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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 354

Camilla felt like a discarded ragdoll as Julie unceremoniously dumped her onto the couch. Her head spun from the tears she had shed all day, the chilly breeze she had endured on the balcony, and now this rough landing courtesy of Julie. She felt battered and bewildered, especially since Julie had nonchalantly commented, “Geez, Camilla, you’re light as a feather. You gotta start eating more, girl. You’re so light, a stiff breeze could blow you away!”

Camilla's teary eyes scanned Julie, who wasn't exactly svelte herself. In fact, they were quite similar in size. How did Julie have such strength?

Eric, who had followed them inside, couldn't help but marvel, “Madam, you're incredibly strong!”

“Eh, nothing special!” Julie glanced at Camilla and chuckled back at Eric, “Back when I used to work at the diner, I'd be hauling sacks of potatoes and crates of drinks. This is nothing.”

Eric smiled and said, “Ma’am, you are the best!”

“It’s nothing.” Julie waved her hand, then she turned to comfort Camilla, “Camilla, don't be so hard on yourself. You're a wonderful gal, and you'll find someone even better. How about this? Kieran and I will stay here with you tonight.”

Turning to Kieran, she said, “Honey, you take the couch tonight, and I’ll bunk with Camilla.” Then she asked Camilla, “You don't mind squeeze with me for one night, do you?”

She was thinking that if she didn't stay with Camilla, who knew what trouble she might stir up. It was better to keep a close eye on her. And the reason for having Kieran sleep on the couch was that if Camilla had a meltdown in the middle of the night, Julie suspected she wouldn't be able to handle her alone. After all, a woman who just broke up is capable of anything...

As Julie was talking to Kieran, a cold glint flickered in Camilla's eyes.

Indeed, Kieran ended up on the couch, but it was hardly a fitting bed for Kieran's long legs, which looked comically mismatched on the small sofa. He had a restless night.

For Julie, it was no picnic either. Although Camilla slept soundly, unmoving in her bed, Julie felt as if she were lying next to a ticking time bomb, and it was a sleepless night for her.

The following morning, with the prospect of seeing Zenith, Julie rose early.

Fortunately, Camilla wasn't causing any trouble. She even apologized for the previous night, “I'm sorry, Joyce, I had a bit too much to drink last night. Did I cause you and Kieran any trouble?”

“No trouble at all,” Julie replied, holding back her true thoughts about how Camilla had been a handful.

As Kieran hung up from his call to Kyle, Camilla looked for a chance to apologize to him.

Julie, impatient, cut off Camilla before she could speak, “So? Where are Zenith and the bank guys meeting up?”

Kieran and Julie locked eyes, both oblivious to the fleeting smirk on Camilla's lips.

Shaking his head, Kieran said, “The intel was wrong. Zenith has changed his plans and isn’t coming to Edinburgh.”

“That's what Kyle said?” Julie frowned, a touch of disappointment in her voice, though she wasn’t entirely surprised. She had harbored doubts the night before, and Kyle’s call this morning had only confirmed her suspicions.

Kyle was deceiving them! But why?

Julie’s mind raced. They were supposed to leave the country yesterday, but Kyle had called out of the blue, claiming Zenith would be in Edinburgh, which forced them to stay another night. Could it be...

“Is Kyle trying to delay our return home?” she realized, looking at Kieran.

Clearly, Kieran had come to the same conclusion earlier.

Behind them, Camilla's eyes narrowed slightly.

After a moment's hesitation, she stepped forward, tugging Kieran’s sleeve, pretending to have overheard nothing, and asked in a low voice, “When are we going back home?”


A few hours later, their plane landed smoothly at the airport.

Kieran, with Julie and Camilla in tow, headed straight for Noblewood Retreat.

As soon as they arrived home, they found the entire villa abuzz with activity.

Even Shannon looked worried. Julie suddenly had a bad feeling.

Shannon rushed over as soon as she saw them, “What's happened?” Kieran asked her, “Where’s grandma?”

“She...” Shannon hesitated before saying with a furrowed brow and concern, “She’s been hospitalized.”

“Wasn’t she fine before we left? How come she's in the hospital now?” Julie asked anxiously, gripping Shannon's arm, “Grandma’s okay, right?”

“Amanda had a heart attack, the thing with age... old problems pop up,” Shannon sighed.


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