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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 310

After hearing Julie's account of what happened at the restaurant, Kieran decided to call Hayden. But the call rang and rang with no answer, which was strange. Hayden's personal line usually didn't ring more than three times before he picked up. This time, however, it went to voicemail, and Hayden did not call back.

Startled, Julie whipped out her phone and said, "I'll give Julien a ring, see what's up." She dialed Julien's number, but after a moment, the call was abruptly ended.

Julie looked up at Kieran in shock. "Julien... she hung up on me..." This had never happened before; Julien always answered her calls.

Just as Julie was about to try again, Kieran snatched the phone from her hands. Julie looked up, her brow furrowed and her pink lips pouted, "What are you doing?"

"No need to call," Kieran said as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, resting his chin on her slender shoulder. "A guy and a girl, both adults, with some complicated history, in a bedroom, not answering their phones. Do you really think it's a good idea to interrupt?"

Julie turned around, "How do you know they're together? And more to the point, how do you know they're in the bedroom?"

"I just called Hayden to ask about something with Simon. He said he was in his bedroom, and I happened to hear Julien's voice in the background, so..."

"So we should definitely call," Julie reached for her phone again, but Kieran lifted it over his head, out of her reach. Julie stood on the couch, stretching her arm towards his hand, but he easily scooped her up from the couch, holding her like a child. To prevent herself from falling, Julie instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist.

"The Julien you know might answer calls no matter what, but the Hayden I know? He wouldn't let anyone answer the phone if it interrupts... certain activities. So..."

"Fine, put me down," she said, patting his shoulder to signal him to let her go.

He seemed to enjoy holding her a little too much, but finally offered a deal, "Give me a kiss, and I'll let you down."

Left with no choice, Julie hugged his head and pecked him on the forehead.

In Hayden's bedroom.

Five minutes earlier, Julien had knocked and entered while Hayden was going for a nap. She stood before him and said, "Got a minute? I need to talk."

Hayden's motion of pulling the cover slowed down for a few seconds before he looked up and asked, "About what?"

"Relationship issues," Julien said. Then Hayden's phone rang. He silenced it without a glance.

Shortly after, Julien's phone started to ring. She was about to answer when Hayden snatched it from her hands and ended the call.

Silence fell between them. Hayden sat on the bed waiting for Julien to speak. After a while, Julien pulled out a bottle of pills from her pocket and placed it on the nightstand with a 'click'.

It was the bottle she had thrown in a trash can outside the pharmacy, but somehow, after dropping Julie off at Simpo Co., she had picked it up again on her way back.

Hayden reached for the bottle. "You know what's inside, right?"

"Something that would make you come to me," he said, his face unreadable.

So it was indeed his doing, and he knew she would find out that the bottle contained vitamins, not birth control pills, and that he had orchestrated it all just to give her a legitimate reason to seek him out. It also meant he had anticipated her distrust.

"Stop playing dirty tricks," she said, deciding to skip over the issue.

She had taken Julie's advice to have a heart-to-heart with Hayden, but now that she was actually there, she couldn't remember what to say. The speech she had rehearsed at the door had vanished from her mind.

She had so many questions for him, years of doubts, but now that he was sitting in front of her waiting, Julien couldn't remember a single one.

"Forget it." She picked up the bottle and turned to leave, realizing that this whole “conversation thing” was not her style.

Hayden grabbed her arm and pulled her back. Julien turned and fell into his embrace. His arms encircled her waist. "Lien, you can't just walk away from me."

His voice was mature and comforting. She remembered Dylan's words: Choosing Hayden would make you a carefree princess. Without him, you'd be a strong, independent queen. Who wouldn't want to be cherished like royalty?

Dylan was right. In front of others, Julien felt capable and independent, but with Hayden, she felt vulnerable and in need of protection. So whenever he spoke to her with that mature, indulgent tone that let her get away with anything, she was at a loss.


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