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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 355

Despite hearing from Julie that Hayden and Julien would be arriving shortly, Kieran didn't change his intention to go to the hospital. Julie roughly understood this as Kieran's concern for his grandmother's health, so she took out her phone and called Julien, telling him they were now heading to the hospital to see Amanda.

But when Kieran got to the hospital, the first thing he did was not to visit his grandmother's ward, but to drag Julie toward Sansa's room.

Julie was completely baffled. "We are visiting Sansa now?"

"No, we're here to see Kyle." Kieran said, gripping Julie's hand and pushing open the door to Sansa's room.

Kyle was sitting in front of Sansa's bed, busy with work on his laptop. Upon seeing Julie and Kieran, especially Kieran's expression, he had a hunch that they had come about Zenith.

"Sansa's been the same," Kyle said, removing his rimless glasses. Julie, used to seeing him with colored contacts, was still not quite accustomed to his striking blue eyes.

It always seemed surreal to Julie that Kyle and Rowan were brothers.

Although there had been some complications, Julie's current impression of Kyle was that of a gentle and well-mannered man.

Rowan, on the other hand, was deep and ruthless.

Julie looked at Kyle with a smile, about to speak, when Kieran's voice interrupted her, "We've just come back from Edinburgh. We wanted to return last night, but got held up by Mr. Kyle's false lead, so..."

Kyle put down his laptop. Couldn't Mr. Hernandez be a bit more subtle in his insinuations? So direct; he might as well just ask directly.

Even the usually naive Julie realized that Kieran had come to demand explanations. Why was he so certain Kyle was deceiving them?

Kyle coughed uncomfortably, stood up, and said, "I'm just the fall guy in this. Dr. Pierson pinned this on me; he told me what to say.”

He then took out the newspaper from yesterday and handed it to Kieran, "This is the paper he asked me to photograph and send to you."

The newspaper article discussed Zenith Group's potential partnership with a bank in Edinburgh, but it didn't mention that Zenith would be appearing.

"Dr. Pierson told me to inform you that Zenith would be descending upon Edinburgh today. The rest... I swear on Sansa’s name, I didn't know a thing."

Julie looked at Kyle, astonished by his swift betrayal. She tiptoed to look at the newspaper and asked Kyle, frowning, "You're saying Dr. Pierson told you to trick us? Why would he do that?"

Kyle spread his hands in resignation, "I don't know."

His expression seemed to say, I'm just the scapegoat, I don't know anything, don't ask me.

Kieran seemed to have gotten the answer he sought. He believed Kyle was telling the truth.

So he patted Kyle on the shoulder and said, "Next time, don't be an accomplice."

Kyle shrugged, he didn’t know what to say.

Julie followed Kieran out, just in time to hear him call Hayden, "Hayden, take QuadDylan."

Hearing Kieran use the word 'grab,' Hayden paused for a moment before laughing, "Take him to where?"

“Room number seven, on the fourth floor of the Tranquil Care Hospital.”

Julie recognized the location; wasn't that Amanda's room?

"Why are you bringing QuadDylan to Grandma's ward? She just got hospitalized for a heart condition. You're not planning to give her another scare, are you?" Julie asked, worried, though she didn’t fully understand Kieran's actions, she completely trusted him.

"Don't worry," he said, suddenly reaching out to ruffle her hair. "Amanda's tougher than she looks, not so easy to have another heart attack."

"But she did have a heart attack..." Julie muttered, slightly annoyed by the unnecessary head pat that left her flustered.

The man chuckled and took her hand, saying, "If grandma's condition was truly serious, to the point of fainting, do you think QuadDylan would go to such lengths to deceive me, intentionally delaying my return? Even if QuadDylan was unaware, this hospital is run by the Hardings. If grandma really did faint, do you think Harding, as the head of the hospital, wouldn't know? Wouldn't inform me?"

Kieran's words seemed to spark a revelation in Julie.

With the answer almost at the tip of her tongue, her eyes lit up, "So you are saying... QuadDylan knew about grandma's illness and still deceived you on purpose?"

The thought occurred to her that perhaps there was a scheme between QuadDylan and her grandmother.

As Julie was lost in thought, Hayden called Kieran. Julie could hear Hayden's voice bursting through the phone, "QuadDylan's off to Florida for a vacation."

"Vacation?" Kieran's lips curled into a smirk. "He sure picked a fine time."


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