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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 286

"Are you laughing or crying? You've been chuckling nonstop." Julie leaned in closer to Daphne, curious to know who was on the other end of the phone call. But Daphne handed the phone to Julie as if it were a hot potato. Her face, a picture of relief, left Julie puzzled.

Meanwhile, Julien was lying quietly on the carpet, lost in her own world, oblivious to the commotion between Julie and Daphne.

Until Julie suddenly cried out, "Hayden?"

At the sound of his name, Julien sprung up from the floor like a zombie, startling Julie who moved closer to Daphne for comfort.

Even though Julie had no idea what Hayden had said, she handed the phone to Julien, saying timidly, "Julien, it's for you."

Upon hearing Hayden's name, Julien wanted to hang up. But when Julie handed her the phone, she immediately pressed the end call button and irritably tossed it back to Daphne.

Daphne's admiration for Julien reached it peek point.

"Is it okay to just hang up on Hayden like that?" Julie asked, concerned.

Julien didn't respond. This was the first time she had the audacity to hang up on Hayden. Usually, she would follow his orders without question.

Julie thought for a moment, then said, "Well, Hayden spoils you, so it should be fine, right?"

"Hayden spoils me? You are talking nonsense!" Julien coldly retorted, sitting up again.

Daphne clutched her chest. She couldn't handle any more surprises from Julien.

Instead of answering Julien's question, Julie turned to Daphne and asked, "Don't you think Hayden treats Julien differently?"

"It seems like it. Remember Ivan's birthday party..."

"What happened then?" Julie asked.

"We were having a barbecue in the garden, remember? Mr. Watson took me out there. Later, I went back to my room to get my phone and saw Mr. Dylan, Annalise Hansen, and Hayden..."

"And then what?" Julie asked, looking at Daphne curiously.

"Then, Ms. Annalise tried to hold Hayden's arm."

"Heh!" An untimely sneer suddenly echoed, Julie and Daphne both looked at Julien.

Julien, however, acted as if nothing happened, and looked at Daphne coldly, "Why did you stop? Continue!"

Daphne forced a smile, then continued, "Hayden shook off Ms. Annalise's arm and told her he would hit her even if she's a woman. His expression was so serious and terrifying."

Daphne hugged herself, pretending to be scared.

Julien grunted, "He would hit a woman. I'm lucky to be alive."

Daphne initially thought this was funny, but then she looked at Julien and said, "Wait, Ms. Annalise asked Hayden why he didn't hit you when you were close to him. Do you know what he said?"

"He said he wouldn't want to dirty his hands by hitting me." Julien replied emotionlessly.

Julie patted Julien's shoulder in an attempt to comfort her.

Daphne burst into laughter, "Hayden only said to Ms. Annalise, 'Because she's my woman, you're not.' Even though he wasn't talking to me, I felt my heart pounding when I heard that!"

"Do you know why he said that?" Julien seemed indifferent.

Daphne looked at Julie, innocent, "Isn't it because Hayden likes Julien?"

Julie nodded, "Of course it's because Hayden likes Julien. Why else would he say Julien is his woman?"

"Or is it because I'm a good bodyguard?" Julien scoffed.

Daphne and Julie were stunned. Julien's words seemed to make sense...

Suddenly, Julie remembered something important. She grabbed Julien's arm, "Last time, when Hayden came to look for Kieran, Kieran and Payne were in the room discussing something. So, I spent some time with Hayden. Then he suddenly asked me a very emotional question."


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