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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 331

Before Julie and Kieran had even set foot in Noblewood Retreat, they had hashed out a plan for Camilla to take Phoebe and head back first. The reason for Phoebe's return was also because the doctor suggested more family interaction would be beneficial, and Kieran, along with Ivan, were blood relatives to Phoebe. Since Ivan was around the same age as Phoebe, his lively and cheerful nature could potentially help with Phoebe's condition.

However, Camilla, always poised and understanding, smiled and said, "I'm worried that Phoebe might not adjust well to suddenly being around so many people. He has some anxiety around crowds. The hotel is quite convenient for us right now, and whatever I need, Charles is always ready to help. I wouldn't want to impose on you and…"

Pausing, Camilla looked at Julie with a gentle smile, "I heard from Bertha that you used to go by Joyce. She always refers to you that way. Would it be okay if I called you Joyce too?"

Julie nodded with a smile, "Of course, it's just a name. You can call me whatever you like."

"You're as kind as she always said," Camilla remarked.

Julie wondered if she was as good a person as Bertha had described her. She couldn't help but remember Bertha's tragic leap from the rooftop, her body landing before Julie with a gruesome finality.

Bertha's last gaze carried an indecipherable meaning that Julie couldn't understand.

After a moment of silence, Julie finally spoke up, "Perhaps I'm not as good as Bertha described. Phoebe has just returned, and there's a lot he needs to get used to. Noblewood Retreat has plenty of staff. Maybe it would be better if you stayed with us."

"No need," Camilla said earnestly, every word thoughtfully considering Phoebe's well-being, "Staying in Noblewood Retreat with Phoebe might stir up gossip if the wrong people noticed. I want her to grow up in a healthy and positive environment."

Perhaps because Phoebe was brought up by her, Camilla was more like Phoebe's mother in terms of her feelings towards Phoebe.

Camilla's concerns were justified, as Lucian's whereabouts were unknown. To the outside world, Lucian was presumed dead.

Given the previous scandal between Bertha and Kieran, the public knew Kieran had a fiancée named Bertha. And if Camilla, who bore a resemblance to Bertha, moved into Noblewood Retreat with a child, the media would have a field day with the rumors, potentially harming Phoebe.

In the end, Kieran and Julie agreed to take Camilla and Phoebe to the hotel.

Kieran grabbed the luggage from the trunk, and they all prepared to head upstairs. Camilla led Phoebe into the elevator first. As Julie was about to follow, she realized she'd forgotten her phone.

Snatching the car keys from Kieran's hand, she said, "Wait, I left my phone. You're on the fourteenth floor, right? Go on up, and I'll catch up in a bit."

Kieran reached out to stop her, but the elevator doors had already closed, leaving him with the sight of her hustling back to the car.

He chuckled helplessly, and her scatterbrained nature hadn't changed a bit since childhood.

Julie retrieved her phone from the car. Noticing two unread messages, she opened them to find ultrasound images from Daphne, and the baby's shape was already discernible, curled up inside the womb, which brought a smile to Julie's face.

Absorbed in the images and replying to messages, Julie walked back towards the elevator, oblivious to the towering figure standing by the doors. It was only when she bumped into him that she came back to reality.

"I'm so sorry." she stammered, stepping back and looking up to apologize, only to recognize the familiar face.

"Rowan?" she asked, her voice soft and tinged with surprise.

Once she confirmed the man before she was indeed Rowan, she noticed that her clumsy encounter had caused his coffee to spill onto his white shirt, creating a stark stain.

She wondered why Rowan was here, then remembered this was the Cardinal Hotel. Rowan had close ties with the Jenkins family, whose empire included the Cardinal. It wasn't surprising he'd be staying here, but the chance encounter was unexpected.

Rowan towered over her, his gaze as icy as ever.

After a moment of silence, the elevator doors opened. Kleist, who was with Rowan, stepped inside and held the door.

Rowan, with his long strides, entered the elevator, still holding the coffee cup, looking as if the incident hadn't fazed him.

His deep voice echoed, "Aren't you coming?"

It was an invitation or perhaps a command, directed at Julie.

Caught off guard, Julie's instinct was to distance herself from this imposing figure, so she politely declined, "Please go ahead, and I'm not in a hurry."

Rowan chuckled softly, "Get in. We need to talk about how you're going to compensate me for this shirt."

Though Julie knew Rowan's shirt was undoubtedly expensive, she had Kieran to back her up. She responded with a rare confidence, "Mr. Rowan, name your price, and my husband will take care of it later?"


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