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Lycan king's substitute breeder novel Chapter 78







I kicked down the door, and it almost fell to the floor. My eyes looked around and I saw Isabella lying on the floor, shivering tremendously.




"King Oregon," she whispered.




"What happened last night?" I yelled, growling.




"I can explain," she said shakily, as tears streamed down her face.




I walked towards her and noticed her growing more scared. I crouched low and whispered, "You better start explaining right now."




She told me everything that had happened. How she and my mother had conspired, and how they drugged me and Vivian. They wanted her to fall asleep, and then have sex with me after I would have taken the aphrodisiac.




"Let's go," I told her.




"Huh? Where are we going?" she asked, avoiding eye contact with me.




"Stand up!" I yelled, and she obeyed.




"Follow me," I told her. "And don't you dare ask me any questions!"




She nodded, and we left her room and went straight to my mother's room. I pushed the door open aggressively and she yelled in anger, "Who is that arrogant soul?"




When her eyes met mine, she smirked. "Oh, it's you. Well, at least I wasn't entirely wrong. You used to be arrogant. By the way, what brings you here and why did you bring Isabella? This is thrilling."




"She told me everything," I snapped.




"What?" she whispered, shaking her head.




Isabella sighed and looked at her. "He knows everything. The aphrodisiac wasn't strong enough. He overpowered me and I couldn't help but confess what happened."




"Mother, how could you do this to me?" Oregon yelled.




"Oh, shut up! Don't act like you're innocent and a good son. You're evil as well, just like your mother," she chuckled.




"What? I'm not like you, I will never be like you," I shouted, with fury.




"I guess you still don't know why I'm doing this. I'm trying to protect you," she said.




"By doing this? What if those sleeping pills affect Vivian? I should check on her," I said, and tried to leave.




"Don't bother. She isn't in her room," she said, and I turned to her immediately.




"What do you mean? How do you know that? What did you do to her, mother!" I couldn't stop shouting and the rage in me kept growing.




"Chill, son," she laughed. "She isn't in danger. By now, she must have met with her trainer, and they are probably training in the center."




I heaved a sigh and nodded. "I will go check on her now. I promise to get back at you, and you too," I said, pointing at Isabella who quickly looked away.




I was about to leave the room when my mother's statement stopped me in my tracks.




"You killed her parents…" she said.




My eyes narrowed as I turned to her. "What did you just say?"




Laura smirked, her eyes meeting mine. "I know who Vivian is. I know her real parents and everything about them. I was the one who helped her when she was still a baby by giving her to a friend who she knew as her mother, of course."




"You said something earlier!" I cut her off instantly. "What does that mean?"



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