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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 283

Raines had always been skeptical of Julien's relationship with Hayden. It wasn't that he disliked Julien; he simply saw her as a femme fatale who could easily bend the well-respected and principled Hayden to her will.

Julien, on the other hand, didn't care about Raines' opinion of her. But Raines had noticed a change in Julien since she had returned from a trip abroad with Hayden. She seemed more self-assured, less restrained. Not only was she bending Hayden to her will, but she had also become more assertive in her dealings with Raines.

What puzzled Raines the most was why he was now following orders from Julien to investigate Zenith's whereabouts.

He waited patiently in his black Passat parked near the rear entrance of Zenith's suburban villa.

Julien arrived in a white Ford Fiesta and joined him in the passenger seat of his car. She got straight to the point, "Has Zenith been in Sycamore Village today?"

"Yes," Raines replied.

Julien's usually stoic eyes seemed to hold a touch of gravity. Raines couldn't tell what she was pondering, but he remembered his reason for meeting Julien.

"Do you think the man who abducted Emily... knew her from before?" Raines asked. He had not only come to inform Julien about Zenith's whereabouts but also to ask her this question.

Since Raines was Hayden's right hand, Julien wasn't surprised by Raines' keen observation.

"I tried to probe Emily about it when we brought her back to Fred earlier today," Raines continued. "There's a strong possibility that Emily and the man in black know each other."

"Zenith," Julien said, unusually calm for a discussion of this sort with Raines.

She added, "Zenith is Fred's former student, and Emily is Fred's daughter. It's only logical they know each other."

The crux of the matter was that Zenith and Lucian shared remarkably similar features.

"I also noticed that the man who took Emily looked a lot like Zenith, in terms of height and physique. But... Zenith is currently on his way back to Whispering Pines from Sycamore Village." Raines, being Hayden's right hand, was well versed in the matter of Lucian and Zenith.

Raines ventured a bold guess, "You don't think Zenith and Lucian could be the same person, do you?"

Julien remained silent, so Raines continued, "Although I'm not exactly a genius, I can at least make some basic deductions. Firstly, Lucian is semi-paralyzed and in all the photos we have, he is seen seated in a wheelchair. But Zenith is physically whole. Secondly, Lucian's whereabouts are unknown, while Zenith, though enigmatic, has traceable movements. Lastly, Zenith used to be a doctor and now he's a businessman. He has never had any unique experiences or background. But the man who kidnapped Emily is well-trained and adept. So, are you suggesting that these three individuals are in fact just one person?"

"Raines," Julien suddenly said his name.

"What?" Raines asked, a little bewildered.

He had thought she was about to compliment his analytical skills, but instead, she simply said, "You talk too much."

Feeling slighted, Raines glared at her and said, "Why did you ask me here?"

"Did you bring the tools I asked for?" she queried.

Raines got out of the car, slamming the door behind him. Julien calmly exited the vehicle as well and retrieved a toolbox from the trunk. Without a word, she turned and walked into the surrounding woods.

"Damn it!" Raines thought, staring at her retreating figure.

Julien turned back unexpectedly, catching Raines' dark expression. But she seemed unfazed and said, "Don't tell Hayden where I am."

Raines laughed, "I work for Hayden, not you. If he asks, I won't lie."

"I can lie," she said, raising an eyebrow at him. "Do you know what I mean?"

Raines remained silent.

Julien smiled, "Raines and I have a mutual affection and are secretly engaged. How about that?"

Raines was taken aback.

"No good?" she asked, still smiling. "Then... I'm head over heels for Raines because of his care, even if he doesn't feel the same way. Is that more believable?"

"I won't tell Hayden," Raines said, slamming his car door shut and driving away swiftly.

"Damn femme fatale," Raines thought, vowing to keep his distance from Julien in the future, even avoiding eye contact.

On a highway leading to Sycamore Village, Zenith sat in a black limousine.

Jesse handed him a phone with a furrowed brow, "Mr. Moore, it's Bruce."


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