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Love's Cunning Ruse novel Chapter 359

In the dank and musty room, the persistent drip-drip-drip of water echoed like the turning of a waterwheel, a relentless symphony of sound.

With a sudden 'whoosh', the tightly shut roller shutter was yanked open from the outside, flooding the pitch-black room with a blinding beam of light, revealing the scene within.

A towering figure, well over six feet tall, hung upside down from a hoist, head pointed towards the floor. Beneath his head lay a massive tank brimming with water, its recent overflow contributing to the surrounding dampness.

The inverted man's upper body was sodden, and his face, engorged with blood from the prolonged suspension, bore veins that stood out in stark relief.

At the door, a slender figure slowly approached the tank. A line of somberly dressed men stood in a row, bowing respectfully as the woman entered, greeting her in unison, "Miss!"

The woman was dressed in a pure white dress, her waist-length hair a cascade of midnight. Her face, devoid of makeup, radiated an innocent beauty, like the dream girl of every man's fantasy.

A gentle, tender smile played at the corners of her mouth as she stood before the man.

Her delicate fingers brushed softly against his contorted face, her voice filled with regret and softness, "Lucian, you've disappointed me greatly."

In the shadows, Lucian's gaze shone with the ferocity of an eagle, locking eyes with Camilla who stood before him. Despite his head swelling from the blood rush, he maintained a defiant sneer.

Camilla huffed, flicked her wrist, and with a subtle tilt of her chin, the hoist holding Lucian suddenly dropped, plunging his upper body into the water.

His wrists, twisted behind his back and bound tightly with rope, bore ghastly marks.

Filthy water rushed into his body from every orifice, leaving him unable to breathe, feeling as if he were dying and being reborn.

It seemed an eternity before Camilla finally raised her head, lifting him once more into the fresh air.

"Amanda..." Camilla sat in a chair that had been prepared earlier, her elegant legs crossed, idly toying with her manicured nails. She spoke with a meaningful tone, "That was an unexpected move. But was it worth it, sacrificing your life for your son's worthless one?"

Someone beside her was peeling an apple. She reached out, and the person immediately handed her the peeled fruit.

Turning slightly, she glanced at the person and plucked the paring knife from their hand.

As she toyed with the knife, she asked Lucian in a seemingly offhand manner, "When did you start entertaining thoughts of betraying me?"

Lucian remained silent. Suddenly, a sharp pain seared through his waist. Camilla had thrown the sharp blade, narrowly missing his body, leaving a cut from which he could feel the warm flow of blood seeping towards his armpits.

"Next time, it might not be just a cut..." She was interrupted by the ring of her phone.

Glancing at the caller ID, a tender smile graced her lips. She stood up, smoothing down her gown, and instructed someone to gag Lucian.

Forced to open his mouth to its limits, Lucian was stuffed with something, reduced to making muffled noises.

She answered the call, addressing Lucian, "I'll give you some time to ponder your answer."

With that, she answered the phone with a sweet, "Hello, Kieran?"

"Where are you?" Kieran asked, cutting straight to the chase.

"On my way to visit Amanda at the hospital..." she responded tenderly.

"Grandma's been discharged. Come straight back to the manor," Kieran said and ended the call.

Eric, who stood beside her, bowed his head low, "My apologies, sir. I lost track of Ms. Stewart."

Kieran waved a dismissive hand, "It's okay, you may go."

Amanda sat on the sofa, stewing in her frustration, her brow furrowed in concern from the hospital to the house, never easing.

Julie sat beside Amanda, trying to comfort her, "Grandma, Bolt said Phoebe was taken by Bruce, so he must be with Lucian now. No matter what, Phoebe is Lucian's flesh and blood. Don't worry, Lucian'll look after him."

"And how do you know Bruce won't betray Lucian?" Amanda's gaze cut sharply across, softening only when she inadvertently met Kieran's eyes, realizing she had been harsh with Julie.


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