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Lycan king's substitute breeder novel Chapter 79







The next day, I went to the training center as usual. When I got there, I didn't see Damien. I wondered what was keeping him; he was running late.




"I'm sorry that I'm late," I heard his voice and turned.




"It's fine," I said. "But why are you late though?"




"I live far away," he answered.




"How far?" I asked him, and he smiled.




"I live very far. In fact, I don't stay in this pack," he replied, and my eyes grew wide in shock.




"But why? I thought this was your pack," I said, and he chuckled, shaking his head.




"This isn't my pack. My sister just works here, that's why I come here most times. My mansion is in the neighboring pack," he replied.




"Wow. Do you stay in a mansion?" I asked.




"Of course," he nodded.




"Does that mean I hired a trainer for this job?" I chuckled.




"Well, probably. Anyway, let's start training. We've got a lot to do," he said.




"I agree," I said, and we both started training. We learned how to throw punches hard and dodge them. We also did a lot more for hours, and he kept nodding his head in satisfaction.




"You are really catching up, Vivian. In time, you will be able to do even better than me," he said, as he panted, then left me. I was panting as well, even more than he was.




I laughed and shook my head. "I doubt that. You are so perfect that I don't think I can win against you."




His left eyebrow went up, and he laughed briefly. "Anyway, let's take a break," he said, and opened his black bag. He brought out two bottles of water and handed one to me.




"Thank you," I whispered, as I collected it. I opened the cork immediately and started drinking it.




My eyes darted and caught Damien drinking the water. My hand went down involuntarily, and I pushed the remaining water in my mouth down my throat as I watched him drinking the water seductively.




As he drank the water, it kept dripping onto his dancing Adam's apple in his neck, and it felt like I was watching an advertisement. He was looking very handsome, almost like a model. Even the way he clutched onto the bottle made him feel more masculine, and I liked that.




Damien suddenly looked at me, and I turned away. "Are you alright?" he asked.




I laughed nervously and nodded. "Of course, you don't need to ask."




"Anyway, you should take a break, go and grab lunch. I'll be right back," he said, and tried to leave.




"Do you want to grab lunch too?" I asked, as we both went outside.




"Uh, not really," he replied.




"Aren't you hungry?" I asked.




"I am," he laughed, rubbing the back of his head.




"So, why aren't you going to eat?" I asked, and he suddenly stopped in his tracks and faced me. I also faced him, and we both looked at each other.




"You ask a lot of questions, you know," he smirked.




"Oh, I'm sorry about that... It's just..."




"Queen Laura asked me to come. She wants to speak with me," he answered.




"Why would she want to speak with you? Oops! I asked another question. I'm sorry for being annoyingly inquisitive," I said.


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