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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 293

At a fine-dining restaurant, Zenith and Kyle sat at opposite ends of a well-polished mahogany table, a bartender pouring a generous amount of red wine into their glasses.

Zenith broke the silence first, "So, you've decided to stick around?"

Kyle lifted his glass, clinking it lightly against Zenith's. "I told you I'd be back. I'm surprised you're here though, seems like you've been planning this."

Zenith took a small sip of his wine, a smile playing on his lips. "Going through all this for a woman in a coma, is it worth it?"

Despite his seemingly light-hearted tone, his words were dripping with sarcasm. But Kyle seemed unfazed, a mask-like smile remained on his face as he replied, "I thought you'd be too busy looking after yourself these days, but here you are interested in my affairs."

"Busy with myself?" Zenith set down his wine glass, eyeing Kyle. "What do you mean?"

Kyle adopted a 'I-accidentally-spilled-the-beans' expression. "I thought you knew about Kieran bringing your blood sample to Dylan for testing..."

It was only then that Zenith remembered how he injured his elbow when he was trying to save Julie. Yet, Kyle wasn't done, his smile never leaving his face as he added, "Any guess what the results might be?"

"You'll know when the time comes." Zenith replied calmly, his face expressionless.

Seemingly reminded of something, Kyle leaned in towards Zenith, "I discovered something interesting. Last time, Hayden's men broke into my house, kidnapped Emily and even took the surveillance tapes. But I found a few footprints by the lake opposite my villa which were belong to a man. You immediately came to mind, isn't it a coincidence?"

"Ah, so you were the one who kidnapped Emily?" Zenith's face was unreadable as he countered, "You fell out with your family over a woman in a coma, and when there was a chance to wake her up, you kidnapped the professor's daughter to prevent it. I can't fathom why."

Zenith cut him off before he could reply, his cold smile never leaving his face, “Is there a reason that you can’t let her wake up?”

Lisa, standing behind Kyle and just staring at Kyle's back, felt the anger that Kyle was repressing now. But Zenith continued the provocative talks "Do you think Hayden's men found Emily because you can't hide a woman, or did you intentionally leave clues for them?"

Zenith propped his chin on his hand, "Why would you do that? Do you suddenly wish for your 'Sleeping Beauty' to wake up?"

Ignoring Kyle's attempt to interrupt, Zenith continued, "Or maybe the reason she can't wake up doesn't hold anymore?"

Kyle finally got a chance to interject, "Did I ever tell you something?" Zenith gestured for him to continue. "You're lucky to be alive."

Kyle got up, leaving the room with his assistant Lisa. Bruce, Zenith's bodyguard, approached him once the room was quiet again, "Was it necessary to provoke Mr. Kyle like that?"

"Do you think you can stop Dylan from getting the test results?" Zenith asked Bruce.

Bruce fell silent, after all, Dylan was the heir of the Pierson family. He didn't have confidence in stopping Dylan, all he could say was, "We can only try."

"And what if we can't stop Dylan?" Zenith pressed on.

Bruce frowned, but he replied honestly, "Mr. and Mrs. Hernandez... would find out you are..."

"I am Lucian." Zenith finished the sentence for him.

Bruce fell silent again, his eyebrows knitted together in worry. Zenith picked up his glass and drained it, "Arrange a meeting with Julie and Kieran tomorrow."


Karl came to the hospital for Kieran's signature on an urgent document. Julie sat on a bench in the corridor, her mind filled with Dr. Brice's words. He had said, "Professor Fred hopes that Mr. Kyle can assist with the patient's treatment. If Mr. Kyle can help, the chances of waking the patient are higher. So, consider arranging for Kyle to come over."

Dr. Brice had heard about Emily's kidnapping from Harding, so he understood Julie's reluctance. He added, "Mr. Kyle just needs to chat with Sansa, share some common memories. If you're worried about him, we can install a small camera in Sansa's room. I can monitor it whenever Kyle is with her, just in case something happens."

Dr. Brice explained everything clearly, and Julie understood his point.


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