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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 358

Although Amanda's plan was exposed and Lucian hadn't shown up at the agreed time, and even though she had spilled the beans to Kieran, for Amanda, it was a weight off her shoulders.

She gave Julie and Kieran the precise location of the villa and added with a note of caution, "Lucian didn't specify anything in particular, but he made it clear that Phoebe's situation must be kept under wraps from Camilla. I reckon Lucian is worried about Camilla taking it hard, given the bond she and Phoebe have forged over the years. Or maybe..."

Amanda didn’t continue, leaving her thoughts hanging in the air.

Seeing Amanda unwilling to elaborate, Kieran didn't press her. Instead, he took Julie by the hand and headed straight for the address Amanda had provided.

But when Julie and Kieran arrived in a flurry at the cottage, Phoebe, who was supposed to be inside, was nowhere to be found.

Kieran called Amanda to confirm the address.

Amanda was certain, "The kid should be right there. How could he just vanish?"

She turned to Basil and asked, "You did personally send him to the cottage, right?"

Without a doubt, Basil replied, "After delivering young Master Phoebe to the cottage, I followed Amanda's instructions and left Bolt in charge. Maybe you should ask the young master if he saw Bolt there?"

Amanda relayed to Kieran, "Where's Bolt? Lucian personally arranged for him to look after Phoebe. There shouldn't be any mistakes."

"Bolt's not here..." Kieran was cut off mid-sentence as Julien's voice suddenly rang out from inside, "Bolt's right here."

Kieran didn't bother explaining. He hung up and strode towards Julien's voice, finding Bolt lying on the cold floor.

Julien was about to check Bolt's pulse when Hayden swiftly pulled him back and took over, checking for any signs of life himself, since Bolt didn't appear to have any visible injuries.

Luckily, Bolt was just unconscious.

Dylan quipped with a sour tone, "Whoa, Hayden, aren’t you a tad possessive? Our lady assassin just wanted to check if he was alive, and you swoop in like a hawk protecting its chick."

Dylan must have been riled up by his handcuffs today, speaking without any filter.

Julien didn't take it to heart. Instead, Kieran consoled him with a pat on the shoulder and quipped, "Don’t get jealous because he’s not single anymore. You are better off as a lone wolf."

Julie had to admire Kieran's knack for teasing as he subtly called Dylan a lone wolf while suggesting Julien and Hayden were an ill-matched pair.

Dylan didn't mind being called a lone wolf by Kieran because it was the truth.

Dylan was pleased, "Yeah, why don't you two get hitched and show us how it's done? If you guys tie the knot, I won't even report you for flaunting it!"

Amidst their banter, Bolt came to. Seeing Kieran and Julie, he was overcome with relief.

"Young master? Ma'am?" Bolt was overjoyed.

"What happened?"

"Can you tell us what went down?" Kieran and Julie asked in unison.

"It was... Bruce..." Bolt clutched his back. He explained that he was following Amanda's orders to take care of young Master Phoebe, along with Basil.

The address had been left by Bruce, who had instructed that Phoebe must be brought here without fail.

Amanda had ordered that if Lucian or his people showed up at the villa, she was to be notified immediately.

Bruce arrived, polite as ever, urging Bolt to call Amanda straight away. Since he was from the main family, Bolt didn't think twice and reached for his phone to call Amanda.

But he never expected Bruce to strike from behind with a stun baton, knocking him out cold.

When he came to, it was to the current situation.

Julien, deep in thought, asked Bolt, "Are you sure it was Bruce who took you down?"

Bolt nodded confidently, "He zapped me from behind with a stun baton. I did try to fight back when I turned around, but... he was better."

Despite his many titles, Bolt knew there were always bigger fish.

"This just got interesting," Julien mused, arms crossed and eyes narrowing as she analyzed, "So Lucian avoids his own kin, sends Amanda to hide his son, then snatches the boy himself. Hmm, intriguing."

"I'll keep looking for Lucian's whereabouts," said Hayden to Kieran, then left with Julien.

Dylan, reminded of his handcuffs, lamented as he followed them out.

"Let's head back to the hospital," Kieran said nonchalantly, seemingly untroubled by Phoebe's actual disappearance, and led Julie out.

Bolt's car was parked outside. Still feeling a bit off from the electric shock, Bolt got a ride to the hospital from Kieran, who took the wheel.


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