were gazing at each other, the air filled with intensity.

After Julie tentatively called out, Zenith finally broke into a smile. He looked at Julie nonchalantly and said, "Are you referring to me, miss?"

"Is that the opening line you've thought of for nearly ten years?" Kieran's brow furrowed, his gaze icy.

Zenith turned his gaze back to Kieran. After a few seconds, he turned to Cyrus, "Seems like Mr. Nelson doesn't understand the concept of a private booking either."

"Mr. Moore, this..."

Kieran reached out, grabbing Zenith's arm.

Zenith looked down at his captured arm and said coldly, "Did Mr. Hernandez mistake me for someone else?"

Hearing this cold, unfamiliar tone, Julie couldn't bring herself to believe that this man wasn't Lucian. She shook her head, clutching Kieran's hand, feeling lost.

Kieran tightened his grip on Zenith's arm. Zenith winced slightly from the pain.

From his earlier words, it was clear he knew Kieran. Julie looked at Zenith with a complex expression, "Kieran has been looking for you for nearly ten years..."

"Lucian?" Zenith tasted the name as it rolled off his tongue.

He pulled his arm out of Kieran's grip, flexed his wrist, and said, "I've seen your brother's photo. I can't deny, we do bear some resemblance. But Mr. Hernandez, mistaking me for your brother, that's something you need to rectify."

Zenith patted Kieran's shoulder, then glanced at Cyrus, "I expect Mr. Nelson to provide me with a satisfactory explanation."

Kieran's gaze was venomous. Julie held his hand nervously. She couldn't imagine the turmoil Kieran was feeling, but she knew it had to be intense.

But after his momentary lapse, he quickly regained his composure. Blocking Zenith's path, Kieran said, "You are Mr. Moore, right?"

"Mr. Hernandez no longer considers me as the elder brother?" Zenith asked, standing his ground as Kieran had blocked his way.

Kieran cut to the chase, "I'm here to discuss a deal with you, Mr. Moore. Are you interested?"

"Sorry, I have a lunch appointment today." Zenith pretended to glance at his watch, "It's about time."

He pulled out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Kieran, "If Mr. Hernandez has something important to discuss, perhaps you could schedule a meeting with my secretary."

Kieran took the card and Zenith strode off the golf course.

Kieran held the business card tightly, his knuckles turning white. Julie took the card from him and held his arm.

The card read 'President of Zenith Group, Zenith Moore', along with Zenith's contact details and his secretary Jesse's contact details.

Julie held the card, frowning. She looked at Kieran, "Is it him? Is it your brother?"

It had to be! How else could there be someone who looked so similar?

Kieran's gaze, which had been fixed in the distance, finally returned. He turned and pulled Julie into his arms.

The only thing Julie couldn't comprehend was, if Zenith was truly Lucian, then how could he move around so effortlessly? After Lucian had rushed into the raging flames to save him, his legs were so badly injured that he couldn’t stand anymore.

Yet, the Zenith who just stood before them clearly moved about freely.


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