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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 328

Since Professor Fred’s passing, Emily had cloistered herself within the walls of his former hotel room, a recluse from the world outside.

Just yesterday, Julie had extended an invite to Emily, who politely declined, citing her imminent departure back to her homeland and the preparations it entailed. Thus, she excused herself from attending the evening’s gala.

Yet, to everyone's surprise, Emily made an appearance alongside Dr. Brice.

Julie welcomed her with open arms, "I'm so glad you could make it."

"Can I trust you all?" Emily’s voice was soft, her eyes, clear pools reflecting genuine curiosity.

Kieran, with a rare smile and his arm wrapped around Julie's waist, quipped, "If you didn't trust us, I doubt you'd be here tonight."

Julie gently tugged at Kieran's side and took Emily's hand, leading her to the sofa. She gestured to the gathered crowd, "Everyone, this is Emily..."

"Professor Fred's daughter," Kieran chimed in, smoothly bringing Dr. Brice into the fold, "and this is Sansa's attending physician, Dr. Brice."

Emily, shy in the face of the crowd, turned and addressed Julie directly, "Thank you all for the beautiful send-off you arranged for my father, and for your kindness to both of us during this time."

She looked towards Julien, "And thank you for rescuing me from those thugs."

Mr. Watson, a frequent visitor at Tranquil Care Hospital, was no stranger to Emily. Julien offered no response to her gratitude, but Mr. Watson, ever the charmer, laughed, "No need to be formal, darling. Whatever you need, just holler; Mr. Gentry here will move mountains for you - won't you, Harding?"

A silence fell, broken by Julien's sardonic retort, "Move mountains? I recall a headline about the 'bromance' between Mr. Watson and Mr. Harding. It seems it was more than just a rumor."

Daphne, mid-bite into a snack, whirled around excitedly, "Exactly! I've got screenshots of that article. They looked so in sync, right? Lord Lion, did you see it?"

Lionel, carefully peeling grapes for Daphne, nodded, "Yep, quite the pair."

Mr. Watson shot Lionel a glare, "Focus on your grapes. If it weren't for saving your lady last time, Harding and I wouldn't have ended up in handcuffs, thanks to that Tibetan Mastiff. But that's beside the point..."

Mr. Watson trailed off, realizing he was about to reveal too much about their subsequent escapade to get unlocked...

Hayden's icy gaze landed on Mr. Watson, and after a pause, he asked, "And what exactly is the point?"

"Nothing important," Mr. Watson quickly deflected, turning back to Emily. "What would you like, beautiful? Apple? Banana?"

"No, thank you," Emily declined, her liberal upbringing and previous encounters with Mr. Watson's tabloid tales making her all the more curious about the unspoken details.

Hayden's stare remained fixed on Mr. Watson, who awkwardly chuckled in response.

Then Harding, eager to shift attention, asked Julien and Hayden, "Since when have you been so openly protective of this woman?"

"Indeed!" Mr. Watson had a sudden epiphany, pointing at Julien and Hayden, "So, has the flirtation become official now?"

Julien, ignoring the banter, turned to Emily, "Is there something you need?"

Emily, having been impressed by Julien during their brief encounter, spoke up when the conversation turned to her, "I've come to inform Ms. Abraham and Mr. Hernandez that I've reconsidered leaving. I wish to finish what my father started."

Julie looked puzzled, "You mean..."

Emily clarified, "Mr. Hernandez was right. I'm here because I trust you. I want to honor my father's legacy and continue treating Miss Sansa."

"You plan to treat Sansa?" Harding stepped forward, skeptical.

At the doorway, Dylan, late to the soiree, overheard the conversation and approached Emily, "If I'm not mistaken, Miss Emily is quite the computer whiz, but her expertise in medicine..."

"This is..." Emily turned, puzzled by the newcomer.

"Dylan Pierson," Julie introduced.

"If Mr. Dylan has looked into my computing skills," Emily said, standing her ground in spite of her youth, "I'm sure he can also verify my medical studies."

Her presence was commanding, belying her years, as she faced the curious and skeptical gazes of the room.


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